Just as she said, your mother grabs you up startling you with her haste as she makes her way to take you to the facility. Stuffed into her shirt, your world shakes as your 3 inch tall body gets shuffled about awaiting the promise of getting cured.
Although muffled, your journey becomes your soundtrack as you shake about in her shirt, pressed tightly against her bra and breast flesh, shimmying around as you grab hold of the material of her bra trying not to get lost further inside against her waiting squishy breasts. This becomes difficult as she gets into her car, the starting of her engine being loud even inside the muffled environment pressed against your mother's breast. Each pothole is made known to you, mainly by how her breasts jiggle when she hits them, eventually making you lose grip and get sent tumbling further into her bra.
Before long, you end up pressed against her nipple, feeling it grow hard from your stimulation. Oblivious and focusing on her driving though your mother just ignores it and continues her drive to the facility, leaving you to get smothered by her breast and heavy growing nipple. Before long you don't even need to hold onto it as it squishes and presses your body flat inside the material of her hard working bra, struggling to contain her massive breasts as they continue to jiggle from her rather aggressive driving.
Time slows down as this rough treatment goes on, leaving you to lose track of time as you fight a losing battle with your mothers fat boob. This goes on for what seems to be forever for you, until you are left gasping for boob sweat-less fresh air, looking up from your crushed and smothered state at your giggling mother. "What are you doing in there silly...," she says before giggling again. Fresh air washes over you as her hand closes around you, pulling you from your previous prison as she gets out of her car and makes her way inside the facility.
Stepping inside, she is immediately greeted by a smiling woman just as tall as your mother. She seems rather professional and kind on the surface as your mother explains why you are there.
"Oh dear," the other woman says, "well my name is Penelope and we here at Shrinkee Solutions make good and well to take good care of our clients. We'll make quick work of your son and make sure to get him back to full size in no time at all."
Penelope says this with a grin as she leans down to look at your small reforming body resting in your mothers hand.
"Well I'm glad to hear that dear...," your mother replies looking down toward you with sympathetic eyes. "It just isn't the same with my dear son suffering the way he has been."
Penelope turns her head a little continuing her smile as she leans back up to look your mother in the face again, "I can understand that, I just can't imagine the turmoil these little guys have to go through day to day with this affliction." Penelope then holds her hand out before continuing, "Well then give the little guy here, you can fill out your forms, and then be on your way so we can give this little guy the help he deserves."
Your mother looks a little puzzled for a moment before speaking up, "Wait, can't I stay here with my son while he undergoes treatment? I can't bear to leave him here alone, it just doesn't seem right."
Penelope laughs a little, "Oh don't worry ma'am, we make sure to make the little ones quite comfortable here. And it's just kind of against protocol to have other people than patients going back into the facility, I'd love to let you, but it's just the way it works."
"Oh dear, well I guess that makes sense," your mother states before continuing, "Well I guess that is alright then, you be good for these nice ladies now dear." Your mother says this before dumping you into the other woman's giant palm before you can protest. You can't believe your mother gave up so easily, not continuing to question these people and their methods. The whole thing is unnerving, being handed off in your helpless state to complete strangers.
You're not given much time to actually think much further about any of this though, as your mother is then rushed through a series of forms before waving and saying goodbye to you. With all that over, you are left alone with this new stranger giantess, wondering what will happen now.
"Okay little guy, first things first, I guess we should give you a proper introduction to how we do things here at Shrinkee Solutions..." Her statement trails off as she stares down at you with her same old smile, although it slowly turns into something more insidious as her smile turns into more of an evil grin.