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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Drama · #2312762
A group of girls find out they all have the same boyfriend and want to get revenge on him.

A group of girls find out they all have the same boyfriend and want to get revenge on him.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Here are the characters:

Ethan (18): With tousled brown hair and a charming smile, Ethan exudes a casual confidence. He dresses in a laid-back yet stylish manner, always looking effortlessly cool. A charismatic womanizer, Ethan thrives on attention and loves the thrill of dating multiple girls simultaneously. He's skilled at navigating social circles and has an air of mystery that draws people in.

Sophia (18): Sophia possesses a classic beauty with her long, flowing blonde hair and striking blue eyes. She carries herself with grace, and her style is a mix of elegance and modern fashion. Initially infatuated with Ethan, Sophia is a hopeless romantic. She's kind-hearted, trusting, and often puts others' needs before her own. Her gentle nature hides a vulnerability that becomes evident as the story unfolds.

Ava (18):Ava's edgy and rebellious look features dark, short hair and an array of tattoos and piercings. She dresses in bold, alternative fashion that reflects her independent spirit. A fiery and passionate individual, Ava doesn't shy away from confrontation. She's fiercely protective of her friends and doesn't take betrayal lightly. Ethan's actions have triggered a side of Ava that is determined to get even.

Olivia (18): Olivia is the epitome of the girl-next-door, with her warm brown eyes, a contagious smile, and a perpetually optimistic aura. Her style is comfortable and approachable. Despite experiencing heartbreak, Olivia remains resilient and hopeful. She values friendship and seeks to mend the bonds that have been strained. Her journey involves self-discovery and learning to trust again.

Luna (18): Luna stands out with her unconventional style, featuring dark clothing, mystical accessories, and intricate tattoos. Her piercing gaze and enigmatic aura give her an otherworldly presence. The "weird girl" with a fascination for witchcraft, Luna is mysterious and introspective. She possesses a unique perspective on life and is drawn to the mystical and unexplained. Luna becomes a key player in unraveling the story's supernatural elements.

Ethan had been dating Ava, Olivia, and Sophia all at the same time but eventually they all find out. They want to find a way to seek revenge against him, so they consult Luna, who is known for being weird and into witchcraft. The rest is up to you.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2312762-Get-Him-Back-Growth-AP-TG-TFs-etc