It was utterly humiliating, but Lucia could not tear her eyes away from the monitor. It was too mesmerizing…in a terrible way of course! She watched as the policewomen successfully subdued her beloved clones without so much as a scratch or an inconvenience!
The women high fives each other before someone noticed Star hiding behind the fences. They raised the alarm and Star began to run, letting out a shriek as she turned around and ran down the alleyway. Lucia cursed again, for her clones were showing cowardice! Utterly unthinkable! The real Lucia, her, would never run away like that so cowardly! But still, she watched as Star turned corner after corner and seemingly lost her pursuers…
Star stopped by a corner and hid behind the wall, breathing heavily with exertion. The clone wiped her brow and seemed like she was going to be safe when suddenly she shrieked and the feed shook wildly! When it cleared, Star was facing a very generous bosom barely held together by the buttons of the policewoman’s shirt!
“Such a naughty little girl, mon chéri~” a sultry voice purred. ”Making me run so far! And what’s this?”
The feed suddenly switched from looking at the bosom and face of a gorgeous, raven haired Frenchwoman to suddenly staring at the blushing face, fidgeting face of Lucia Eyara! The real Lucia blinked, shaking her head and remembering that the feed was currently looking at Shining Star, a clone of her instead! It seemed like the policewoman had stolen the camera device hidden on the trooper and has now attached it to her.
Now Lucia was watching the POV of the policewoman!
“Having fun are we? I hope someone important is watching mon chéri~” the woman purred again, “Because we are about to have so much fun together~”
Lucia got a POV of the woman shoving Star against the wall and pressing up to her. Trapped, Star began mewling and begging for mercy, shaking like a leaf as the policewoman slowly reached down to the clone’s waist.
”I’m sorry mon chéri~ but silly little girls like you need to be punished for misbehaving.” the policewoman said, ”And really, what grown woman would wear such giant, stretchy, and nerdy granny panties?” she giggled, grasping Star’s waistband and giving it an experimental tug.
It revealed a thick frilly waistband to a pair of pink and red granny panties with hearts on it. Lucia tugged the collar of her bodysuit, suddenly feeling very hot. Her thighs felt sweaty and she rubbed them together as she watched the feed even more intently.
”Oh? What’s this? Hearts?” the policewoman said softly, ”Feeling romantic are we? I bet you were just waiting for a tall, strong woman like me to press you up against the wall, grab your panties…and give them a strong tug no?”
At this point Lucia felt like her knees were getting weak and leaned on the holographic table. Her eyes were firmly glued on the policewoman as she repeatedly snapped at Star’s waistband, making the clone whine.
”No!” the clone replied scandalously, ”That’s not true at all! I h-h-hate wedgies! I’m a pr-proud clone of the Lucia Eyara and we are not meant to be d-dominated a-a-and b-bullied!”
“That’s right…we’re supposed to be the bullies…” the real Lucia muttered, more to herself than anything but it felt like she was trying to convince herself.
And yet…subconsciously and without her knowledge, Lucia’s hands had began to slowly inch towards her own waistband, her floral print granny panties just begging to be stretched out! She slowly gripped her waistband in tandem with the policewoman as she tightened her grasp on Star’s panties!
”Oh? Is that true mon amour?” the policewoman purred, ”So if I pull on your panties…you won’t enjoy it?”
”No!” Star proclaimed loudly, if shakily.
“Prove it~” the policewoman giggled before she launched Star’s panties up high!