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Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Supernatural · #2321992
An adopted young 17 year old Nerd, unknowingly is the decedent of Dr. Henry Jekyll.

An adopted young 17 year old Nerd, unknowingly is the decedent of Dr. Henry Jekyll.

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The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
As the sun set upon the small town of OakRidge Virginia, Miles Hampton was already home from school for a few hours.

He was a typical 17-year-old high school student, except for one thing: he was an outcast. The other kids at his school made fun of him because he was shy and awkward. Not to mention the fact that everyone knew he was adopted. Making it all the more harder for him. As the bullies at school would say "even your real parents didn't want you". Miles didn't have many friends, his older sister Amelia was his only friend. She was the only one that cared about him.

Miles lived in OakRidge Adoption Agency facility until his adoptive parents adopted him at the age of 9.
His adoptive parents are Roger and Susan Hampton, they loved him unconditionally. They tried to get him to come out of his shell. However, it was Amelia who truly looked out for him. "You know, you should do what you love to do.....Drawing." Amelia told her little brother, she was older than him by 2 years.

"Yeah...I'm doing my art project for my final grade right now. I like it a lot." Miles said, he was always quiet and reserved. "Ok then, I'll leave you to your homework. But Mom should be calling us down for dinner soon." Amelia said leaving him alone, Miles nodded and went back to his homework

Miles birth parents were unknown. Even his adopted parents knew very little about who they were. All they knew was that Miles was left at the OakRidge Adoption Agency. They were told that Miles birth mother was a teenage runaway, and had no other choice but to leave him there. His birth parents had no records.
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