You continue down the right tunnel, following the sound of water, your curiosity just barely winning the war in your mind against your fear. The heat from the torch being your main defense against the cool air of the tunnel.
As you continue down the cave, it starts to get narrower the deeper you go down. Before it was thrice your height. Now it’s twice your height. Then just about your height. You need to crouch just a bit to keep from bumping your head. Then the cave suddenly ends in a wall, with only a small hole in the ground as a means of continuing on.
You look behind you and see you’ve gone too far to turn back now. It was probably night time by now. It was likely better to keep going and see if there was another exit on this end, or at least a place to sleep through the night. The hole looked just big enough for you to fit through anyway.
First, though, you drop your torch in the hole, just to see what’s in it and how deep the drop is. The torch lands with a *crick* on the ground, lighting up the floor beneath. It seemed about a ten foot drop, maybe a bit more. You could manage that if you went feet first.
So, you sit on the edge of the hole, your feet dangling into the dimly lit chamber below. Then with a push, your butt slips into the hole, then your stomach, then-
You get stuck. Cursing to yourself, you can already tell the problem. Your cursed breasts once again caused you a problem with their immense size. Attracting the lustful stares of men you didn’t care about, and the jealous ire of women you would’ve like to attract. Now these stupid things are getting you stuck in caves. No matter, your arms are still free, so you use your hands to try and squeeze and shimmy your way the vital few inches that would get you to slip through. And soon-
“OW!” you yell. You rub your bruised behind with one hand and your squished breasts with the other. But your other hand doesn’t feel the fabric of your t-shirt, instead just smooth skin. You look down and see your own cleavage and your unaligned bra, no shirt in sight. Then you look up and see the black garment stuck on the edge of the hole. You sigh, as there’s no way your five foot body could jump up to reach it.
Well, at least there was no one to see you topless in here. You get up, pick up your torch, and continue on your adventure, still stewing your resentment of your boobs.
Eventually, your detour finally pays off as you find…