"Crap, I forgot." Kira started, throwing them all for a loop with its suddenness. "I forgot that I have to go to a sleepover at Courtney's tonight. So you better hurry up and find a way to reverse this before then." She said to her sister as she sat down on the bed next to her.
Not wanting to go to his sister's sleepover, Josh nodded his head feeling his now longer hair hitting his neck with each movement. "Jenny, I really don't want to go." He paused at hearing what Kira usually called Jenn coming out of his mouth. "Did I just call you Jenny?" He asked trying to see if he'd heard it right.
Jenn nodded her head then looked over at Kira. "What about you?" She asked, trying to get a response out of her sister turned boyfriend.
Chuckling at the situation that she tended to do, Kira looked back at Jenn. "What are you talking about baby-girl?" She also froze at hearing what was coming out of her mouth. "Why did I call you that?" Kira asked, trying to get an answer and turned to Josh who was also gobsmacked at the whole situation.
"Calm down." Jenn commanded in a soothing voice. "I will figure out what I can do to fix this, but in the mean time I think its best if you both live the lives that you're currently in." She looked at the both of them as they nodded in agreement. "The last thing that we need is to have one of you get admitted to the psych ward because you're claiming to be another person. Just calm down and let me figure out this book so that we can get you both back to normal."
They both nodded their heads but soon the sound of something vibrating soon filled the error. "Whoa." Josh exclaimed as he brought his hands to his back pocket to grab Kira's phone that had an incoming message. Pulling out the phone, Josh tried to open it and found the image of a finger print at the bottom of the screen. Putting his finger on the image, he looked with wonder as the screen unlocked at he could read the message to himself. 'Its from Courtney.' He thought to himself. 'Mom is ordering pizza now and wants you to catch a ride with my brother.' He read to himself. "Uh, Jenny. I think we might have a problem." He held up the phone so that she could read the text.
Watching her eyes move as she read the text, Josh put the phone down so that they could talk it over. "I can drop you and Kira off at your house. That way Kira won't have to worry about getting a ticket while she's you." Hearing this, both Josh and Jenn could see Kira deflate a little knowing that she wasn't going to be allowed to drive his car. "Oh you'll get over it." She said to Kira.
While they were talking, Josh pulled out Kira's phone once more to get a look at his situation. Going through the previous texts, Josh could see that all the texts were what Kira had sent. Pulling up the camera, he next switch the direction to see what he looked like. He already knew that he had Kira's hair, height, and clothes to go along with her life that he was currently forced to live. Pulling up the camera app, he pulled it up to see his face. "Great." He grumbled looking at Kira's face looking back at him through the phone screen.
Hearing Josh grumble at the latest predicament, both Kira and Jenn looked over at Josh, who put down the phone that he was holding up to get a look at himself. "What?" Kira asked trying to see if something else had changed to go along with everything else.
Feeling his cheeks getting warm with embarrassment, Josh took a quick picture of them and showed them the resulting image. "This is what I was grumbling about."
Jenn grabbed the phone to see her and Josh sitting on the bed looking at the camera. "Well, yeah." Jenn said as she gave the phone back to him. "If you see Kira's reflection in the mirror, I think you would see the same in a photograph." Hearing this, Josh felt like he's been lectured by Jenn for something that he didn't know in school. "Anyway, I'm going to go help you pack for the sleep over and Kira is going to stay in here since we can't have a 'man' in your room helping you." She brought up her hands to help emphasize man as she continued on. "I will drop you and Kira off at your house under the assumption that I will be borrowing the car for a couple days. Kira said she will stay in your room for the time being and since you know your sister, it shouldn't be too much trouble for you. How does that sound?" She asked as Josh looked like he'd been thrown for a loop.
Knowing he didn't have much choice in the matter, Josh agreed. "Fine, but you better find a way to fix this Jenny." He followed Jenn into Kira's room to get everything ready.