This choice: She wants to stay inside with everyone and play some board games. • Go Back...Chapter #3A Twisted Competition by: matthias  (Chapter originally written by PhoenixStriker)
"From past experience, I know that all of us here can get a bit...competitive." Jenna laughed, prompting an equal round of giggles and nods from everyone present, yourself included. "So, in that spirit, I thought maybe we could have a few rounds of old-fashioned board game competition! The winner of each round gets a special reward, and the one who wins the most rewards can make any demand that they want, and it HAS to be met!"
Lauren grinned from ear-to-ear. "Oh, that sounds like such a wonderful idea, dear!"
Rio nodded in acknowledgment. "It long as everyone else here is good with losing to me."
Mari bumped her mom's hip. "Smack talk already, mom? Who says I'm not gonna win?"
Ashley bounced up and down with excitement. "Oh my god, this is gonna be so awesome! Just...please no really tricky games? I'm not great at those."
You caught your sisters eye, and raised a hesitant eyebrow. "It sounds like a fun plan, Jenna. Pretty chill, too."
From the way a malicious glint gleamed in your sister's eye, you knew your hopes of a calm family day were all but shot. "Oh, trust me, Matt." Jenna said with a barely contained smile. "It might get a bit crazier than you'd think."
With the plan of action seemingly decided, Mari set you down on the living room table, and then headed upstairs with Jenna and Ashley to fetch the board games from the attic. Alone with the mothers, you struck up a casual conversation with Rio, asking about how her gym business was going. Rio, always kind to you, responded pleasantly. The minutes passed by uneventfully, save for your mother propping her feet up on the table without looking, and burying you under her heel. Rio, as usual, watched your mother's obliviousness without speaking up, but you saw her flash a quick, impressed smile as you managed to wiggle yourself free after a few moments.
Ten minutes later, and the trio of giantesses returned from their mission, each bearing a hefty stack of board games and party games. Immediately, out of all of the options, the one that caught your eye was the one right at the top of Jenna's stack of games: Twister. An unsettling feeling began to well up in the pit of your stomach. You had many, many terrible memories of Twister throughout your childhood. Surely, Jenna wouldn't be so cruel as to--
"OH! Twister! My favorite!" Lauren shouted with glee, hopping up from the couch.
Jenna smiled. "Guess you've chosen the first game, mom." She looked at you, her nice smile morphing into a smirk. "Should be fun!"
The women began hastily rearranging the space in the living room, clearing an opening for the extra-large Twister mat to go. In a blind rush to start playing, Lauren jerked the table aside, the sudden shift in movement catching you off guard. With a pithy cry of surprise, you were launched from the table, landing in a sprawled heap on the plush carpeted floor.
Before you had even a second to reorient yourself, a titanic toe crunched down on your head, squashing it flat. The weight shoved you down into the carpeting, smearing your face into the darkness. You thrashed and flailed with the rest of your unflattened body, smacking your arms into the soft skin of the toe squeezing the life out of your noggin, seemingly to no avail.
Just then, the toe crushing your head lifted, only to instantly slam back down again. It raised up, dragging your crushed head with it, then slammed down, squashing a bit more of your body that folded into the gap created by it lifting up in the first place. As it raised and lowered, more and more of your body was gobbled up underneath it, like the world's most twisted version of Hungry Hungry Hippos. After just mere seconds, your entire tiny form was dragged beneath the toe and squished into a flat blob, and yet the giant toe just kept slapping up and down again and again.
Meanwhile, Ashley continued to tap her toes along to an imaginary beat in her head, hardly containing her excitement for the upcoming game of Twister. For the briefest of seconds, she thought she felt something squishy under her left big toe, but then the feeling was gone, replaced purely with the soft carpet floor. Disregarding the thought (as she always did with any complex thoughts), Ashley kept on tapping her toes. The rest of the women, sans Jenna, were just finishing up moving the furniture.
Jenna wasn't pitching it, because she was too busy containing her laughter at watching your flailing body be dragged under Ashley's toe and reduced to a pulpy smear. As funny as it was, though, she had far more plans for you to lose you this early.
"Ash, look down." Jenna said cheekily. Ashley stopped her tapping, frowned in an innocent manner, and glanced down, obviously seeing nothing. Jenna smirked. "Check under your toe, dork."
Ashley delicately lifted her foot and looked under her toe, instantly spotting you. Thankfully, despite how crushed you were, you were just more discernible than not, and even the colossally intellectually-challenged Ashley recognized you.
She put a hand to her mouth. "Oh, gosh! Sorry, cutie!" She said, quickly peeling you free from her toe and letting you reform in her hand. "I didn't even feel you, Matt. Sorry!"
As you reformed, Lauren and Mari spread out the play mat, and Jenna prepared the electronic spinner. This was a newer version of Twister, which allowed the participants to type their names into the machine ahead of time, and then the electronic spinner would both shout their name to indicate their turn, and also tell them their color space and body part to move. It basically streamlined the whole experience, and allowed easier play for everyone involved.
However, even as you reformed, you could've sworn you saw Jenna type something weird into the machine when it asked for player names. Maybe you just didn't see her enter it clearly.
Regardless, it was finally time to start the game, so Ashley set you down (not before giving you a quick good-luck wink). As one, all six of you stepped onto the placement in a separate space from one another, creating a healthy amount of distance that would surely not last long. Everyone also took a quick second to limber up and get in a few last second smack talk taunts and confident boasts.
Jenna cleared her throat. "Alright, rules are simple. Last one standing wins. If you fall over, you're out. All clear?" Everyone nodded, though you took note that Jenna didn't make eye contact with you. Finally, Jenna hit the start button on the electronic spinner, and the Twister contest began.
"JENNA. RIGHT FOOT GREEN." The machine droned. Your sister easily slid her foot over a small space. "RIO. LEFT FOOT YELLOW." Rio also easily followed the instructions of the machine. "LAUREN. LEFT HAND BLUE." Your mom cried out in excitement to take her first turn, and demonstrated her confidence by lunging far across the mat to slap her hand down on a blue space. Rio and Jenna cheered for her.
As she did so, she brought herself directly over top of you, her shadow washing over you. You gulped, staring up at the towering form of your mother, nearly a pitch-black silhouette due to blocking out the living room lights. Her gigantic chest was straining her top, and her breasts were nearly spilling out. Her close proximity to you immediately set you on edge, and you hastily looked away in an effort to not think about it.
"MARI. LEFT HAND RED." The machine continued, and your girlfriend played it safe by just squatting and dropping her hand onto the space right beside her.
"PLAYER FIVE. RIGHT FOOT YELLOW." The machine announced, and the strange wording prompting confusion from everyone.
Ashley bit her lip. "Player five? Is that me?"
Jenna shook her head. "No, I definitely entered all of our names. Maybe it glitched?"
"ASHLEY. LEFT FOOT YELLOW." The machine said, heedless to the conversation that had taken place. It wouldn't stop for anything, and would, in fact, just get faster as each round passed. Ashley shrieked, and launched into motion, not wanting to fall behind.
At the same time, you realized that the machine was referring to you when it said 'PLAYER FIVE', so you took your shot and raced over to the nearest yellow space...right as Ashley chose the same yellow space to stomp her foot down onto. You lunged for safety with a surprising display of good reflexes, narrowly avoiding Ashley's foot. However, before you celebrated your victory, you happened to look straight up at the cataclysmic sight of Ashley's mammoth booty hovering above you. Nearly all of her creamy cheeks were on displaying thanks to her innocently scandalous micro shorts, and it was intimidating as all hell.
In fact, it was this moment that it dawned on you just how dangerous this game was to someone like you. Of course, it always had been, even as a child, but that had just been with Jenna and Lauren. Now Mari, Rio, and Ashley were thrown into the mix? Did you have any chance of surviving all of this?
All of the previous happened in mere seconds, granting Jenna a chance to speak up. "I guess the machine has a bug. Let's just ignore that whole 'player five' thing." She suggested, a hint of a satisfied smile on her face that only widened as the other four giantesses nodded solemnly, each of them in pure focused mode.
Now you understood Jenna's cruelty. She was trying to get everyone else to forget about you, probably to make it easier for you to be crushed and humiliated unknowingly. You shot your sister a dirty look, and steeled yourself. She thought she could cheat you out of the winning prize AND get you squished? Not on your life.
The game continues... | Members who added to this interactive story also contributed to these: |