This choice: Nope, he invaded her privacy, he was going down her gullet. She was hungry anywa • Go Back...Chapter #6Nope, he invaded her privacy, he was going down... by: KaijuFanForever  Braixen pursed her lips and put her paws on her hips. She was all about live and let live, but this guy had just snuck up on her and invaded her privacy. She couldn't just let that go unpunished. But he also was genuinely remorseful, and was regretting his rash decision. At that very moment, her stomach rumbled, grabbing both of your attention, and unfortunately for Lee, making up her mind.
"Oh, you must be starving," Lee exclaimed, his eyes wide behind his glasses.
"Oh ya, I'm definitely feeling the need to feed," Braixen said, looking over the human in front of her, running her tongue across her fangs.
"Well you can have some of my granola bars," Lee offered with a smile. Braixen was touched by his kindness, but why have a mealy granola bar when there was a bigger and wriggler prize. Lee's smile dropped when Braixen grabbed hold of his shirt and yanked him close to the Fire-Type. He felt something wet drag across his face, and a chill ran down his spine as he remembered that some Pokemon could have the Vore variant.
Braixen's blue tongue slipped into her maw, and she smacked her lips at the taste.
"H-hey, let's think about this," Lee stammered, only for Braixen to move his head down and press it against her gut, letting him hear it growl.
"Ya hear that kid? I'm thinking that you should be inside of that screaming and kicking while I enjoy the feeling of you digesting. Your a sweet kid, literally and figuratively, but you really need to be more careful, cause you never know when you accidentally become a perv and wind up on an Anthro Braixen's chest and hips. Like right now for instance. Braixen both informed and taunted her meal.
"W-w-wait, can't," Lee started, only for Braixen to interrupt.
"I'd save that energy for when your locked away," Braixen informed her food while giving her gut a smack. She yawned her muzzle wide, pulling her captive closer and letting them get a good look at the inside. Lee's face was as pale as an Alolan Vulpix at the sight. He could feel each hot exhale on his face, the light glistening off of the saliva coating her razor sharp, pearly whites and blue tongue. Her gullet rippled with anticipation for the big morsal.
Braixen felt Lee's body tense up when she shut her muzzle around his head. Unfortunately for him, she preferred her meals to be in one piece. She closed her amber eyed in bliss, he tasted just like a mixture of fresh Pecha and Oran Berries,with a hint of cherry.
"Lee, you are VERY lucky you taste so good and that I know how to reform meals. Thought your my first attempt at this, so I very much hope this works. I don't want to permanently add you to my figure just yet," Braixen thought as she humed with delight. When she pinned his arms to his sides, she remembered his bothersome clothes. Taking a deep breath, she used the oxygen to stoke her internal fire, then exhaled a burst of fire while Lee's head was still in her maw. Lee winced at the rapidly approaching orange glow, but the flames washed over him harmlessly. He felt the flames reduce his clothes to ash, leaving him butt naked. But this was soon the least of his worries when Braixen's tongue pushed his head into her gullet while she lifted him into the air slightly to stuff your chest and shoulders into her muzzle.
Braixen let out a sound of pure happiness, red blush appearing on her cheeks. She never expected a human to be this good. Sure, it felt wonderful when they were screaming in terror, pleading uselessly to try and avoid their fate and the wonderful experience and sight of her engorged gut shrinking.
But this!! This was incredible!!! For once, a human meal was gonna be reformed, and to top it off, she also had the Shrink Variant. So that meant a potential bite sized meal, and he could be easily hidden away.
Adjusting her grip, she stuffed Lee's gut in her muzzle, gulping down her previous mouthful. She gave Lee's rump a squeeze with one paw and gave it a sharp smack with the other, muffled chuckles making it past the frantically thashing human in her muzzle. Getting a mischievous thought, Braixen started lightly chewing and sucking on her treat, giggled at the feeling of Lee stilling, only to start up again when she gulped down his gut and snarfed up his booty, her razor sharp teeth jabbing each time she gently gnawed.
Deciding to finish her meal, Braixen tilted her head back and started swallowing rapidly, sucking down his legs. Placing her paws on her gut, she relished the feeling of her gut growing while she swiped her tongue over his feet, then gulped them down.
W-wow Lee, you were AMAZING!!! I'm so glad I decided to gobble you up. It's going to be so much fun watching you digest. Now be a good boy and do what all humans do best," she stated to her food, squishing and sloshing her gut, covering Lee with her glowing orange stomach acids. Opening her muzzle, Braixen let out a erupting"BRRRRROOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRPPPP," that echoed through the forest. Over the course of half an hour, Braixen taunted, squeezed and thoroughly enjoyed this experience. Finally she sighed before her face scrunched up when something exited her gullet into her maw. Opening up, she removed Lee's glasses, coated in a thick coat of saliva. Smirking, she placed them on a tree stump and let rip with another juicy"BRRAAAP!!! that ended with something lodged in her gob.
Slipping two of her digits into the two holes she knew they were there, she carefully removed Lee's skull from her maw and looked at it with a smile before planting a smooch on it's bleached forehead and stashing one of her two trophies away in her bushy tail. Braixen took a moment to admit her form, rubbing her now quite large rump with one paw, squeezing the doughy fat with pleasure. She cupped one of her breasts and smirked with pride.
"Well Lee, gotta saw, you look SO much better right here. Now how about I reform ya and take ya away, my little treat," she said before contracting her powers, materializing a figure in her paw.
Lee moaned as he came to, then stiffened up at the sight of the massive fox looking at him with a gleam in her eye.
"Y-your...but I'm," he stammered in confusion. Braixen just chuckled at the sight.
"Surprise, your alive and tiny. Shocked? It's one of the abilities I got. Luckily for you morsal,you tasted like my favorite meal," she told him, leaning in and flashing her fangs, licking the tip of one, amused by his reaction.
W-what are you going to do to me?" Lee asked with terror.
" Simple really. Your all mine, just a very tasty meal. Besides, you would have gone missing anyways. Not like you were prepared for the worst. And don't go about trying to boss me around, ya silly goose. But now I got to get back home, and I know just where to stash ya until I get there," she stated before moving Lee over to her back end and parted the furry black melons. Before Lee could even scream, she casually flicked him in and let go, allowing her shrunken prize be enveloped in the doughy mounds.
Braixen grinned toothly as she clenched her cheeks tight as could be, relishing the wriggles of her captive.
"Careful little Lee, otherwise you might be gobbled up by the backdoor," she taunted, already making plans to do just that in the future. She gave another burp, something exiting her muzzle. Picking it up, she smirked when she saw it was his camera, which was on record the entire time. Stashing it in her tail, she waltzed away, swishing her tail and swinging her hips, tormenting her victim the entire trip to her home...  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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