At the behest of her chat, Natsumi began to climb Sumire's plump leg. The blonde diva was known for having the thiccest thighs of the group, and Natsumi knew that would be getting her the most donations and superchats.
"Here we are!" the tiny money hungry idol exclaimed. "We're right here on Sumire-senpair's thicc-ass thighs! Now what should we do, chat? Oh, thank you for the 100,000 yen donation! 'Climb into her thigh high', huh? Well... okay! But you guys will need to donate a liiittle bit more than that for me to fully climb inside!"
Natsumi had now nestled herself into the tight and plump skindentation created by Sumire's thicc thighs and her tight white thigh-high socks. The chat was blowing up like crazy of course.
"Let's see how the others are doing~" Natsumi said, pointing her camera at the legs of Kanon and Chisato to find her other tiny friends.
Kinako was happily laying on Kanon's thigh, loving every inch of her beloved senpai.
"Kanon-senpai! You're amazing, I love seeing you so big-ssu!" the the mite-sized country girl called out, knowing she couldn't be heard. She straddled across Kanon's thigh, sniffing her black tights and laying kisses onto them, assuming no one could see her.
Chisato meanwhile, had slipped her school loafers off while sitting with the other third year Liella members, allowing her overworked feet to get some air. Shiki had taken this opportunity to climb into Chisato's stinky loafers, basking in the odd aroma that only a peculiar girl like her could appreciate.
"Chisato-senpai, your smell is... unique..." she stated, writing down notes in her notepad. To Shiki, everything about shrinking was fascinating, including her new and improved sense of smell and taste. Did she dare taste her senpai's insole? She wondered.
"The school loafers Chisato-senpai wears to school every day, and often dances in... they sure have their wear and tear showing..."
As Shiki laid down in Chisato's insole to lick up her senpai's residual sweat, a large shadow cast over her nearly microscopic form. Chisato's foot was entering back into her shoe! Break time for the third years was almost over, and they were getting ready to leave. As Natsumi was the only one who knew of this happening, she had to do something, and quickly!
1. Natsumi quickly tries to get Sumire's, and by extension Chisato's, attention
2. All three girls can't get out of their locations on their senpais' bodies, leaving Shiki's fate unknown.
3. Time's up anyways, all three girls grow back to normal, leaving their senpai suspicious of what they were doing...