Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2303340-Tiny-Tim
Rated: GC · Interactive · Adult · #2303340
You will be following the story of tiny but durable Tim throughout his life.

You will be following the story of tiny but durable Tim throughout his life.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Let's get this over with:
This story is set in the extremely awesome tiny/squishy universe created by Hectic, Kentwolf, Alistair, phantomstriker & NeoPhoenixStriker
Here are some other really good stories written within this universe:
"A Shrunken Son" by NeoPhoenixStriker (https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2299624-A-Shrunken-Son)
"A Shrunken Intern" by Alistair (https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2241680-A-Shrunken-Intern...)
"A Squishy Teen" by Kentwolf (https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1975029-A-Squishy-Teen)
"A Shrunken Roommate" by phantomstriker (https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2240540-A-Shrunken-Roomma...)

Some Rules so this story doesn't resolve in anarchy:

1. This is also my first story ever, so you might be patient with my writing.

2. I will try to check the Grammar and search for any typos. If you want to add chapters to this interactive, be sure to do the same.

3. If you list any Sizes in this interactive, please do our fellow non Americans the favor and use the Metric System. Literally everyone besides Americans use this. (Hope i don't scare the Americans away with this)

4. No Sexual stuff with underage characters. If you do this then you are a scumbag and should be removed from this Platform. (Seriously please get help if you do this)

5. No Sexual Interactions between male characters. This is just my personal preference, i am certain there are other good squishy stories involving male interactions.

6. This story is written in second person (you, your, etc.) Please keep it that way. However, if you want to write a bit from someone else's perspective, third person can work for that when needed.
(Copied that rule from "A shrunken Roommate")

7. The main protagonist must not die.

I think thats about it, just be decent human beings when writing a chapter please :)


Tim Gibbson (You) - The main protagonist
You are 22 years old. Just the usual nice guy, being super helpful and outgoing. Due to your size, you are still living with your family in an old multi-family sandstone house built around the 1800s. You had just started a Job working in internal IT at a local IT company.
Your life would be going wonderful if it weren't for the small fact that you are only 20cm tall. By sheer bad luck or your own naiveness you had often ended up in pretty miserable situations. If it weren't for your squishy but nearly unkillable anatomy you would have died severeal times.

Serena Gibbson (Your Sister)
19 years old, black long straightened colored hair, blue eyes, around 1,69m tall, a bit chubby (by far not fat!). Like most of your family, she won the genetic lottery and looks stunning.
She is very kind and caring to you, however likes to play some pranks from time to time. You two have a really good relationship. If it weren't for her, you would probably already be trapped under someones ass or used as clothing. You two are living in the same room since you don't need much space anyway.
She recently started an apprenticeship as a tailor. She is very skilled in her craftsmanship.
Growing up with you she became accustomed to some of your hobbies like playing online games and watching anime. She also does Cosplay.

John Gibbson (Your Father)
Allthough having the same condition as you, given his age, he has much more experience in avoiding dangerous situations. He works in IT as well, but he is mostly on business trips. When he is around though, you two get together well and often share a laugh. He gave you many many tips on how to avoid being squished.

Ellen Gibbson (Your Mother)
Hazel Brown hair, blue eyes, 41 but still going strong. Your Mother stays home most of the time, taking care of the household. She can be clumsy sometimes, but she loves your family. When you used to be younger, she was very overprotective of you, given your squishy nature. Now she is more relaxed about your condition. So much, she occaisonally requested your special help in some situations, which mostly ended with you stuck in unpleasant situations.

Felicia Smith (Your childhood friend)
This dark blonde haired beauty has been one of your closest friends since you were just a kid. With 1,78m height she is on the larger side for women. Doing sport regularly is giving her a fit body, but she got quite the hefty boobs. She is 22 as well, and you two went to school together. Her Hobbies are drawing and singing. Because she knows you for so long, she is very easy around you. Often she will flirt with you for fun. But for now nothing serious has come out of it.You and her are part of a bigger friend group from your neighborhood.

Lara Reeves (One of your colleagues from work)
She is a smart blonde nerdy but outgoing girl who also works in IT in your department. At work you mostly spend time with her doing all tasks together. She is pretty direct and logical. Best thing is she is extremely sarcastic. Up to a point where even you sometimes don't know if she's serious or not.

I probably will add more characters in the future, but i think these are enough to start our journey.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2303340-Tiny-Tim