This choice: It's the day that Cass is arriving for a summer modeling stay at your house! • Go Back...Chapter #3Aunt Cass' Unforgettable Summer Stay by: matthias  (Chapter originally written by PhoenixStriker)
Before your brain could even finish putting the pieces together, the front doorbell rang. Your sister's smug smirk only grew as she claimed some sort of mental victory over you, before she sauntered away to answer the door. Your mother, too, leapt for joy and raced out of the room. You shimmied down from the kitchen table and raced into the living room, arriving just as the front door was swinging open.
Your mother met whoever the mystery guest was in an overwhelming bear hug, briefly blocking your view, but a mane of light-blonde hair and shockingly visible curves even around your gargantuanly proportioned mother already served as good context clues.
All at once, the pieces clicked in your mind.
About two months ago, Cass had excitedly called your mom to exclaim about a modeling offer that she'd been extended. The offering was from Vivid Video, a photo and film company that produced print and digital advertisements for high-profile clients. The studio was known for their top-tier production quality, the gorgeous sets (and sometimes real-life locations), and the seemingly infinite number of unbelievably gorgeous women they employed as models. Nowadays, one could hardly watch an hour of television or internet videos without at least two or three ads produced by Vivid Video.
You knew that your aunt was semi-famous out in California for her modeling, but Vivid Video was a huge step up in the modeling world. According to Cass, Vivid Video had framed its invitation as a request for talented women across the country to meet up in one place for the photo shoot of a lifetime. The expectation would be that the brand deals and name recognition that would be launched from this shoot would set each of the models who agreed with income and fame for life.
Cass had only had two hesitations. Her first was trying to find a place to stay if she accepted the invite, to which Lauren offered your house without a second thought. Cass' second hesitation was that she'd be leaving her modeling friends and co-workers from California, and having to work alongside fresh faces and brand new people. Cass certainly had the extroverted confidence to make friends, but she always felt more at ease with her typical stable of friends. She was also (in your opinion, truly absurdly) concerned that her steadily increasing age might make her shine less than the other women in the shoot.
And yet, seeing her standing before you made it abundantly clear that she'd chosen to accept the offer. And, judging by the two heavy suitcases in the doorway behind her, she'd clearly made good on her joke about just staying for the entire summer. It looked to you like Cass was going to be here for the next three months at least, which was both an exciting and...downright terrifying prospect.
You loved your aunt Cass, a lot. She was, genuinely, the nicest and most considerate giantess in your close circle. Obviously, you loved Mari with all your heart, but even your girlfriend could have her bad moods, or jump to some sort of misunderstanding (usually thanks to a prank by Jenna). Cass, on the other hand, was fairly attentive, observant, careful, and empathetic, far than most women you knew. Her mind was sharp, and she felt sick with worry whenever she found tinies in trouble (especially if she discovered that she was the trouble). In theory, she was the best guardian a tiny guy like you could wish for.
In theory.
Because, for some impossible reason, there was not a single woman in your life you'd spent more time crushed by, more times squashed and stretched by, more times worn by, and more times obliviously tortured by than Cass. Whether it was the machinations of Jenna, or (more frequently) the most ludicrous twists of cruel fate, you could barely spend a minute around Cass without ending up under her, usually for hours. For each good day you had around Cass, you had ten bad ones. You hated to admit it, but you could genuinely describe your aunt's generous assets in more detail than her smiling face.
What was worse was how much Jenna had your aunt wrapped around her finger. For some reason, Cass believed Jenna to be an angelic saint, a perfect girl incapable of any wrong. Your aunt loved you too, but her stern nature came out any time you ever tried to point the finger at Jenna. Jenna could squish you flat and throw you under Cass' butt right in front of Cass, and somehow your aunt would still come out of it believing Jenna blameless. It was infuriating, and made it that much easier for Jenna to get your monstrously thicc aunt to squash the life out of you.
It was going to be a rough three months, wasn't it?
Moving past her older sister, Cass took a few more steps into the living room. She paused to give Jenna a tight hug, and then Jenna and her hefted the suitcases inside. While they did that, you took in the sight of your aunt.
Considering her typical modeling attire, Cass was dressed fairly conservatively, clad in a flowing white blouse and a dark, floral-patterned skirt. It was a testament to her unstoppable curves, then, that she still looked exceptionally provocative even in the chaste attire. Her huge chest swelled and strained against her blouse, and her magnanimous derriere thrust out around her hips and thighs like a weapon of mass destruction. Each swishing step she took into your house pulled at her skirt, revealing a bit more of her creamy, tanned cheeks underneath.
You cringed, and forcibly stopped staring at your aunt and her unintentional display. She was, of course, a gorgeous woman and easily the highest tier of curvaceous you'd ever seen in your life, but entire days of your life spent crushed under those curves had long since instilled a fear of them into you. However, in turning away, you somehow forgot that she was clomping straight towards you, her flip-flop clad feet stomping closer and closer.
It surprised you, then, when Cass stopped short, her gigantic and pristinely smooth feet right in front of your face, toes wriggling. You slowly glanced up, and found Cass beaming down at you, her warm alluring smile on full display (even if part of her face was cut off by the shelf-like presence of her breasts).
"Ah! There's my little nephew!" Cass grinned. "It's been so long, Matt!"
You gulped, a bit nervous. "Uh...yep. It's...uh...nice to see you, Aunt Cass."
Cass chuckled. "Please, Matt, you can just call me 'Cass'. I'm really looking forward to spending these months with you, Jenna, and my sis." Cass tapped her chin. "I didn't really see you much last visit, huh?"
You shrugged. "Let's hope to change that, I guess!"
Cass grinned, and the easy innocence on her face belayed the horror of what you'd gone through on her previous visit that had led to her 'not seeing you much'. She'd stopped by for a week about six months ago, and you'd been eager to tell her about the part-time job you'd just landed, working as a handyman at the local convenience store (entailing mostly fixing things in small spaces). However, mere minutes after arriving, Cass had kicked your tiny body across the room while distracted talking to Lauren, and you'd landed in a basket of fresh bath towels and rags. Before you could free yourself, Lauren had taken you into the upstairs bathroom, and Cass had entered a minute later eager for a shower. Without spotting you, she'd squished you to a wash cloth, rubbed you all over her body, and you peeled off under her left armpit...where you remained crushed out of sight for her whole week stay, only being 'saved' by Jenna before Cass left (as Jenna had seen you right after Cass' shower and was more than happy to sit back and watch).
Just then, Cass was about to say something else to you, when Lauren asked her something about her suitcase. turning to her sister, Cass took an unconscious step forward, her shoe hovering right above you. Your eyes went wide, and you cried out, dashing to the side to avoid the impending crash of her foot.
However, remembering her tiny little nephew had been standing right under her, Cass subconsciously adjusted her step to slap her foot down a few inches to the side, confident it would safely miss her nephew. Of course, it would have, had that new spot not been the exact place you'd just sprinted to to avoid being crushed.
Unceremoniously, your body splattered out into paste under Cass' sole, the woman's full hefty weight squeezing down on you. You groaned in discomfort as your body was forced face-first into the dirt-speckled sole of the flip-flop. Thankfully, your torment didn't last too long, as Cass soon kicked her flip-flops off and took a seat on the couch beside Lauren and Jenna. You were left to slowly pick yourself free and reform. From the couch, Jenna caught a glimpse of your squished body and stifled a laugh. She was more than ready to make the most of these coming three months.
Meanwhile, Lauren was bouncing with excitement. "So, Cass, welcome to your gorgeous summer home here in Oakland! Obviously, you'll be sharing Matt's bedroom with him. It's not like my little boy needs that full bed to himself, so we'll take your suitcases up there!"
Cass nodded at Lauren's words, while Jenna's smirk grew. You, of course, didn't like that plan, but clearly you didn't have a say.
Lauren continued. "But, otherwise...what do you wanna do, sis?" She beamed.
You peeled yourself free and reformed right as Cass opened her mouth to speak...but what does she say?
1) "I've actually got some work, sis, but I'd love for Matt to come with!" - Cass has her first Vivid Video photo shoot in two hours, and she'd love nothing more than to bring her favorite tiny nephew with her to work.
2) "I'm a bit gross from the plane ride, sis. I think I'll grab a quick shower and nap first." - Cass is heading upstairs to shower and sleep for a bit. How will fate/Jenna throw you into the mix?
3) *Writer's Choice*  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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