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Rated: XGC · Interactive · Erotica · #2292367
A tiny man of about three inches tries to make the best of life in a city apartment block.

A tiny man of about three inches tries to make the best of life in a city apartment block.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
You've been living in the Calaban Tower block your whole life. It might as well be your world - you've never had any reason to leave it. You're even named after it. Calaban, Cal for short. 

That might seem strange to a normal person, but then, you're not a normal person at all. You're a tiny.

Your species is very rare, but as far as you know there are others who live outside the tower block... not that you've ever seen any of these outsiders. No time, or need, to seek them out. Instead, you spend your days hiding in the walls of the huge humans, stealing their food, sometimes eavesdropping on their lives, but always staying well out of sight. Secrecy is key. If you aren't careful, you'll be spotted, and god knows what'll happen to you if you are.

Lucky for you, you've got some advantages. You've hard to spot, very durable, you're proportionately a bit faster and stronger than a human would be at this size, and you've got 25 years of experience. But that won't help you when a giant human has you in his grasp, so it's best to be careful.

         -This isn't a shrinking/growing story; Cal has always been tiny and always will be. That size can't change. He's somewhere between 3 and 4 inches.
         -Chapters should maintain continuity within their path. If Cal has been found by a human called Mike, his name shouldn't suddenly be Andy in the next chapter, or something. If Mike the human is a stockbroker, he isn't also an NBA star.
         -This is mostly a gay story, so giants should almost always be male. I'm not totally against a woman giant/tiny being part of the story, but they must always be part of a couple. For instance, Cal could be caught by a husband and wife, or Cal could have a friend who lives in the building with him that happens to be female. However, any sexual interaction must involve a giant man.
         -Virtually anything else goes sexually. If I feel it's crossed a line, I'll delete it, but I will inform you of that decision and my reasons. I doubt it will happen often.
         -That said, sex is by no means a necessity in this story. If you want a more platonic relationship or you want to explore unaware scenarios, that's great! I really enjoy a developing giant/tiny relationship.
         -Cal can die and storylines can end, but try to avoid killing him gratuitously. If you do want to kill him, then give other writers an "out" if someone else wants to continue the story path (either 'Cal survived' or the story could follow a friend of Cal's who lives in the building).
         -On that note, I'm not against the POV temporarily swapping to the giant, though it should come back to Cal by the end of that chapter or the start of the next; he's the main character, after all.
         -The story will be in second person. E.G.: "Panicking, you jumped to your feet and ran; the giant was about to walk in and see you!"
         -Cal has been living in the tower block his whole life. He's a skilled survivor and athlete. He knows the layout of the building, and all its inhabitants, quite well (unless it's someone that just moved in).
         -It's possible other tiny people exist out in the world, so feel free to add new tiny characters if you want.
         -Pictures of any giants you add are absolutely welcomed.

It's not that complicated:
A tiny man lives in the walls of an apartment building, stealing the food of the humans, trying to avoid being caught. You can choose whether or not he does.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2292367-Tower-Block-Tiny