All the girl can do is giggle at your odd question. “Maybe THAT’s weird. Although, I wouldn’t say bad.”
Phew, perhaps there’s a chance after all. Don’t lose your opportunity.
While looking at her toes, you ask, “Then is it okay if I smell your feet?”
Though your eyes are closed, you hear the shock in Maylene’s voice. This may be a blunt way to go about getting your foot fetish satisfied, but it’s better that you tried rather than not trying at all.
“Go for it.”
What? Is she serious?
Upon opening your eyes, you’re met with Maylene’s left foot high in the air. Man, the balance she’s displaying is superb.
A few speckles of dirt linger on Maylene’s sole, but otherwise, it’s spotless. Complimented by a peachy blush, the foot radiates an inviting warmth. Maylene’s face is blurred in the background, her lips moving but no words coming out.
Eventually, you hear what she says. “…been doing much since the day just started. I hope they don’t smell bad.”
Well, you heard her, stupid. Sniff that foot!
Sniff, sniff, sniff… SNIFF! Sniff, sniff…
Have mercy, her foot smells lovely. There’s no funky odour at all, yet there’s also no scent of heavy soap or lotion. Instead, it’s a raw, pure foot scent. So alluring is it that you dive back in for another whiff.
“How does it smell?” Maylene asks.
“I don’t think it gets better than this,” you reply, muffled under her meaty sole.
And her foot is super soft, to your surprise. But you’re going to have to back up a few inches, for Maylene’s smell is getting dangerously addictive.
“Thank you,” you say, feeling a mild blush fill your face.
Maylene nods, turning around to presumably head to her default spot in the gym. A wide mat atop a long climb of stairs. Aw, but you don’t want the gym leader to end the fun now. You’re just getting started.
Grabbing her shoulder, you ask her…