It was the first day at school, and a 9 year old boy named, Lewis, is expecting his new 4th grade teacher to come in at any moment from now. He did know that his teacher is gonna be Mr Tucker, but that was all the information that was given to him prior to the summer break, since the old teacher had just left for a different school. Whatever happens in this situation, he'll be prepared for an unexpected surprise, and what a surprise it was for Lewis.
He was sitting in the classroom, when he finally saw Mr Tucker for the first time. He was 30 years of age, wearing his shirt and sweatpants unusually. That's only because he's actually the fattest teacher there is, weighing at 600lbs, with a bottom-heavy shaped body, and that made Lewis looking shocked in awe that he's never seen someone so much fat in his entire, especially when his teacher had just waddled in the classroom with a wide smile on his face.
"W-Whoa! He's so big!" Lewis says to himself, trying not to get the teacher's attention.
Of course that might be ideal to keep his focus, because sometimes these subjects can be boring at times, so maybe this was a plan to get the students' attention, though maybe not all except one perhaps with the case of Lewis.
"Good morning class! My name's Mr Tucker, and your new 4th grade teacher." The teacher smiled. "Anyway, let's get to our first subject, shall we?"
That's when Mr Tucker turned around and wrote something down on the whiteboard, which incidentally is where Lewis had blush in awe, just to see how huge his teacher's butt is. Of course he's bottom-heavy as much, along with his belly that spills over his sweatpants, but it was so humongous that it may be as wide as a couch or something! For some reason, it just made Lewis have the urge to try and be like Mr Tucker, like getting bigger and fatter, but does he want to admit that personally, or not by any means?
He may be overthinking things, as he gets his mind out of it, and starts to get to work on his first day at school, so that he doesn't want to get into trouble already, despite the fact that he has always been a good boy by the teachers that know him well. Although he cannot hide the blushes he had caused, which to Mr Tucker, he would realise and give it a wide smile as of he knows what Lewis is staring at.