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Your family left for vacation and left you with your brothers let's hope nothing happens |
Your family left for vacation and left you with your brothers let's hope nothing happens
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
You are max a 17-year-old and one week your parents leave you with your brothers for the week while they go on vacation lets hope nothing happens
You are a 17-year-old boy named Max, 6,1 and the oldest of your three brothers you have a slim build like the rest of your family and tend to spend your time inside or with friends
Your Brothers
Gabe: The 3rd oldest at 13 loves to go outside and plays soccer tends to be a bit much sometimes and forgets about hygiene a lot (5,8)
Samual: The second youngest of the brothers at 10 doesn't like following the rules and likes to blame others and lie about simple things (5,2)
Liam: your youngest brother at 6 still isn't quite potty trained but is almost there he tends to be a brat crying and screaming to get his way and like to cause trouble for everyone but himself
Rules: No females are allowed sorry but don't like them to much, you can really write whatever but make sure to keep the story consistent that means make sure that the story doesn't branch out to the point its not even the same story anymore. sex and stuff like that is allowed go crazy with that lol. last thing no adding new characters to the story try to keep it the same 4 people |
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