Batman sat in his computer chair, the many screens glinting off his weary eyes as he thoroughly studied the fluctuating data. On a table next to him rested a disassembled suit of reflective armor, every piece meticulously designed to resemble a cat. A black bodysuit sat next to the pieces, intended for wear underneath the plating. Bruce was one of the smartest men around and even he couldn't tell you why so many women in Gotham enjoyed prowling the night and committing crime in cat outfits. Evidently, there was no shortage of masked lunatics wreaking havoc on his city.
The Dark Knight scratched his chin, releasing a sigh as he rubbed his eyes. His gaze drifted to the helmet. The encryption on the Cyber-Cat suit was too advanced for him to crack. Such a challenge only sparked his curiosity and motivated him further. What required this level of protection? What was Chiles hiding? Locations of her victims? Potential targets?
Bruce stood, stretching his arms. He made his way over to the armor, scooping up the helmet. He squinted, examining the inner lining of the device. A new idea crept into his mind. The one thing he hadn't tried to access the Cyber-Cat's data was put the suit on. Obviously, the Cyber-Cat's body type starkly contrasted to his own. All he really needed to fit was the helmet.
It was a tight fit but he managed to get it on.
“Cyber-Cat systems online.”
The visor lit up, flashing an image of the full suit of cat armor. A female sounding AI chimed to life.
“Welcome, Christina Chiles. Shall we begin the suit-up sequence?”
“No. Show me the database of recent targets.”
“Negative, Christina Chiles. You may not access the database from only the visor. A full suit up sequence is required.”
Bruce sighed.
What was he supposed to do? There was no way he was going to crack the code on this helmet. The only way was to convince the suit that he was in fact its owner, which meant he had to put the whole thing on.
“There’s no way that suit is going to fit me.”
“I have scanned your current proportions, Christina Chiles. The Cyber-Suit will fit, I assure you.”
“Do it.”
“Vocal authorization confirmed. Initiating suit-up sequence. Please remove your attire and put on the bodysuit to begin.”
Batman wasn’t so sure about this but it was the only way. He took off his costume, picking up the armor’s undersuit from the table. He didn’t think it was going to be possible for him to cram his bulky body into the suit. But the fabric was incredibly stretchy, yet felt highly durable at the same time. He stuffed his legs into the suit, followed by his torso and arms as he hoisted it up. The catsuit hugged his body, condensing his muscle mass into a more effeminate looking form. There was no mistaking him for a woman, however.
“Bodysuit detected. Beginning synchronization.”
The air was knocked out of Bruce’s lungs by a metal corset cinching his waist. It tightened and tightened until his body gave in and his waist matched the size of the armor’s owner. The plate crushed his abs into its mold of smaller, more feminine abs. The first piece of many.
“Abort! Stop this!”
Bruce didn’t like where this was going. He thought the suit would adjust to fit him, not adjust him to fit the suit.
“Unfortunately, Christina Chiles, I cannot abort the operation once it has commenced.”
“I am NOT Christina Chiles!”
“That does not compute, Christina Chiles. Only Christina Chiles has access to the Cyber-Cat armor and she is the only one with a need to wear it. Therefore, you are in fact Christina Chiles.”
Bruce frowned, struggling to remove the cat helmet. The magnetic mechanism holding it in place had already sealed to the metal fragments in the bodysuit. He stumbled, catching himself on the batcomputer.
Just as he went to type an emergency code into the system, his palms were enveloped in chrome gauntlets, razor sharp claws manifesting over his fingers. His beefy hands shrank down into elegant digits, the claws making it incredibly hard to type. The arms built up to his shoulders, his biceps becoming nearly nonexistent as his shoulders lost their broadness. The gloves made getting the damn helmet off all the more difficult.
“I said abort sequence!”
Bruce frowned.
Why did he sound like a woman?
“My voice has changed..?”
“Your tone has been augmented to match the one we have on file for you, Christina Chiles.”
Chrome armor parts thudded against Bruce’s body, the thighs, shins, and boots encasing his legs firmly, dissolving the bulk muscle and reshaping him to the armor’s proportions. The cat paw-shaped boots had high heels built into them, causing Bruce to stumble and fall.
Before he could hit the ground, the armor’s pelvis clasped around his crotch.
Bruce whaled in agony, the pressure from the plating crushing his genitals and using the suit to compress and reform them in the image of the wearer. Muscle and fat redistributed to his rear, plumping out with his hips in accordance with the suit’s parameters. A metal cat tail popped out from just above his ass, swishing back and forth on its own.
From the waist down, he was fully suited up.
Before Bruce could fully take in the fact he looked like a woman, the chest plate slapped across his torso and locked around his back.
Bruce grunted, gritting his teeth as his ribs were pressed to the brink of shattering. His chest cinched inward to match his waist, the two round lumps in the armor quickly filled with breast tissue, the suit utilizing extra mass from his meaty pecs.
Lastly, the neck piece firmly wrapped under his chin.
The armor locked the pieces in place, sealing the caped crusader inside.
“Cyber-Cat fully operational. What would you like to do first, Christina Chiles?”
Bruce caught his breath, his curvy metal ass bumping against the batcomputer as he regained his bearings. He examined his clawed fingers, running one up the curve of his thighs and waist, only to stare down at the two prominent breasts built into the armor.
What happened next?