(Chapter originally written by worstfailure)
"Don't worry, Ash!" Jenna said as she pulled on a rubber glove and let it go with a loud SNAP! "I've gotcha covered."
Jenna pulled out a white plastic bottle that fit in the palm of her hand. Ashley saw it had, like, an eyedropper thingy at the end, but with the blue-gloved fingers of her bestie around it, Ashley couldn't make out the label.
"It's lubricant," Jenna explained. "I bought it along with some other stuff. Just a Matt will slide out easily. He'll be out of your butt in no time."
"Oh... I mean--Yay!"
Ashley tried and failed to conceal her disappointment. She hadn't expected sadness to be her reaction to your impending freedom, but she knew the happy, giggly feeling she'd been experiencing for the past 40 minutes would go away as soon as you did. It was, like, super considerate of you to keep making her feel so good even when you were in a situation that was, like, uber gross. Ashley would never be able to handle something like that, but you were a true gentleman. Not for the first time, Ashley wondered why Mari had to get you first? She knew Ash had totally called dibs on you! Ashley knew if she ever got the chance she could totes make your cute lil self way happier. Not that, like, she'd do anything to purposefully get in between you two... but if you ever gave her a signal Ashley would leap on it in a nanosecond.
Little did Ashley know, but her tiny crush wasn't going anywhere. There was a reason Jenna wasn't showing off the label. It was because what Jenna had bought wasn't lubricant like she said. Instead, it was the hottest new product sponsored by the CTC: Tiny TattGlu!
Using this protective, non-toxic substance, unaffected could coat tinies with it and stick them anywhere on their bodies as living tattoos. A much less permanent alternative to just using actual ink to tattoo tinies on a person or the expensive laser treatments that some weirdos went in for in order to fuse tinies into their flesh. Plus, it offered others perks. The substance allowed for tinies to retain full use of their senses, which was great because it wouldn't be any fun for Jenna if you weren't aware of your mortifying surroundings! It also allowed for limited movement, with the substance hardening to a rubbery, transparent membrane that clung to tinies like a second skin, allowing them to "move" as much as a person with a tattoo on their arm could make it "dance" by flexing. And judging from the furious blush on Ashley's face, she figured her friend would appreciate if you could still wriggle around a bit. It wasn't like you'd ever be able to break free of the membrane anyway. It was too tough to break free of. Unless you had the necessary solvent for unaffected to apply whenever they wanted to remove their tiny tattoo... or alter the tiny's design to something cooler.
Jenna didn't think highly of the CTC, but she had to admit, they made great pranking supplies. When Ashley had texted her what happened, Jenna had laughed so hard that she couldn't breathe. She'd known something would go wrong if she left you two alone but never in her wildest dreams could she imagine something this perfect would happen! She knew you must be going through hell right now... but there was absolutely no way she could resist screwing with you like this! It was a once in a lifetime opportunity! Besides, she had the solvent. She'd apply it... in a few weeks.
"Alright," Jenna said, applying a dollop of the TattGlu to the end of an extra long Q-Tip. "Bend over."
You felt Ashley bend over and hold open her cheeks for Jenna. You'd been able to reform partially in the confined space, like a half-inflated balloon version of yourself. Behind you, the horrid orifice opened, your feet slid inside so now your entire body was in Ashley's asshole, a Q-tip shoving them in. You prayed Jenna would, for once in her life, have mercy on you. Surely even this was too far for her. But having heard the talk of lubricant, you half-feared Jenna would use it to slide you further up her best friend's bowels.
A cool gel-like substance was on the end of the Q-tip and applied to your body, with your naturally absorbent skin soaking it up. As gross as it felt, you'd take it if it meant being free of this even grosser prison. Soon your half-formed body was covered head to toe, the icky goop permeating your skin and falling around the surrounding "floor" of Ashley's rectum. You expected now that you'd been lubed up, Jenna would either use the Q-tip to propel you further into the depths, or, hopefully, press down to pull you free. Instead your sister did neither.
"Alright, Matt, you're all lubed up. Grab hold and I'll pull you out."
You heard your sister's voice and grumbled. You tried to turn over and raise an arm to grab on... but you couldn't. The substance that was coating your body had gone from cool and slick to hardened in seconds. It felt like a thin membrane was clinging to you like a second skin, yet it was hard as steel with the elasticity of rubber. You could only move slightly before the membrane reached it's max and would pull your limbs back into place, "snapping" them against the floor of Ashley's insides.
What the hell?! This isn't lubricant! It's like varnish!
"Come on, Matt," Jenna said in a chastising tone, but you could hear the smug smile in her voice. "Quit fooling around. Grab on."
"I can feel him moving," Ashley said, biting her lower lip to keep from moaning again, even if she couldn't keep herself from blushing furiously at feeling you.
"Huh," Jenna said, pretending to sound perplexed. "If he can move then he should be able to grab on. Maybe... he doesn't want to leave yet?"
"REALLY?!" Ashley asked, her voice so excitedly high-pitched it bordered on only being able to be heard by dogs. "I... I mean... he can stay if he wants to," she said, trying and failing to sound casual while smiling like a maniac.
"Well," Jenna pretended to consider, "the lube is long lasting. Up to three weeks I think. Technically he should be able to leave whenever he wants. Hear that, Matt?" Jenna called loudly. "Ashley's willing to let you... bum around!"
Jenna and Ashley laughed at her horrible joke and you kicked and punched and screamed in anger, but your efforts didn't help you break free and only caused Ashley to blush deeper. Jenna removed the Q-tip and Ashley pulled up her underwear and pants, sealing you completely in the foul darkness of her most private hole.
"You wanna grab something to eat?" Jenna asked, unusually loudly. "There's a new Mexican place I've been dying to try."
"S-s-sure thing, b-b-bestie," Ashley panted, only half hearing her because your movements had suddenly doubled in intensity after Jenna's statement. Ashley felt the giggly, tingling, happy feeling shoot through her entire body. She was on cloud nine as she followed her friend out of the changing room, the dozens of articles of clothes she'd tried on completely forgotten.
Ashley had loved the Mexican feast Jenna had treated her to. It was a "Thank You" for letting her brother stick around for a while. Honestly, the pleasure was, like, totes all Ashley's! She didn't know why you'd chosen to stay, maybe you were having just as much fun as she was, but she wasn't going to question her good luck. And all the delicious, spicy food had given her fresh inspiration for some dishes she'd like to try out in the future. Though she'd have to remember to eat in moderation next time, because her tummy had been grumbling and now she was paying the price for her overindulgence.
But Ashley wasn't paying anywhere near as horrible a price as you were.
Another hurricane force blast of flatulence washed over your body. The inexplicable substance Jenna had applied to you unfortunately did not protect you from the horrors of Ashley's digestive system. Her winds seared your skin and stung your eyes, making them water. Your nostrils and mouth were forced to breathe in the pungent foulness. All around you you heard the far off gurgles and growls from further along before distant rumblings approached like an incoming train and the next eruption of methane crashed into you, poisoning your body!
At first, Ashley had been apologetic when she unleashed a blast on you, but, still believing you could get out at any time you wanted due to Jenna's lube story, when you'd remained inside her and wriggling, Ashley had taken that to be your signal that you didn't mind.
"Aww, Matty," Ashley giggled. "Thanks for not shaming a gal for a natural bodily function. Ooh," she said, clutching her bloated stomach. "Speaking of, thanks in advance for being a trooper about this next one, cutie."
The foul smell was even worse and more powerful than the first had been and you'd struggled again, punching the walls of your environment before the membrane reached its limit and pulled your flailing limbs back into the initial spot your sister had stuck you to. Unfortunately, even the lightest movement was felt by Ashley, who, for once in her life, could not forget where you were if she tried. Especially not when the internal massages you provided her caused her to feel flushed all over her body.
Now that she was in bed, you'd hear her moans and giggle as she slept.
With no small amount of despair, you finally acknowledged that you weren't going anywhere. The best you could do was pray Jenna was kidding about keeping you here for 3 weeks.
Unable to stop yourself from flailing in anger, Ashley smiled in her sleep, clutched the covers and whispered your name.
What happens next?
Choice 1) Three weeks pass and Jenna applies the solvent to free you.
Choice 2) Writer's Choice