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Rated: NPL · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #2257950
The Pokemon world is a lot less friendly when you're a few inches tall. Can you survive?
This choice: Route 21  •  Go Back...
Chapter #6

Well at least the Pelipper won't be eating you

    by: sneakyk Author IconMail Icon
(unusual pokemon pred, vore, cruelty, disposal)
The Pelipper may not have condemned you into the depth of its belly yet, but its intentions are obvious. It'll either devour you whole and reduce you to a paste, offer you up to a Wingull, or some combination of the two -you aren't exactly an expert in avian ecology. What's more , the odds are high that it will fly offroute and leave you in a very bad position even if you do manage to escape. And as you spy a convenient wooden shard floating within its beak, you decide to yourself that you will not let this flying fortress escort you back to its nest to devour you. You grab the tool and plunge it into the Pelipper's beak, earning a surprised squawk from the Pokemon. You quickly seize on the opportunity and rush for the newly visible light of the outside world. With a victorious battlecry you leap out, only to be met by the rightful sound of air rushing around your body as you descend to the salty sea below.

ksplashhh! You feel pain flare up around your body as you impact the frothy sea below. No sooner do you land than a wave of water sends you hurtling some unknown distance along the water, your body careening for a few moments as you struggle to right yourself . As you rise to the surface, you find yourself face to face with the crest of another wave. Once more you are buffeted by it, pushed along like a toy in a child's tub. But eventually you manage to regain your composure. You find than the barrier around the route is a formidable swim away, as if it were a shore sighted at a distance. Gazing upward you see the Pelipper's silhouette once more, and you swiftly make a dive. You make your way towards the route's boundary barrier for a solid minute before you once more have to surface.

As you do, you spot a most curious thing. It appears to be some sort of large blue and red dome floating above the water. It appears to be a child's toy of some sort. Perhaps it might serve as cover? You hurredly swim towards the toy, paying heed to the skies above between strokes to see if death will once more swoop down to claim you. Thankfully the Pelipper seems to have not yet noticed you. You manage to make it onto the dome unperturbed, and you quickly begin to climb atop it, hoping to find some sort of hatch or hiding spot up top. It is an arduous process. The surface is hard, slick, and damp,and the slope is steep. Yet something about the surface allows you to seemingly cling to it, almost as if both you and it were magnets. You pull yourself up top and are disappointed to find no hiding spot, though the red crystalline surfaces adorning the otherwise blue dome fascinate you.

As you ride top the large toy, you turn you attention back up to the skies. It's then that you spot the pelipper, descending for you. You let out a yelp and stagger back, only to find that the Pelipper seems just as startled as you are. Its beak opens up in shock, sending a trio of Wishiwashi tumbling down to the waters below. The Pelipper quickly swoops away, seemingly intimidated by your yelp. You breathe a sigh of relief , though you feel uneasy with the current predicament . Why did it so readily run away from you? Or is there something about the toy you're resting on.

KTHWIIP. You hear a whimper of agony coming from one of the nearby fish. The surface you're standing on begins to rumble, and you hear hear a surge of water rushing around you as it ascends higher. Looking on, you see the Wishiwashi has been ensnared in a large tentacle, and it's then that you realize what's going on. Of course! Why did you think this was a toy? The markings of Tentacool and Tentacruel are distinct. You saw the warning signs and you blithely ignored them. Now you can only hope the Pokemon you are no doubt standing atop will not notice you.

The Wishiwashi continues to whine . The sound of crunching bones can be heard as the tentacle tightens. Sparks of electricity begin to fly from the coiling tentacle, causing the pokemon to squeal out in what must be absolute agony. The academic point of Tentacool and Tentacruel not officially learning any electric attacks is lost on you as you see the fear in the fish Pokemon's eyes. With one final coil the Tentacruel crushes the fight out of it, then plunges his tentacle down. Gurgles and whines can be heard. Blood spills into the water around you, and the battle -or, rather, the feeding- concludes. You're left with a pit in your stomach and the dreadful realization that you are probably living on borrowed time right now. You would swim out into the water below..but you have no doubt that the Pokemon would be at a severe advantage in trying to detect you.

Soon the decision is taken away from you with a frightful thwap as the Pokemon strikes you off of its head and into the water below, like one might swat a bug off of their head. You quickly right yourself and turn to see if you have been spotted. The sight you see causes you to piss into the water in fear. What you first thought was a large toy of sorts is indeed a living being. And it isn't a Tentacool you are dealing with. You are dealing with the mammoth man-o-war that is Tentacruel, its eyes glaring at you with malicious confidence. Its upper end alone is over 6 body lengths in diameter. Beneath the dome, however, lurks the true horror. It possesses a gaping and monstrous maw easily capable of accommodating your tiny body, a plume of fresh blood floating around it. . You drift back in the water before breaking into a frantic swim towards the barrier.

WHOOOOSH. The Tentacruel's swims, or rather dives, through the water, its many tentacles whipping about to accelerate its charge. Rather than directly ram into you , however, it passes by your flank and intercepts your path, even making it a good deal ahead of you. You watch as the Tentacruel extends a tentacle out in front of it . It pokes at the water twice, pointing at you, before pointing its tentacle with the tip curled down, a clear taunt. The message is clear. ' You're going down. ' The Tentacruel wushes you down once more , and upon reaching you, swirls its tentacle around you, forming a cyclone. You swim against the frightful swirl of water, only to get sucked downward anyway. Before you can return to the surface, the Tentacruel snags its tentacle around you and pulls you over before its eyes.

The underwater Pokemon once more brings itself above the water just enough for its eyes to make it over the surface. It gazes at you in silent smugness as the damp, sticky tentacle tightens itself around your body. What happens next couldn't possibly be more obvious. You saw it happen before just moments ago...only now, it's about to happen to you. Bubbles froth around the Tentacruel's beak as it watches you wiggle in its clutches. The tentacle tightens around your body harder and harder. Your struggles lose all merit as the tentacle's hug tightens more and more around your helpless tiny form. You begin to feel an overwhelming agony from the tightness of the coiling tentacle...and the fruits of the monstrous giant's labor quickly come to light as the pain is accompanied by gruesome snapping noises. Your bones give way one after another to the overwhelming force.

Not to content itself with merely crushing your bones, the tentacruel sends a flood of electricity through your body. Is it a delta species? A partial tera type? Adaptation? Or a move no TM bothered to document ? The specifics of why the Tentacruel is able to do this are lost on you. as burn marks begin to form around your body f rom the overwhelming electric energy coursing through it.

Rather than dunk you underwater, the Tentacruel instead tilts its upper body back , revealing its dark and horrifying maw. The scent of fish guts and slobber and sea foam and who knows what else fills the air as the Pokemon breathes out upon you It adjusts its tentacle's hold on you and instead tightens it around your leg. You find yourself getting slowly lowered down towards the Tentacruel's beak...and...more importantly...towards the slavering maw at the other end of it.

The Tentacruel passes its tentacle past the beak before plunging you into the gaping maw, which quickly compresses around you. To your shock, you find that the Tentacruel's slimy maw is equipped with toothlike appendages designed for breaking up smaller prey. Your body is pounded to the point of uselessness.but it is left alive as it is swept up into the inner depths of the Tentacruel. from there, the creature's inner acids get to work. Being a poison type , the Tentacruel is easily capable of producing powerful acids designed to break down its prey.

Your skin , already burned from the electrical tentacle squeeze, reddens as the acids wear away at it. A stinging sensation floods every inch of your body, eventually giving way to a more agonizing burning sensation, a sensation of pure agony surpassing even that of your bones being broken, as your body begins to melt away. Soon even your bones melt and dissolve into the creature's inner workings.

. A few days later , in what might at first appear to be some sort of charged up attack, the Tentacruel's body quivers violently in place. But the end result of this motion is underwhelming if anything. The Tentacruel looses what amounts to a shockwave of white fluid out from around its body. As it turns out, it relieved itself of its waste...including you....your body reduced to nothing more than a white mist in the water, soon to vanish entirely.



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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2257950-Pok-Snatcher/cid/3400202-Well-at-least-the-Pelipper-wont-be-eating-you