Abby decided with the tourists coming in soon that prepping and opening the Shack is what she should focus on, plus while she apricates their intentions she wants to prove that one morning worth of work won't put her out of commission.
"Alright girls we should head out and open for today."
Abby tells Susan and Carmen who seemed eager as well, even Holly came downstairs already changed in a simple comfy outfit clearly excited to help. But before you all can go Abby wonders just what to do with Vincent who was still insisting on not telling anyone his plans for the day. She worries about her adorable boy.
"Vincey sweetie wanna come with us to the Shack, after lunch I will take you to wherever you wanna go."
She promise trying her best not to sound patronizing but by his expression and crossed arms it seemed she failed.
"No Mom I am not a kid I can be by myself!"
He insists and just when Abby was gonna cave in and agree letting her son make his own decision a flat open hand come raining down and flattens him. The person then quickly peels him off the table and stuffs him in their back pocket.
"That sounds swell mama, me and Vince would love to come with you guys and help!"
Holly says in her usual sweet voice as she pats her shorts pocket where her brother is being kept nice and safe. Abby sighs but wont press this, it is for the best Vincent was gonna just get into some kind of trouble left alone. Who knows he may even had been squashed or something, she is glad Holly put him nice and snug in her back pocket.
Inside Holly's pocket Vincent was a perfectly flat smear trapped between denim and the swell of her perky ass, his pain was only overshadowed by his rage and embarrassment.
"Damn it Holly you can't just do this!"
He roars internally, his nice suit ruined and torn around him. His world now a compressed prison that bounces with every step his energetic sister makes.
Outside of Holly's pocket in the kitchen the other siblings do not protest at their brother's treatment, Dorothy gently places Harold in her shirt....making sure Claire saw she was being careful with him. Placing him perfectly in the center of her pale plentiful cleavage, Harry seemed all too pleased with his arrangement.
"Well thanks for the breakfast Ms.Caspond but me and Harry need to open the comic shop."
She says as she heads out the door, giving Holly a hug that no doubt smooshed Harry some. Claire simply sighed and grabbed her coat.
"Need to check in at the office today, will see you tonight."
She says with a wave of her hand, she stuffs her phone in her back pocket and puts her badge inside her coat. With confident swaying hips Claire heads out on the clock as an Enforcer.
"Well girls looks like it's gonna be us and Holly today."
Carmen says amused and adds.
"Actually we got a couple stowaways with us too."
She adds laughing indicating to the son turned bra, mysterious beach hunk turned thong and annoying stubborn brother pancaked in his sisters pocket. All four women plus three formed and squished tinies leave and lock the house heading to Abby's open air jeep. Susan and Carmen leave their cars on the curbside and climb into yours, the dark green jeep with no top cover and windows down was perfect for this hot weather.
Once you all were on the highway the cool winds felt perfect and soon the pleasant and familiar aroma of salt ocean drifts down. Abby was driving excited to start a new summer season and open up the Shack, Holly was in the shotgun to your right playing music from her phone, singing along with the latest pop hit with Carmen that annoyed Susan. Susan was in the back double checking stock emails making sure they should be good for the first week and Carmen was chilling, leaned back and letting the sun drip down on her. The girls were enjoying this early start on summer...the guys however.
While Susan was seated down in the back seat around her wide hips Chazz was in utter agony as he has been forced to be wrapped around the love crazed surfer's monstrous hips for nearly eight hours now, moist and musky his usually handsome face was stretched and plunged deep in Susan's tanned cheeks. But Chazz was not one to give up hope so easily, he was feeling horrible and wanted this situation he found himself in (at no fault of his own) to end. But the spoiled and cocky tiny had no doubt any minute now he will get out of this. But saying that this was a bad scenario that even he was not used to, he has been worn before by many people...what can he say everyone what's a piece of Chazz...but this old surfer lady was immense. His body has never been tested like this before.
"Well Chazz old boy you are in it now.."
He thought to himself replaying yesterdays events, Susan Prior was at the beach counting stock at the Surf Shack prepping for todays opening and Chazz was there being well....Chazz. You see teasing Ms. Prior has been a fun game he has been doing the last couple months, telling her things like,
"Oh Ms. Prior I almost confused you with one of those co-eds down here for summer."
Or another.
"No Ms. Prior your ass is not fat in fact it's a work of art that any tiny would be happy to be near."
You know normal stuff, stuff he did not mean but he bet his friends that he could warm her up enough to get the old lady to pay for some things he wanted. Chazz being the only son in the Callahan family did not need anyone to buy him anything but it was the game that he liked. But for some reason when he was complimenting her ass and kept saying yes to whatever she was yapping about he soon found himself stripped, flattened and folded into a thong that was still too small for the largest ass in town. He spent a whole night under her as she wore him to sleep and still felt like he was being stretched.
"Don't know how this happened but Chazz always come out on top.."
He thought with more confidence anyone in his position should. In the same car but wrapped around Carmen's chest that was currently sapping up solar rays and oozing sweat her dear son groaned in agony.
"A B minus.."
Nick whimpered in his mind as he was forced to absorb gallons of sweat and feel the full hefty weight of his mother's two mighty flesh mountains all around him.
"All I got was a B minus and I loose my first week of summer.."
He reflected miserably, hoping that Stacy his girlfriend did not hear about this. As his mother stretched both arms up and brought them down the simple movement causing his whole world to bounce and jiggle adding to his workload an amount of weight he could not even guess his whimper turned into a wheezing groan as the temp-bra son wondered how long a week will feel like this.
Abby was completely unware of the utter suffering happening in her car as she felt this was a perfect start to a great summer, she was even singing off tune with Carmen and Holly. Your daughter dancing in her seat each movement crushing Vince who was still in her pocket. He was vibrating in pure rage.
Twenty minutes and a few hit songs later you all pull into the Shack, "Abby's Surf Shack" had an old looking wooden sign above that hung on two hinges, it did not light up and was hard to see from the highway. People come to the beach so big flashy signs are not needed, just a small little cozy place they can come in buy some grub and refreshments and rent some boards. Nothing fancy or big. Unlocking the door and turning on the lights Abby takes a moment to apricate this place she and Harold built together, behind the counter next to the first dollar earned she had framed and a picture of all the children when they were much smaller(well the girls at least, the boys are the same size) was Abby and Harold when they opened the place up years ago. Abby was a perky young blonde right out of college, posing in a tight fitting bikini. Most would not even notice Harold due to his size and how distracting Abby's assets were but if you looked close you can see a speck on her shoulder.
After taking a minute to remember and enjoy the old days Abby checked the clock and it looked like it would soon be ten, that's when foot traffic would be coming and those not grilling themselves would come in with hungry bellies and open wallets. Behind the counter was a small tucked away kitchen with a few fryers, a big stove top and not much else. Beach grub was fries, onion rings, dogs and burgers easy to make and the customer can eat it out and about. You had three tables inside for sit ins and the other half of the room was the board rental space, surfboards were on the walls for decoration and completing the vibe.
Abby loved her small place and how simple it was, not at all like Cassandra Callahan's monolith anyone can see down the shore line, a huge spire of metal and neon down the beach. It was well over three times the size of the shack and offered much and more services, too many in Abby's opinion that ruin the vibe of a day at the beach. She loved her old bestie from school and is glad she is back but yeesh her taste was so tacky.
Well as Abby was setting things up she notices Holly chatting with Susan, Susan was sitting on a table and seeing her plump ass barely covered by the tan formed bikini bottom Abby was reminded the promise she made with Claire. Abby loved and trusted Susan but maybe double checking who her current "lover" is might be a good idea.
But also seeing Holly seated there she is reminded about her adorable son who is probably bored out of his mind safe in his sister's pocket.
But should she really focus on any of this with lunch rush so near?
What should Abby do before opening the Shack?
1. Asks Holly to take out her brother and see if he would want to help for the day.
2. Decides to confront Susan and see if she will be more open about who her new wardrobe addition is.
3. Before Abby opens up Cassandra Callahan comes swaying into the Shack.