you alread here?
yeah im pulling in now, see you at the usual?
With a good natured eye roll Mikayla closed her phone and pulled into a shady looking parking spot. She had finished up her shopping and dropped off the food at home, Brooke still knocked out, before leaving again for the park. She still had two bags with her though, one plastic from her grocery trip and another paper one from her On the Go Burger stop. Both in hand she made her way into the park proper, passing kids playing and dogs being walked.
With purpose she strode to a spot she had picked out before hand, her pace speeding up when she saw a certain someone already sitting at the stone table near one of the park's corners. A absolutely massive woman in her mid-twenties was taxing the rock seat with her almost 500 pound ass squashed into some suffering jeans. The doughy red head was apple like in build, her mass drooping down heavily to form a solid ring of fat that still managed to touch the rough edge of the table that you could glimpse oozing out from between her shirt and pants. She was giggling at something or other on her phone before noticing Mikayla speed walking in her direction. Stashing her phone between her jumbo jugs she eagerly waved from her spot.
"Mikayla! Over here girl!"
"I know, not like you're hard to miss Maleen!"
Finally reaching the park table the, comparatively, skinny woman sat her payload down between them.
"My hair is rather eye catching isn't it?"
"But not nearly as much an eyeful as DAT ASS! MMMmmmm..."
Pinching herself to keep from blushing Mikayla quickly recovered herself by rummaging through the bags.
"Aheh, yeah... It's actually really nice today, you put something special in it or whatever?"
"Aww it's nothing like that, I think it's just catching the light just right is all!"
"It is shining very nicely, though it's still got nothing on these platinum locks."
This was likely one of the reasons the two of them got along so well, they were both the same level of into themselves. Both of them liked themselves just a bit more than was probably healthy. They had met at a party about three weeks ago and had become quick friends, hanging out more and more since. And more and more the blond out-goer was falling head over heels for her tubby friend.
It was just an appreciation for being friends with someone that understood the importance of "self love" as much as her, but it quickly ramped up as she spent more time with hefty lass. She had never really been into girls before (No that one time college doesn't count!) and definitely not ones as big as her crush but something about Maleen's ample body was growing on her almost as fast as Maleen herself. Her wide, super good hugging arms, her breasts that just about every woman dreamed of having, her insanely thick thighs that pants feared world wide, and what was becoming Mikayla's favorite, her big pillowy belly one could sleep on were all things that seemed more appealing by the day.
Pulling out some two litter sodas from bag the smaller woman set one between them to share and one on her compatriots side before also pushing the whole bag of fast food over to her as well.
"You didn't get yourself anything?"
"Nah, I already ate before I got here. I don't mind, it's nice just being out and talking with you."
"Ya sure? You got plenty in here."
"I am, besides take a look, I got your fav. I'm trying to stay smaller than Brooke anyway so I don't need to be eating too much."
Maleen was ruffling through the greasy bag when she perked up a bit at the name drop.
"Oh yeah your sis, how's she doing?"
"Pff, same as ever. Getting fatter cus she never leaves the house cus she's a big fucking stick in the mud with another stick up her ass."
Maleen had stuffed one of three burgers in her mouth while she listened.
"Mmph, Suhs gebbing-"
Pause, chew, big swallow.
"She's getting fatter?"
"Yeah, but that's nothing new. It's what happens when you're such a homebody. Like jeeze get out and have some fun why don't ya? Go to a party, booze up some dudes, at least see a movie or something!"
Mikayla threw up her arms in exaggerated exasperation while Maleen ate her food thoughtfully.
"I hear ya, but she is who is. Honestly if I had to have a roommate I wouldn't mind someone as quiet as her, gives me more time for me."
"You say that but try living with her for 24 years then tell me how you feel about her!"
"Sure, we can start by you inviting me over so I can meet her."
"Well maybe I-wait..."
The hill of a woman shifted a bit to be more up straight as her friend blanked, taking another swig from the now half empty soda bottle.
"If it's not about you or the latest gossip around town you are almost always complaining about Brooke. I almost know as much about her as I do you yet I still haven't seen her!"
"Well, I mean techni-"
"No, pics of pranks you've pulled on her don't count."
"OMG FINE, but I don't know why you care so much! She's either gonna bitch at you about something stupid or bitch at me ABOUT you!"
"You talked about her so much that I'm curious about the infamous older sis. Plus as far as I can tell she's the only thing standing between me and some of your home cooking you keep bragging about."
This time Mikayla couldn't do anything to stop the huge blush that came over her face, especially when Maleen gave her that shit eating grin of hers.
"Oh ri-right, my cooking! Um, well yeah sure. Just uh... Come around six? That should be enough time for me to get something special together. BECAUSE YOU KNOW IT'S SPEACIAL YOU'RE FINMALLY COMING OVER!"
That got her a raised eyebrow from her considerable love interest, but was spared from being pressed more about her strange tone.
"Six it is then! Be sure to make extra of whatever you make, you know how I get!"
She punctured this by draining the last of the two litter and polishing off her final fry before free throwing the garbage into a nearby trashcan.
"Heh, yeah of course, I know all too well about what that wrecking ball you call a gut can do after the buffet!"
"Damn tootin'!"
Laughing, the two continued to banter a bit. Mikayla was caught up thinking about a few things, how Brooke was gonna react to the sudden guest, not looking directly into Maleen's cleavage, what she was gonna cook, not looking directly at Maleen's belly, if she had cleaned up and not looking directly at Maleen's thighs. As for the wider woman she was getting fairly excited herself. It had taken a bit of work but finally, finally she was-