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Giving Girls big baby bumps (just without the baby bit), that stay permanently. |
Okay who doesn't have a good pregnancy fetish (okay yes, plenty of people but how many who don't would bother clicking on this story)? We have the 3 Bs of expansion (Breasts, Butts, Belly) some weight gain, and a few other things that appeal to us, also, unlike a lot of the expansion fetish, pregnancy is something you can see in your day to day life. However there are drawbacks, obviously Pregnancy only lasts about 9 months, and the good stuff is only around in the latter months, and then the baby comes, and while some of the growth will remain, the woman mostly returns to normal. That's where PFP comes in; PFP is a somewhat niche fetish, in which women undergo a transformation in which they develop the appearance of pregnancy, but without a baby in their belly, which means that they can stay that way, permanently. Here's a few examples from TF Warlock: https://www.deviantart.com/tf-warlock/art/Costume-Shops-are-Magic-530768212 , https://www.deviantart.com/tf-warlock/art/Costume-Shops-are-Magic-4-Mayternity-S... , https://www.deviantart.com/tf-warlock/art/Class-Project-2-9-Months-Later-6111508... Now this interactive aims to push this fetish out to a slightly larger audience. In it you can take a girl and give her a PFP. Which girl? Anyone, you want Anime? Go ahead, Cartoons? TV shows, Games, Films, Books , Comic Books? I'm there. Celebrities? Sure, why not. Original characters you make up on your own? Fantastic. You want to write about girls you know in your real life... bit weird but do we really have any place to judge, write them in the OC wing (I'd suggest changing names and a few details in case someone you know reads it and figures out who you're basing your characters on) Finally some major rules You Must The transformations have a specific criteria, so it must include the following - Breast Expansion: Pregnant women get bigger breasts, as they prepare to make milk for their babies, obviously there's no babies here, no need for bigger breasts, but's it's part of the fetish, so make sure to bump the girls up a few cup sizes. - Butt Expansion: I think this is just a side effect of the overall weight gain, but pregnant women tend to get a bit of junk in the trunk, so throw it in. - Weight Gain: Pregnant women are eating for two so they tend to get a bit chubbier, you don't need to go full hambeast, but make 'em a little softer. - Belly Expansion: Duh, the identifying feature of a pregnant woman is the big, dome like belly, this is the most important. Please also have the branches include the subject coming to grips with the fact that she is now 'pregnant' and dealing with the adjustments to her lifestyle and wardrobe that her growth causes. You Can These things are things you can throw into your branch if you want - Extra Growth: if you want have them grow bigger than the average pregnant woman, go ahead, but keep them looking pregnant, even if it's with a larger number of babies. - Lactation: I left it off the requirements but obviously, if you want to have the girl's growing breasts fill with milk, I'll allow it. - Other Pregnancy Side effects: Cravings, morning sickness, aches, etc, if you want to include the other side effects of Pregnancy in the PFP, you can. - Actual Pregnancy: PFP and real pregnancy are not mutually exclusive fetishes by any stretch, feel free to make your girls actually pregnant, they just can't lose the belly when the baby's born, in fact this is a very valid starter for a PFP plot line; they give birth, but the bump doesn't go. - Sex: it's an 18+ story for a reason, if you want the girls having sex with their boyfriends (or girlfriends) you can. - Anthro TF: *shrugs* it's my story, I get to set the rules, and I like it, if you want to have you girl turn into a PFP cow, pig or Bunny ect, feel free. As well as anthro, you can do taurs and mermaids. This branch also allows for multibreast TF. - Mental TF: if you want the transformation to do something to your victim's minds, such as say, bimbofication, go ahead. - Oviposition: A possible reason for the PFP is that the victim's belly fills up with a clutch of eggs, which will include them laying those eggs - Multiple Subjects: You may be picking a woman after your fandom, but she doesn't have to be the only one, more girls can come in later, for example Buffy could get cursed with PFP, because of their connection as Slayer, Faith gets the curse as well, and when Willow tries to cure Buffy, it goes wrong and she and Dawn end up cursed too. You Can't These things are off limits Giantesses: Again, my story, my rules, never been a giantess fan, the girls cannot go beyond 7 foot tall. Male Transformations: It should go without saying that PFP is focused on Girls but I am aware of the Mpreg fetish and it has no place in my story. Gender Transformation: Again, no, you can't turn guys in the story into girls to get around the above rule, it counts as a male TF and is off limits. Toilet stuff: that's just gross. Graphic violence: If you choose something like superheroes you can include violence, but no gore and blood. Abuse and rape: No, just no. Underage: No characters beneath the age of 18. To be clear if you want to use someone who is canonically under 18, age them up, we may know them as children, but everyone grows up eventually, if you need to reach into AU territory. For example; a semi popular Harry Potter AU has students starting Hogwarts at age 14, not age 11, that would mean that in book 5 Harry is 18, meaning that Hermione becomes available for use in these stories while staying within the framework of the books, while Ginny and Luna become available in book 6. Other than that, have fun, I'm not putting the 'no short chapters' thing, if you want to just put a plot bunny for a writer, potentially, of more skill, to take over later, feel free. |