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Various women suddenly wake up one morning 9 months pregnant, and must deal with it. |
Various women suddenly wake up one morning 9 months pregnant, and must deal with it.
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
In this story, you will write stories of women who wake up one morning, only to discover they've somehow become 9 months pregnant overnight. Whether magical, scientific, or natural but accelerated, these women are about to have some very odd days ahead. Now for some rules.
1. All women who are pregnant must be at least 20 years of age. No exception.
2. The minimum size of the pregnancy is one. The maximum size of octuplets. Note that this only applies to STARTING sizes. If the stories includes the woman having more added, you can go past 8.
3. No sex scenes in the story. You can imply it happened off-screen, but otherwise keep it clean.
4. The women cannot give birth during the story. No matter where the story goes, they stay pregnant.
5. No other types of expansion besides pregnancy.
6. No disgusting scenes.
7. The women remember not being pregnant, but if other people do or not is up to you. Outside of memories, reality doesn't change, so these woman have to deal with clothes that don't fit, not fitting in cars, and in general not being used to being pregnant.
8. Rule I should have added: foul language is allowed, including f-bombs. Extreme slurs are not allowed, however, and I will delete them from a chapter if I see them.
And that's all. Have fun. |
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