The trio exchanges glances, doubts and scenarios crossing each of their minds. Surely it wouldn't be so bad to just take the day off this once. Sal hadn't been particular on what to actually do, and it couldn't be said that they hadn't tried the most important technology they were working with...
Amber shrugs, breaking the silence. "Paid time off sounds good to me. When are we ever going to get a chance to do this on a real job, anyways?" She folds her arms, looking thoughtful. "Of course, we'll have to stay like this for a while. The shrink ray logs its uses, so no one has a whole 'accidentally shrunk myself and no one knows' incident... again. If we just grow back in ten minutes, Sal will know for sure."
Terence stares up again, his focus easily caught by his coworker's towering sister in all her enormity. He opens his mouth to say something but quickly goes a bit slack-jawed as she catches his gaze and gives a playful wink.
Freddy, meanwhile, finds himself quite torn. A day of just slacking off sounds good, but he'd rather be doing it when he isn't shorter than an action figure. Still, he finds his protests waning at the concept of a nice full paycheck. "Yeah, I guess it's, uh, not such a bad idea." He starts setting his other equipment aside, glad to be rid of the extra weight as he makes a neat little pile by one of the kitchen table's legs. "Maybe we could... watch a movie? At this size, even the best movie theater couldn't hope to compete with the flat screen we've got."
Sam pouts at that. "What, really? Come on, little bro, live a little! There's waaaaay better stuff to do when you're pint-sized like this than just sit around watching TV." She reaches down and grabs Terence before he can react, holding the little guy in her hand and grinning down at him. "Seriously, how can you not wanna have some real fun while you've got this chance?"
Terence stumbles over his words, heart pounding as he feels her fingers curled around him. The unexpected grab is overwhelming but up close he's hit with so many senses. The heat of her skin pressing against him, the sweet scent of perfume, the little tilt of her mouth as she smirks... Try as he might to keep his composure, he finds himself getting a little worked up. As if that's not enough, Sam raises an eyebrow, glancing down at his crotch and then his face with a coy grin, having felt her finger brush up against the little tent.
Freddy looks on nervously. He'd had a feeling Sam might get excited, but this situation could be tricky. Sam was always one to get really playful when she felt she could get away with it and plenty of times she'd had bouts of being a nymphomaniac. Of course, all of that had been when they were on even standing. Now, she could casually grab any of them and do as she liked, even if she seemed to be asking for the moment...
"Ooh, I know!" Sam's excited outburst snaps her brother out of his thoughts, and he looks up to her excited glee as she looks at the three shrunken people. "I know what we should do!"