Securing a job in 0B was very much a difficult thing.
For starters, in a city with low standards there was very much a great risk of death each and every day. Living standards were barely better than the streets on average, and as such crime was high and often career-ending for anyone who wasn't rich and therefore in a position of power. In addition, even those in charge could be at the whims of doing whatever they wanted to do with their employees, before throwing them away when they grew bored of them.
For Emily Wallace, she was very much familiar with this sort of lifestyle. But she had managed to claw her way out from the bottom and actually manage to secure herself a important job. Now, she was a secretary working in the important Emesis Building, a corporate headquarters of Beaver's Dam located on the border with the bigger 4M.
Beaver's Dam was a very important company, of course. As the leading construction company of the world and a AAA company on the world scene, Beaver's Dam was vital in the expansion of cities, and the construction of a headquarters in the city usually was a herald of great expansion. As such, the city's leadership very much valued the continued support of the great Emesis Building, only allowing the best and brightest to work for it.
This... naturally meant that Emily's job was very much on a very narrow road. If she screwed up badly, there was a good chance she'd just be fired and replaced on the spot leaving her falling back into the bottomless pit that was poverty. If that happened... if that happened...
She couldn't think about that. Such a scenario was hell on Earth for her. She couldn't go back to fighting on the streets with a dagger, stealing mere scraps just to live. She had JUST gotten to what was considered a normal weight, and if she had to go back to being malnourished once more was a nightmarish idea. She couldn't let it happen whatsoever.
As such, she leeched onto any idea that she could use in order to keep her job secured. She dressed formally, tried to speak eloquently and almost never acted out of line. Sure, it meant basically kissing the ass of her boss, but she needed to live. However, it was during this complete subservience that she was beginning to overhear her boss's own desires and wants, whether she wanted to or not.
"Hey, you've been gaining a bit of weight, haven't you?"
Tapping the side of the secretary's hips, Administrator Tara Helinski smiled a bit at feeling the woman's figures. Standing at a mere 3'0", the Blin manager only a bit over half of her secretary's height, but carried a shapely and curvy body alongside a potbelly that she tried hiding with a belt. She was very much proud of her own figure... but what she really had interest in the figures of others.
"I... I beg your pardon?"
"I'm just saying, when I first hired you... well, you were just skin and bones. But in a manner of three months you actually have a ample bust and firm behind. I'll admit, it's a bit attractive."
"Ma'am, is it okay for-"
"Relax, there's no laws against that sort of thing in this MegaCorp..." Walking in front of the secretary, she'd imagine cupping the woman's breasts right then and there, only refraining due to it still being business hours. "Still, you got a very long way to go if you really wanna win my heart. But hey, it's baby steps just to get here after all."
"A long way to go?" Emily had many, many questions. This though was one she needed to know here and now. "What do you mean by that, ma'am?"
"I'll give you a hint."
Pulling a piece of paper out from her breast pocket, Tara plopped it into Emily's side pocket, standing on her tip toes to do such. Afterward, she simply winked as she walked out to go out for a business meeting, shaking her hips persuasively and trying to get a reaction out of her secretary. By the time she was out, Emily pulled out the card that she was given, and looked it over slowly and carefully.
"Brendy's Buffet Yearly pass... free meals for a year?"
"She wants you fat, I'm telling you."
It was now her lunch break, and as Emily was eating her coworker Laura brought out a very good point. "Brendy's is one of those high-end Dionysus buffets, where they serve hearty breakfasts 24-7. I've seen someone come in there around 100 pounds, and continue coming back until they eventually have to be waddled out of the building. Usually by then those people really have only one choice of career but still..."
"Surely you... well..." She didn't want to admit it, but Laura's logic did stand firm for once. The chonky office worker was a bit of a eccentric when it came to food, considering that her nearly 300 pound frame often went from fast food place to fast food place in order to get lunch for everyone. If there was anyone who knew about food and it's effects on people in the town, it was usually her.
"Okay, so what if she does? Why not send me to MacDongah's? That stuff is just as fattening and much cheaper for her, right?"
"Maybe so... but they're also practically toxic waste in terms of the health effects it could have on you in the long term. It'll get you fat all right, but you'll be having a lot of health issues. Brendy's, although a bit more expensive at the very least doesn't run the risk of giving you heart problems by the time you're as big as me..."
"Big as you? Surely you don't think I'm willing to do this sort of thing!"
At the mere mention of the idea of her gaining enough to be Laura's size, Emily was very much repulsed at the idea. Sure, she was fine with no longer being skin and bones, but as a secretary she needed to be mobile enough to take care of all of the boss's many different needs and errands. She couldn't sacrifice such mobility in favor of a mere attraction of the boss's!
"I would. She seems pretty attracted to those with bigger figures. Maybe she'd even keep you around for a long time?"
Could she?
"...I still need time to think about this, but say I do. Do you really think the boss would actually keep me around for just being fat? This is a business, and she needs to ensure that every part of the machine works in perfect equilibrium. She can't afford to keep a secretary who's only job is to be some personal feedee, right?"
"She's a Blin, Emily." Sliding her tray towards Emily, she intentionally left a burger uneaten just for her from the meal she had gotten for herself, in an attempt to give her a headstart. It wasn't much in the grand scheme of things, but it was at least something. "Blins may be smaller but they tend to live in pretty good conditions considering how expensive full body genetic mods are. That, and she's in charge of the building. I think those two are reasons enough to know she can feed you."
"Now, how about a headstart? I know, it's MacDongah's. But it's better than nothing to feel how full you'll be getting before you get into it in earnest."
Grabbing the burger, Emily had a lot to think of then and there. She just wanted to stay on the successful side of life, away from poverty. She was okay with being somewhat of a kiss-ass to the boss, but eating and getting fat for her? Could she really live with herself to gain multiple belly rolls? Breasts bigger than watermelons that couldn't be contained by any bras? A booty wide enough to crush entire seats with? Such things were meant for the super rich and elite, not... people like her.
But... if it meant securing her future? If Tara was really this willing to keep around a fatty as her personal secretary as Laura claimed, then maybe it wouldn't be so bad? She'd need to slowly adapt to such a radical shift from her ideal body, but she didn't need to worry for food at least. The pass wasn't redeemed yet, meaning it was guaranteed to be good for an entire year once she started using it.
She couldn't accept a entire burger, at least not yet. Instead, she split the burger in half, and ate one half immediately before wrapping it up.
"I'll eat the other half later, but you've given me a lot to consider. Thanks, girl."
"Hey, any time." Laura replied, giving her a thumbs up. "Hey, if you're available wanna join the girls at the local pub tonight for a drink? It's bar trivia night, I think you'll enjoy it a lot!"
"I'd love to come. Hopefully I win this time, and not that Tracy girl. I swear, she's gotta be cheating or something..."
And with that, lunch break ended and for the rest of the day she tried to push what she had talked about to the back of her mind while she worked through Tara's various files for her. By the time she was walking to the pub though, she was once again staring at that Brendy's Buffet Pass card, with half burger in her other hand and her head circling in thoughts.
Being fat, just to maintain a job. God, she needed a drink.