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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Animal · #2323994
Magic animal crackers impregnate women who eat them with animals.

Magic animal crackers impregnate women who eat them with animals.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
In the town of Galewood, Anna Cromwell is an 18-year-old high school senior. One day in October after school, she purchases a box of animal crackers from a pregnant woman.

Stages of Animal Cracker Pregnancy:

1. Feeling full despite only eating one
2. Rumbling stomach
3. Stomach ache
4. Pregnancy begins

Other facts

1. The pregnancies all last for nine months, no matter what animal they are. They are not permanent.
2. The animals born from animal cracker pregnancies are not like others. They possess human intellect and age like humans.
3. The animal crackers do not affect women under the age of 18, and have no affect on men at all.


Anna Cromwell. 18 years old. A senior in high school. Likes to wear crop tops (Galewood High's dress code is a bit more lenient) that reveal her outie belly button.

Patricia Cromwell. 38 years old. Single mother of Anna. A veterinarian. Chubby with a deep innie. Shares her daughter's love of crop tops.

Alex Jackson. 40 years old. A friend of Patricia and Anna's biological father. He and Patricia are nothing more than friends, but Patricia requested for him to help her become a mother. He visits his daughter whenever he can.

Holly Trent. 18 years old. One of Anna's best friends. A chipper girl who loves playing video games.

Lena Clooney. 18 years old. Another one of Anna's best friends. Shy and reclusive. She doesn’t speak up much, but she loves pandas.

Jessica Bourne. 18 years old. Another one of Anna's best friends. She’s quite vain and a little rude, but she cares about her friends. She has a crush on Oliver Maxwell, to her friends' annoyance.

Quincy Adams. 18 years old. The only guy in Anna's friend group. Studious and mature, and often gets teased for hanging around a group of girls.

Oliver Maxwell. 18 years old. Frequently bullies Quincy. He has a crush on Anna, who is put off by his jerk attitude.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2323994-Anna-and-the-Animal-Crackers