Several hours later, the gun arrived at the post office without incident, and was deposited in an incoming mail cart by the mailman.
A young clerk, Dan, took the cart, pushing it with one hand while holding a coffee in the other. He stopped to observe a customer who had caught his fancy. This customer came in every couple weeks to drop off some packages. She was blonde, curvy, and incredibly gorgeous. For Dan, it had been love at first sight.
He smiled at her and waved. In response, the woman briefly smiled politely and nodded curtly before turning back to the clerk at the counter to finish her business.
Dan sighed. Maybe next time he'd be working at the counter when she came in, and could strike up a conversation. It hadn't happened yet, but a man could dream...
Preoccupied with his fantasy, he turned a corner and collided with an older colleague. The lid came off his coffee cup and it spilled everywhere. "Omigosh, I'm so sorry!" said Dan apologetically. "Let me help you."
"Thanks, I'm fine," the man said, irritation evident in his voice. "But I'll take care of it."
"I can go get you a towel--"
"No, thank you, it's all right," the man said. "I'll deal with it, OK? Maybe just pay a little attention next time, yeah kid?"
"Uh, yeah, will do," said Dan, relieved he hadn't gotten chewed out. The man headed off to the bathroom to clean off.
It then dawned on Dan to check the mail cart. "Oh shit!" he exclaimed seeing spilled coffee all over its contents. He got a towel and wiped off the mail, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw nearly all the addresses were still legible. Except for the one on the package containing the gun, which was smeared.
Quickly as he could, Dan hurriedly wheeled the cart into the sorting room and scurried away before anyone could see him.
Soon another clerk came along and fed the mail into the sorting machine. The optical reader misread the blurred address on the gun. So instead of being sent to N-Hance, the gun went to...