<<<<<<<<<<WARNING>>>> 2;>>>>>
| Excessive damage to central hull, |
● Billy's Wacky Fission Engine™ ●
| A, Trusty Thrusty Thruster™ A-C, |
● and Sticky Micky's™ Storage Cells. ●
| due to vessel [Jasmine] being |
● a loaned vessel damage will be ●
| added to Captain [Jack] loan |
● your current balance is: ●
| -798,456,135,573,346,21.2. |
● your current interest rate is: 67%.●
<<<<<<<<<<WARNING>>>> 2;>>>>>
That was the only thing Jonathan could think of as his conscious mind slowly grinded together.
An unfathomable pain erupted all over the young man.
"Ahhhh!" Jonathan screamed out, but instead of his normal voice Jonathan could hear the crackle of speakers coming to life before a high pitched voice came out echoing his cries.
Jonathan so desperately tried to recollect his memories but the pain wouldn't end!
<<<<<<<<<<WARNING>>>> ;>>>>>>
| Personality Core [5602572B] |
● Your current vessel the [Jasmine] ●
| is at 50% and rapidly dropping. |
● At 25% you will be shut down. ●
| As emergency power protocol of |
● [Intergalactic Code for Safety ●
| of Workers Article 985 |
● section 115] "When a vessel ●
| Either civilian or military reaches |
● a quarter of maximum power ●
| power will be redirected to |
● life support, and emergency ●
| signals," |
<<<<<<<<<<WARNING>>>> ;>>>>>>
[SUGGESTIONS: Repair Sticky Micky™'s. Storage Cell]
Suddenly there was no pain, only clarity as the three messages in front of Jonathan's eyes blared to his attention. He wanted to question what's happening but the second message sent a wave of fear down his spine, and he wasn't sure why.
"How the hell do I repair a storage cell!?" Jonathan yelled out into the darkness once again hearing the strange sounds.
[Current Nanobots- 563,823,539,124,842, out of 999,999,999,999,923.]
[Current Materials: Steel-12KG
Lithium- 5KG
Mixed Materials-25 Kg]
Still confused pushed everything aside and decided this a dream, a rather strange dream, nonetheless he will play this dumb dream.
"Um list of materials to rebuild the Storage Cells?" Jonathan asked.
When suddenly a knowledge seemingly sweeped out of nowhere covering his mind in slow molasses…actually…everything…seemed…slower…
'Please fix those storage cells…' his mind thought in a brief moment of clarity.
Suddenly a weird tingling sensation wrapped around Jonathan…it felt like thousands of ants wrapping around his body.
Until…it finally stopped…and everything felt…normal.
<<<<<<<<<<Power Online>>>>>>>>>>
The vessel [Jasmine] has gotten the minimum power grid back on track!
You currently have 27/100 IGPUPH [InterGalactic Power Unit Per Hour] with a current production of 25 IGPUPH, while your consumption is 20 IGPUPH.
15- Personality Core [5602572B]
2- Life Support.
Optional power consumption has been unlocked, warning the Star will only be facing you for so long.
Optional Power Consumption :
Internal Camera- 2 IGPUPH
External Camer- 2 IGPUPH
Extra Small laser- 10 IGPU per blast.
Thrusters- 50 IGPUPS [InterGalactic Power Units Per Second] WARNING THRUSTER ARE CURRENTLY NOT WORKING.
Lights 1- IGPUPH.
<<<<<<<<<<Power Online>>>>>>>>>>