(Young adult female giant. Foot focus. Trampling. Mindbreaking)
You hesitate as you look up at this young and mysterious giant. If you really can't trust humans, what would make this one any different? Yet the grasspatch you've found yourself in has already proven itself to be incredibly dangerous. The Rattata you met earlier was an overpowering foe in its own right, but the Raticate here are far more significant threats and would likely surround you and rip you apart in a competitive feeding frenzy if you leave yourself out in the open. For now, you'll need to find a place to hide and regroup, and what better a place to hide than something left by a human? You head over towards one of the discarded boots and are immediately hit with a subtle taste of the hint of footsweat. You stand before the opening of the enormous purple boot, your mind boggling at the thought that something so huge is nothing more than a piece of footwear. You briefly hesitate before the opening of the boot until you hear the giant's singing abruptly stop. Could you have been spotted?
You quickly rush into the boot, catching a glimpse of markings for brand name and foot size printed onto its interior as you crawl deeper. You soon arrive at the sole of the boot, the scent of feet much more prominent than it was before, and hastily crawl your way towards the bottom. "Huh...I thought I felt something" the voice says before resuming singing . You breathe a sigh of relief and lie down within the shoe, reflecting on the past hour while you still can. The smell of sweat and soles leave you in an awkward mental state as you ponder your next course of action. You clearly cannot stay in here forever, but where could you stay? It's not like this seaside forest of grass and giant monsters is any better than the town you came from, but the clear paths and short grass of Pallet Town would leave you barely any cover from its giant inhabitants!
You fail to notice that while the giant has resumed singing, they haven't gotten back to splashing.
As you weigh your options you feel a strange sensation covering over you. Is the foot scent getting to you? You briefly stagger towards the opening of the boot before collapsing on your chest. The light shining in through the opening of the boot begins to grow more and more distant...no...you're shrinking again! You scream out in frustration, this time your voice not even registering to the giant. You begin to make your way towards the opening of the boot to survey your surroundings when you feel the world beneath you begin to shift! You desperately scramble for the entrance and get as far as the heel-end of the sole before the boot begins to turn upright. You scramble towards the opening, where a pair of fingers lurk, pinching against the boot. What was once a flat crawlspace is now a formidable slope, and it's quickly tilting closer to a vertical wall! Alas , your tiny legs aren't able to carry you to the entrance in time. The androgynous giant finally sets the shoe upright, and you wind up plummeting down onto your back.
The giant's voice booms out once more. "Ah...that was relaxing. Well, I guess it's time to head to back to Viridian... " Oh no! Hiding in this boot really wasn't a good idea! A slightly-cushy, flawless bare foot quickly descends over the opening and pokes its way into the boot. You can see a few slight dirt stains and grass stains clinging to the enormous encroaching sole, and realize with dread that your body may well become another stain upon this giant's foot. You rush deeper into the boot, hoping to get to a safespot, but are quickly overtaken, a toe quickly knocking you onto your back. Realizing you're about to be pinned beneath the ball of the giant foot, you rush back and manage to position yourself beneath the sole right as it completes its descent.
You feel a strong force mashing against your body as the giant's soft, cushy sole presses over you with backbreaking force . You've been cornered in the most precarious position imaginable ! You scream out for help, stealth be damned, but achieve little more than tasting a wall of foot flesh.
Yellow sighs as she mashes her right foot against the ground and focuses on slipping into her left boot, putting much of her weight on it in the process. Odd. She could have sworn she felt a bit of dampness beneath her foot, but it must just be a bit of residual wetness from her foot-dip in the sea water. She shrugs and calls out her Omastar. "OK Omny! We're headed back home! We just need to do a LITTLE bit of surfing." It takes the 19-year-old trainer all of a minute to arrive back on the shore of Pallet Town. She quickly recalls her Omastar and begins heading northward.
"Huh...that's odd. That's not water...that's sticky...a berry? Guess I should wait until I get home before I clean it..."
She resumes her trip northward. THUD. THUD. THUD. The little squishy thing beneath her foot mighty potentially leave a mess...but honestly she finds the texture of the sticky berry to be too appealing for her to want to remove it. It's almost an improvement from just walking barefoot in her boot, if anything. "It...does kind of feel nice..." She twists her foot, grinding her sole of the squishy thing, then resumes her walk. THUD. THUD. THUD.
She soon arrives at the southern terminus of Route 1 and pauses briefly,wiping the sweat off of one of her arms before continuing. THUD. THUD .THUD. She eventually encounters a wild Rattata, planting her foot in place. "Hey ...there's no need to fight. I'm not here to catch you." She says, looking at the Rattata with a gentle expression. The rat pokemon hisses at her before sprinting off through the underbrush. "Wonder why they even bother..." She mutters, knowing just how badly the fight would have gone for the Pokemon had things come to blows. Eventually she arrives upon a log and takes it upon herself to sit down. She pats her foot against the ground THUD THUD, focusing on the squishy feeling beneath her foot. "Wait...it's...moving..." Suddenly she slips her foot out of the boot and shakes something out of it. Landing atop her palm is a rather injured looking tiny.
Agony. Your life became nothing but a series of crushing blows the moment the giant put their foot upon you. Blow after crushing blow rains down upon you as they walk their way northward. For a moment it seems like they might inspect the thing below their feet, but instead they are content simply to walk forward, trampling you constantly as they treads their path northward. THUD after booming THUD echoes beneath them as she stomps on, your body a prisoner before her brutally powerful, albeit soft, sole. It quickly becomes apparent that this giant likes the feeling of your body crunching and popping beneath her soles...they're going out of their way to throw their weight over you.
As the giant walks, the interior of the shoe grows ever-more-sweaty. The interior of the boot quickly grows into a sweaty foot-scented sauna. You can barely breathe, and everything you breathe smells strongly of footsweat.
Just when it seems like you're about to pass out beneath the sensation-seeking sole, you are shaken out onto the palm of a hand. You catch a glimpse of the giant from the front for the first time...looking down you notice she has the curves of a bust visible under her tunic, at last confirming the gender of your tormentor. You wave over to her meekly and beg for help.
The godlike giant girl whimpers, her enormous eyes fixated upon the little thing. She seems apologetic enough, at least. After a brief pause, she begins to close those eyes of hers. You begin feeling a strange sensation of elation surge through your body. Could she possibly be growing you back to normal? But alas, the world remains as gigantic as ever.
What she is doing is the next best thing. She's healing you. To your surprise you find that you can get to your feet. "Ah..healing you tinies is so easy..."She says. You thank the blond haired giant girl from the bottom of your heart, bowing to her, earning a blush from her in response. Salvation. You've been sa....
Suddenly she tips her finger over and allows you to tumble into her boot once more. "...Sorry. I can heal you, but I don't know how to grow you back. It's a dangerous world out there....I'm sorry little one, but you're going to have to stay with me. If you stay with me, I can heal you as much as you need..." Her foot descends towards her shoe once more. W...what the hell? Your first encounter with a healer and she's only using it to...
Her foot quickly completes its descent once more. Your body is once more pinned beneath her increasingly sweaty sole, completely engulfed between her flesh and her insole. WHOOOSH KTHOOOOM. Your body crunches in agony beneath her, only to be met by the ecstatic sensation of her healing you from before. KTHOOM KTHOOM KTHOOM. She smashes her foot against the ground, healing you every time. "Don't worry...healing you doesn't even drain enough power for me to notice it...you'll even help me practice...this is the best for both of us. My foot will feel better, and you'll never have to worry about getting eaten by a wild Pokemon..."
KTHOOOM KTHOOOM KTHOOOM. Off she stomps. Blow after blow rains upon your body, the continuous healing allowing you to take whatever pain she sends your way. Torn between ecstasy and agony, your comprehension of the world quickly grows faint and confused. The foot of your goddess becomes the sole factor governing your life, and you find yourself barely aware that you're anything more than another part of her insole. You remain in her boot forever, or so it seems, until one day, perhaps years later, a chance stomp beneath her heel ends your life for good...