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Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #2260446
A tight-knit family finds a magical die that can swap them around.

A tight-knit family finds a magical die that can swap them around.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
The Hanstein family is hardly the most normal group to begin with. But during one particular gathering, one of them finds a magical die that, when rolled, can shuffle them around through some unknown means! The real question is whether they can get back to normal, but it's too late to stop! The die has been cast.

The Hanstein Family:

Jake (18) - An average-looking young man. A bit of an introvert, but friendly despite that, and gets along well with almost everyone. Jake is 5'7" tall, with scruffy brown hair and brown eyes that are somehow also scruffy. His skin is also a bit pale.

Melody (16) - Jake's younger sister, Melody is opposite him in many ways; she's every bit as friendly, but on the other hand, very extroverted and just a little mischievous. She's athletic, tan, and a shade above average in the looks department. She's 5'4" tall (though her formalwear sandals have a 3" heel), with sandy brown hair that falls to her upper back, and brown eyes with a slightly reddish tint.

Stanley (43) - Jake and Melody's father, a somewhat boring man with a somewhat boring job. He's rather affectionate with his family, but businesslike with everyone else, to the point where even his casual clothing is more like business-casual. 5'11", with the same hair color as Jake, with green eyes, though his muscle structure is slightly more defined than his son's.

Denise (38) - Stanley's wife, a very prim and proper woman who can be a bit stern sometimes. Denise loves her family, but she's very competitive with, and jealous of, her older sister, who seems to have been better than her in every way since birth. She'd love dearly for everyone to be normal again, but that seems unlikely... Denise is 5'4" tall, though she usually wears 3" heels that elevate her to her son's 5'7". Denise's hair is sandy-brown and reaches her waist, and she always seems to have quite a bit of makeup on.

Al (41) - Stanley's brother. Vibrant and yet laid-back all at once, Albert Hanstein was very athletic in his youth, and despite having been fairly sedentary (and unemployed) for years, he's still muscular, slim and fairly good-looking, though he's as pale as his brother and nephew. Al is able to roll with and enjoy just about any situation. He's 6'2", with reddish brown hair that doesn't seem to have ever been combed, and blue eyes that are light in both color and expression.

Cassidy (41) - Al's wife and Denise's sister. A deeply caring woman who loves to have fun and be around people in general. She shares her husband's willingness to have fun in nearly any situation, but draws the line when it comes to other people's expense, something Al can be dense towards. 5'7" and, like her little sister, wears heels that bring her to 5'10", with a slim figure that's been in no way harmed by her having had three children. Her hair is long and blonde, and her eyes are deep blue, though sometimes obscured by her glasses.

Zoe (18) - Al and Cassidy's oldest daughter, Zoe is rebellious and tomboyish, though not standoffish. She gets along famously with Jake, well with Melody (and the two have been known to pull pranks together) and her middle sister April, but can hardly stand the sight of her youngest sister, Joy. The most tired member of the family, in general. While her hair, about the same length as Melody's, is naturally blonde, she dyed it blue in middle school, and added red tips in high school. 5'5", and athletically built.

April (15) - Al and Cassidy's middle daughter. Bubbly, friendly, and exceedingly girly, April adores her family and goes out of her way to be helpful at all times, as well as being the mediator whenever an argument breaks out - rather impressive for her age. Somewhat naive at times. An early bloomer, April has blonde hair, sparkly blue eyes, and stands at 5'3" (actually 5'2.5", but she'll never admit it).

Joy (11) - Being Al and Cassidy's youngest daughter, she's very energetic, and very spoiled. While she has typical "cute child" tendencies, she's also prone to acting selfish and "getting back" at people, sometimes over very small things. Unlike the other girls in her family, she's a bit late to mature, only just growing out of the "absolutely despises boys" phase. Joy is 4'9", and has light blonde hair that would fall to her shoulders were it not nearly always tied in pigtails.

-Feel free to use whatever perspective you like - any character, first-, second- or third-person, but make it clear whose point of view we're in, if it's different from the previous.
-Punctuation and paragraphs, please. I don't expect perfect grammar, but nobody wants to read a block of text that takes up the whole screen.
-No long chains of short responses and yes/no options. There's no minimum word count, but "how about this/did that?" is kind of a waste of space
-I'll be using actual dice(-rolling program) to determine which options are available, but don't feel the need to limit yourself the same way!
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