This choice: Jason, 17, cocky, potty mouth • Go Back... Jason was visiting his cousin Dillon when Dillon suddenly got sick. Bedridden for the weekend, Jason was left with pretty much nothing to do.
"Look, I'm not saying it'll be the best time of your life, but if your looking for excitement just babysit for the Tykes once. You'll never have a crazier night, I guarantee."
Jason was skeptical about babysitting. He hasn't done that in years. But Dillon insisted it would be worth it, especially for the cool $100 it would bring in.
"I babysat for them last month, and they said they'd offer even more money if I babysat again, it's just that I'm sick otherwise I totally would." Dillion explained to Jason.
Jason didn't want Dillion to feel bad about being sick during his visit, and a hundred bucks would certainly be nice.
"Ok then, I'll do it, but only because you did it before."
Jason couldn't believe he was babysitting again. That seemed kinda lame now that he thought of it. Oh well. Better than crashing on the couch watching Netflix all night again.
The Tykes welcomed Jason inside their lovely home eagerly.
"Sorry for the rush, but we really appreciate you coming by. We loved how Dillion babysat and we were so sad when he told us he was sick."
"It's ok, I get it. Just happy to help Dillion out."
And with that the Tyke couple grabbed their coats and headed out the door, leaving Jason still a bit disoriented.
Jason took a deep breath and turned around, almost expecting to get smacked in the face with something. Nothing. Silence, actually. Kind of odd given the reputation Dillion spun about these kids.
Jason stepped into the kitchen to make a quick snack. Plenty of cheese and deli meat in this house. Nice bread too. Fancy stuff with lots of 'healthy' ingredients. Jason took a big bite of his victory sandwich. Victory for accepting this lame babysitting gig.
Laughter coming from upstairs? Naw. Not this early in the night. Jason started heading upstairs the see what the boys were up to. There was no way they'd let him have it easy, but he hoped they could at least chat before he'd have to go hard on em.
"Alright guys, I hear him finally coming up here. Don't forget, no taser unless he tries to run!" Aston was quite the troublemaker. In all his years of being babysat, only once had he been outdone. A babysitter had tied him up before he could cause any real damage, and used silk ties to prevent rope burns. His parents never believed him and even gave that sitter a bonus due to Aston's crazy story. But not tonight. Tonight Aston would be using the silk ties and making this babysitter beg to be let go.
"Come on, guys. I can hear you whispering. I'm not here to ruin your lives, just be in charge for a night, that's all." Jason was pretty confident they'd like him once they heard how cool he was. Playing on three different high school sports teams was no easy feat. Soccer and swim took up a lot of his time, bit he still found a way to excel at cross country. All the coaches let him miss whatever practice he wanted since his performance was always stellar. Hard to argue with results, and Jason delivered.
"You want me to listen, you'll have to catch me first!" Always defiant, Jacob was a regular brat. Easy to tell he would sooner step on your face than open the door for you.
Jason wasted no time. He rounded the corner shoving the last bite of sandwich in his mouth, ready to put down the law. This would be an easy babysitting job. He was 17 after all. What could these little kids possibly expect to do to him?
Jason spotted Jacob looking around the corner before running off. Not enthused to start running, Jason leisurely strolled on after him. Calmly rounding another corner into the bathroom, Jason was trying to figure out how to turn on the light.
A few flicks of the switch brought nothing, and Jason turned his head up to try to assess the problem. Mistake number 1. There was a woosh sound and then, bam! Jason received a direct hit to the groin, making him crumple on the floor instantly.
Unable to see what hit him, Jason blinked his eyes rapidly trying to make sense of his pain.
"You were right, Aston. The wood bat really does hit balls well." The boys all laughed as Jason cringed on the floor, wincing his watering eyes. He started to speak, but was quickly met by something being shoved in his mouth.
"Don't let him spit them out, he's gotta swallow them all!" Aston gave clear orders, and Tyson nodded in agreement as he closed Jason's mouth and pinched his nose shut. Tyson held him tight until Jason swallowed involuntarily, taking in whatever had been put in his mouth.
"How long do they take to work?" Cody was quite curious. He loved 'playing' with the babysitters.
"Not long. But we should keep him here till we're sure he's ready." Aston was good at calculating, and this concoction should be their best one yet.
Still struggling to make sense of it all, Jason felt his body weaken. His legs lost their tight grip near his chest, and his arms started feeling floppy. He started asking, "Heyyyy, whaaat'd you guyyyysss dooooo too meee?"
The boys chuckled mischievously. Jason felt his face soften and his lips go limp. "Tranquilizers, my friend, but don't worry," Aston chimed, "you'll still be able feel everything. You just won't be able to move, that's all!"
The boys pulled Jason by his arms into the bedroom. "I wanna see what he's got before we break em," Cody pipped in.
"Ok, I guess we didn't let you do much to the last one," Aston recalled.
"Yay!" Cody was excited now. He happily started untying Jason's shoes. The other boys joined in, stripping their babysitter completely naked in a matter of seconds. Jason blinked his heavy eyes in wonder. What did these kids plan to do to him?
Cody began by fondling Jason's balls. "Oooh, so firm! They really feel full!" Cody squeezed each of Jason's nuts carefully, one in each hand. He gripped and released over and over, and Jason felt everything.
Slightly aroused, Jason could feel his dick growing. "What's it doing!" Sammy yelled. The youngest of the group, he still didn't participate much but loved spending time with his brothers.
"Looks like he's enjoying this," Aston said plainly. "Guess we'll have to fix that."
Tyson and Jacob looked at each other, grinning. They each brought their fists up to eye level, and counted, "One, two, three!"
They both punched as hard as they could into Jason's ballsack. Jason let out a breath all at once, one of the few reactions he had left.
"I wanna try, I wanna try!" Sammy exclaimed.
"Go right ahead, Sammy," Aston invited, "this one's not moving now!"
Sammy got a running start and jumped right on top of Jason's saggy nuts. The left one slipped a bit out from under, but Sammy got the right one really good, balancing on top. With Sammy's foot on his right testicle, Jason was stunned. He couldn't believe it hadn't popped. The searing pain was making him feel like puking, but he couldn't with all the pills keeping him relaxed.
"Hey guys, see if you can get that other one!"
Jacob and Cody pulled Jason's legs apart while Tyson lined up his shot. Jason's left nut had retreated close to his body, and Tyson wanted it to join in the fun.
"Check this out!" Tyson kicked forward with all his might, hitting Jason's left nut directly and sending up into his groin, completely hidden. "Damn! It's trying to run away!" Tyson kicked at it a few more times, driving it higher and higher till it entered Jason's abdomen, never to return.
"Wow!" Sammy was amazed. "He's turning into a girl!"
The boys all laughed as tears streamed down Jason's face. The throbbing pain was everywhere down there.
"Hey, Sammy. Jump!" Aston had a look of evil in his eye. Sammy nodded and jumped up as high as he could, landing right back on top of Jason's bruised testicle. "Again." Without remorse, Sammy jumped over and over on Jason's dick and testicle until...  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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