There was no way you'd purposely stay on the floor after that show of power. The only wise option would be to hitch a ride to your high school, where everyone would be sitting down, and you'd be able to easily secure some attention.
Closely inspecting the backpack revealed some vital information: Cierra loved the color pink, and the littlest pocket could easily be reached by climbing the stuffed frog hanging off the zipper. The frog was soft and easy to grab, and within minutes you'd managed to climb to the barely open zipper and slide into the pocket. You landed roughly on a discarded calculator before tumbling down to the bottom of the bag.
Now all that's left was to wait for Cierra to get you to school. How long would that take? Well, school started at 8:00 am, so she'd have to leave at least half an hour before that. An idea formed in your head. With all your strength, you pried the lid off the calculator and slammed the "on" button. A couple more button presses and voilà! The time was 7:15 am. You have about ten minutes before she'd be coming for the backpack, so you might as well take a quick nap. You were exhausted from the jog across the room, and you'd probably need your strength later.
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"Where am I?" All around you was an intense fog, shielding the environment from prying eyes like your own. "Hello? Is anyone out there?"
No response.
With no plan or direction, you begin to wander. Blindly you stumble through the cloud, looking for a sign of anyone or anything. After what feels like ages, you smash into something... soft. As you feel it, trying to discover its true nature, it rears up, throwing you back. A sound like bones cracking emanates from the cloth monster, and the fog begins to float away. Siting there, not inches away from your legs, was a massive, pink...
Sock puppet?
Before you can react, it snaps forward and grabs your legs in its mouth. The two plastic eyes lock onto you, and you feel the five slender fingers within its grip harder on you. The puppet drags your screaming form through the air, and your eyes can hardly comprehend what sits before you: A massive set of teeth, contained within two shiny pink lips. The mouth opens and a crackle of laughter fills your ears. The largest tongue you've ever seen comes out and licks over your face. "Don't do this," you scream to it. "I'm a person too!"
The mouth laughs again. "Not anymore. Maybe you were a person once, but now you're nothing more than a snack." The mouth opens all the way, and the sock puppet tosses you in.
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Your eyes snap open. Your face is plastered to a cold, hard ground, and you're covered in a cold sweat. Just a dream, you think to yourself. But my God was that realistic. I wonder if it's a side effect of the magic apple.
Before you can ponder any longer, the ground begins to shake. You lift your head up in time to see a blue flip flop hit the ground next to you. "Oh shit! I must have fell out of her bag!"
When did this happen?