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by Danny
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · #2293487
A peasant women is given an artifact with the power to shrink and explore giantesses

A peasant women is given an artifact with the power to shrink and explore giantesses

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Long ago, in the outer slums of the Kingdom of Regalia, there lived a lonely commoner named Tulip. Tulip was too small and frail to handle the harsh labor expected of peasants like herself and only survived by excelling at running and hiding. As such, she was reduced to begging for scraps off the street just to make ends meet. However, one day a cloaked disciple of the Chaos Goddess Disar hands her a medallion with the power to shrink herself and others and seal their size within the medallion. Tulip, both amazed and terrified by this newfound power, desires to meet one of the most powerful women in the kingdom and explore the artifact's abilities.

Victoria, High Queen of Regalia – A tall, wise ruler who commands with absolute authority. She can act coldly at times but respects power and knowledge.

Wendy, Witch of the Warped Woodlands – A mysterious Afro-Latino spellslinger whose knowledge about the arcane arts is unparalleled. She is rumored to also sell magical artifacts, potions, and curses for the right price. Not much else is known about her personally.

Gordana, Legendary Amazon Warrior – A 10 ft tall hero from an island tribe of amazon warrior women. Her statuesque figure and sculpted muscles combined with a confident attitude makes her the ideal champion amongst champions. Despite her fame, she prefers the company of commoners because they’re more receptive to her overbearing friendliness and lack of manners. She’s currently staying at a nearby inn.

Poppet, Princess of Thieves – A collector of the most valuable treasures from inside and outside the Kingdom of Regalia. This sly rogue is always looking to add another shiny and powerful trinket to her hoard. She loves being adored and worshipped by others when showing off in front of others. Her hideout lies through an underground series of tunnels and traps.

Sunspark, Radiant Lord of Fairies – A shining guardian for all the magical creatures of the forest. Her duty is to maintain order throughout the Fae Wilds, but, like most Fae, she's still a trickster at heart and loves playing pranks on mortals who trespass her land. However, she is not a bad person and will still help people after she's had her fun.

Size scenarios and sexy hijinks will ensue, but will Tulip make the right choices and find happiness or will both her story and life end tragically?

NO underage characters
NO incest
NO scat/watersports
I reserve the right to edit or delete nonsensical chapters
Writing other giantesses or male giants ARE allowed
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2293487-The-Peasants-Shrinking-Medallion