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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · #2308134
A deck of Tarot cards that can grant wishes, but each wish comes with a catch!

A deck of Tarot cards that can grant wishes, but each wish comes with a catch!

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
You are a member of the Harper family who finds a deck of tarot cards that can grant wishes. All you have to do is make a wish, then draw a card. Depending on the card drawn, there will be a different catch associated with the wish. The deck will always contain all of the cards, it is impossible to try and only carry one around. The cards are as follows:

0 - The Fool: The wish will be granted, no strings attached.

I - The Magician: The wish will be doubled. For instance, if you wish for someone to gain 100 pounds, they'll gain 200 pounds, and if you wish for someone to change gender, the nearest person to them will also change gender.

II - The High Priestess: The person being wished on will have their age cut in half. If no one is wished on, the person making the wish will be de-aged instead.

III - The Empress: If the person making the wish is male, they will become female. If they are already female, they will become more feminine.

IV - The Emperor: If the person making the wish is female, they will become male. If they are already male, they will become more masculine.

V - The Hierophant: The person being wished on will become 10 years older. If there is no one being wished on, the person making the wish will become older instead.

VI - The Lovers: The wish will effect both the wisher and the person being wished on. If the person wishes on themselves, the person closest to them will be effected.

VII - The Chariot: The person being wished on will gain 100 pounds. If there is no one being wished on, the person making the wish will gain weight instead.

VIII - Strength: The person being wished on will transform into an animal in some way, If there is no one being wished on, the one making the wish will be transformed.

IX - The Hermit: The person being wished on will have their intelligence cut in half, if no one is being wished on, the one making the wish will be affected instead.

X - The Wheel of Fortune: The wish will be reversed. For instance, if you wish to become popular, you will become unpopular instead.

XI - Justice: The wish will be granted in a positive way. For instance, if you wish for someone to gain weight, everyone will love them at that size.

XII - The Hanged Man: The person being wished on will believe that nothing has changed about them, as if they were always the way they were wished.

XIII - Death: The person making the wish will lose all memory of the cards and the cards will be sent somewhere else.

XIV - Temperance: The wish will not effect the person being wished on, and will effect the one making the wish instead.

XV - The Devil: The wish will be permanent, meaning it cannot be undone in any way, even by another wish.

XVI - The Tower: The wish will be granted in a negative way. For instance, if you wish to become rich, your wealth will come at a great cost.

XVII - The Star: The person being wished on will transform into a form matching their truest self. If there is no one being wished on, the person making the wish will be transformed instead.

XVIII - The Moon: The person being wished on will become a werewolf during a full moon, if there is no one being wished on, the person making the wish will be effected.

XIIX - The Sun: The person being wished on will gain some form of supernatural ability, if there is no one being wished on, the person making the wish will be affected instead.

XX - Judgement: If the wish is positive in nature, this card will act like Justice, granting it in a positive way. If the wish is negative, the card will act like Temperance, affecting the wisher instead.

XXI - The World: The wish will effect everyone on the planet.

The members of the Harper Family are as follows:

Elliot Harper, 18: An average teenage boy, who enjoys video games, is on his school's track team, and has a small, but loyal group of friends. He has short brown hair, brown eyes, and a medium build.

Ellen Harper, 18: Elliot's twin sister, similar to how Elliot is an average teenage boy, she's an average teenage girl. She has long brown hair that she often wears in a ponytail, brown eyes, and an average build.

Lily Harper, 8: Elliot and Ellen's younger sister, she is the epitome of a "girly girl", she loves pink, ponies, and Disney Princesses. She has long blonde hair that she usually wears in pigtails, blue eyes, and a slim build.

Martha Harper, 38: The mother of the Harpers, she is a loving, but somewhat stern mother. She has blonde hair that is starting to go gray, brown eyes, and is slightly overweight.

Feel free to add your own characters. No real rules except keep the powers of the cards consistent, and don't end the story no matter what.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2308134-The-Tarot-of-Transformation