Jeremy was wandering around campus when he spotted an intriguing poster pinned to one of the walls, "RESEARCH SUBJECT WANTED, Cash Reward For Chosen Participant, and extra credit for the class of your choice". Jeremy was a bit strapped for cash at the moment the prospect of extra credit in his classes was swaying his decision as he was failing a class or two.
Jeremy weighed his options and decided to take this opportunity, he noted down which building and room (Science Block, B-201) he was supposed to go to and made his way there, he was a bit curious what the research experiment was about since the poster didn't state it on the poster but he figured he would find out when he gets there.
Arriving at the Science block he made his way inside, he had never been to the science part of the University Campus before as he was majoring in software engineering but he was impressed with how much more advanced the technology in the facility were compared to his own classes. He arrived at the room B-201, a girl stormed out of the room as a scientist looking lady said "Sorry your just not the kind of person we are looking for with this experiment", she then looked towards Jeremy eyeing him up as if she was assessing him before smiling and saying, "are you here for the research opportunity?", Jeremy stuttered a bit but eventually formed his answer, "Yeah I am".
The Woman looked at him standing there and said, "Well come on in then I want to ask you a few questions to see if you are the correct candidate for this project", Jeremy followed the woman into the room looking at the high tech equipment around the room on his way in. "OK I want to ask you a few simple questions to get started" the woman said, Jeremy answered the questions to the best that he could, a lot of them were simple questions asking about him and his personal life but then there were a few harder questions about his education level and grades.
Throughout the interview process Jeremy noticed that the woman never stopped looking him up and down as if she was assessing his soul, he tried not to pay any attention to it but it was creepy. "OK, Jeremy that concludes our interview, I would first like to welcome you to the team as you have shown me that you are the ideal candidate for this project", the woman said to Jeremy. "Excuse me miss but I don't even know what the experiment is about yet", Jeremy responded to the woman who quickly responded by taking out some forms and saying, "Well the experiment is very sensitive so I need you to sign this NDA so you wont be able to steal the invention and sell it to the competition, the whole time I was interviewing you I was watching you closely to figure out if you were the type of person to work for the competition but you showed no signs of being that sort of person so that's why I picked you, the other candidates just didn't seem as trustworthy as you, so please sign these and we can show you the project", Jeremy grabbed the pen and signed the papers much to the scientists delight as she quickly called in another scientist.
A man in a lab coat came into the room, he was carrying metal brief case and locked the doors on his way in before shutting all the blinds in the room. "OK, this is Dr Cooper he is an engineer who has been creating a new type of technology with a company that must remain nameless for security reasons, he and myself have recently had a breakthrough and have invented something groundbreaking a set of glasses that can swap people's bodies", the woman said as Jeremy stared at her for a second before saying, "So let me get this straight you expect me to believe you have created a device that can swap peoples body's? This isn't science fiction this is reality that isn't possible". The woman looked at Jeremy clearly seeing the confusion on his face, "Look here I will show you" the woman said as she placed a pair of blue glasses on his head and then a pair of red ones on her head, "OK so once the glasses are on both participants heads you both press the buttons on your respective glasses and the switch will initiate, ready?", Jeremy pressed the button on his pair of glasses and the woman did the same and the world suddenly spun as he was all of a sudden looking at himself in front of him.
Jeremy looked at the person stood in front of him that looked just like him, "No, how is this possible, how am I stood in front of myself" he stated before he looked down at his body only to see two C cup breasts blocking his vision, he then recognized the lab coat he was now wearing, and to confirm his suspicion he reached his hand into his pants feeling an unfamiliar silk and lace pair of underwear as well as a definitely unfamiliar lack of a penis and instead he felt a smooth mound in its place with a slit between two silky folds, he felt a jolt of pleasure as he touched it that snapped him back to reality, "Oh my god, I... I just violated your body. I got lost in the moment, I'm so sorry,", Jeremy said all apologetic in his voice to which the woman responded, "It's OK, this is expected. I too would be grabbing the penis now attached to me if it was my first time but I already swapped with Dr cooper over there a few times during initial testing so I am use to the extra appendage now... Oh and by the way my name is Lucy, I completely forgot to tell you earlier during our interview, ha ha". Lucy responded.
Jeremy was still at a loss for words as he tried to balance on the heals he was now wearing which was especially hard as he wasn't use to all this weight on his chest and hips so he was sort of wobbling all over the place until Dr Cooper grabbed a chair and helped him sit down before speaking up, "OK so now that you have been introduced to the project I will go over the limits and rules of the glasses before I give you a test set and send you on your way", Jeremy looked at Dr cooper for a second before asking, "Test set, go on my way. What do you mean by that are you expecting me to take a set of glasses and leave with them?", Dr Cooper spoke up again, "Yes that is correct, I will be giving you a set of glasses, an earlier prototype that has been fitted with a tracker as well as a built in DNA Log so we can track who has been swapped and when they swapped. The DNA log is also fitted with a scanning feature so it will scan a digital copy of the person so we can identify who is who if something goes wrong, this Log will be backed up to our servers so we can go over the data as we see fit". Jeremy was still disoriented from the swap with Lucy but he now understood his role in this experiment and was sorta looking forward to all the possibilities it could hold. "OK now Jeremy as I stated the set we will be giving you is an older prototype so it can only swap an individual once every 3 hours, anyone else can use this device during those 3 hours but you wont be able to swap back until 3 hours after you use it", Dr cooper said which caused Jeremy to panic, "What do you mean 3 hours, am I going to be stuck in Lucy's body for 3 hours? I have things to do I cant be stuck in this body", Dr Cooper expected this response so he calmed him down by saying, "The set you and Lucy used are a more perfected device so we can swap you back in about 10 minutes as that set has a 30 minute cool-down which is just enough time for me to give you the rundown I just gave you and hand you your own set of glasses.", as Dr cooper finished he put a different metal brief case down in front of Jeremy, "now I am going to leave the room and come back in, 'he checked his watch'... 7 minutes to swap you and my lovely research assistant back to normal".
Dr Cooper left the room leaving you and Lucy alone, she looked at you the same way she looked at you during the interview which was even creepier coming from your own body, she eventually spoke: "So aren't you curious about my body, you haven't done anything since the initial confusion of the swap, Dr Cooper wouldn't stop groping and playing with my chest so I am surprised is all". Jeremy quickly looked down and then back at Lucy, "I guess it's because I want to be respectful if I am going to be working closely I don't want things to be awkward between us because I was a perv in your body", Lucy smiled and said, "Thank you, I will be respectful with your body too for the next 5 minutes I have it... I am actually a student here same as you, in fact, I am not much older than you at 19 years old so maybe we could go out for a drink or hang out sometime", Jeremy wasn't used to being asked out but smiled and said, "I would like that but isn't it supposed to be the guy who asks out the girl, haha", Lucy was quick to shoot back with, "Well I am a guy currently and I asked out the only girl in this room", they both started laughing for a while and chatted back and forth for a few minutes before Dr Cooper came back in and said, "OK please put on your glasses as you two are free to swap back now". They both pressed the button and the world spun for a second before they both were looking at each other again just this time in the correct body.
Jeremy was handed the briefcase with his set of glasses in it and told to be responsible with it but if something was to happen to the glasses i.e break he could just get in touch with them either in person or via the phone number on the briefcase and they will use a different set to swap everyone back to normal if needed. He waved goodbye and just as he was about to leave Lucy ran up to him, "I put my phone number in your phone while we were swapped so why don't you just hit me up and we can go out some time", she then kissed him on the cheek before he walked away.
Dr Cooper looked at Lucy before saying, "Will you stop trying to date our test subjects, don't think I didn't know that the reason you turned away most of the female applicants was because you can't date them", they both laughed as they started packing away all the equipment for the night before leaving for home.
Jeremy left the University to head home for the night thinking about how cool this device was and all the fun he was going to have with it.  | Members who added to this interactive story also contributed to these: |