…if Danny gets to have the bodies he wants, then I want some too.” Blake says to himself as she walks down his drive way and along the side walk, mumbling stuff to himself about how Danny just did whatever he wanted. Not caring at all about he’s done and how he having all the fun when suddenly Blake feels his head climbing off of Danny’s body.
“Oh not again.” Blake cries as he begins scurrying along the concrete sidewalk, then across the street to a neighbors house.
Where at first her didn’t see where he was going until he spots a bright pink life size doll house in the yard where he hears a young girls voice coming from within. Clearly having a tea party with all her stuffed animals inside and Blake is heading straight towards it, “please no.” Blake cries out again as his uncontrollable tentacles take straight towards the very thing he doesn’t want to go to.
Like before, Blake can’t do a thing as his head leap up towards the open window with the help of his disgusting purplish tentacles sticking out of his neck. Where he passes right through the small opening and sure enough the girl wearing a FROZEN themed princess dress. Just happens to be right at that opening, resulting in Blake’s head to land right on top of hers where he once again feels his uncontrollable tentacles ripping into her neck.
Again severing her head from her body, but again the persons head is pushed inside their body until Blake is attached to another body again. This time a girls body wearing a bright blue princess dress along with black ballet shoes making him feel so embarrassed about it. Even more so as Blake(Danny) peaks in through the opening to see Blake(girl) on the girls body, “awww…you look so cute.” Blake(Danny) teases him.
“Stop teasing me, I couldn’t do anything.” Blake(girl) answers.
“Maybe you should try and get better at using them then.” Blake(Danny) replies.
“I know, but I don’t know how to.” Blake(girl) answers as he walks out of the pink doll house feeling absolutely humiliated by wearing such a thing and being a girl now.
“So, what now princess?” Blake(Danny) teases again making Blake(girl) glare at him for a moment.
“Stop it, but I don’t know.” Blake(girl) answers.
“You’re full of help aren’t you.” Blake(Danny) tells him.
“Well…let’s just get out of sight first.” Blake(girl) suggests.
“Okay, then we’ll figure out what to do.” Blake(Danny) replies.
From there Blake(Danny) follows Blake(girl) off the neighbors yard and over to the fenced alley way between the houses, following him down until the round the corner. Stopping under the shape of large tree that happens to have a couch under it as well, so they sit down on. Where they just thought about what to do for a few minutes until Blake(girl) just couldn’t handle it anymore. He stood up and practically ripped the girls princess dress of his borrowed body. Tossing on the pile of trash back there which left him now wearing just the girls black ballet shoes, her thigh high stockings and that’s it. For some reason or another the girl was not wearing underwear, “ahhh…I don’t think that’s any better.” Blake(Danny) tells Blake(girl).
“I don’t care, it’s better than that.” Blake(girl) answers as he sits back down on the couch butt naked with his pale arms crosses across his bare chest.
“Ummm…I think other people won’t think the same as you.” Blake(Danny) tells Blake(girl).
“I still dong care, it’s my body now. I get to do whatever I want with it like Danny and all of his bodies.” Blake(girl) responds.
“Well…if you get in trouble I won’t help you.” Blake(Danny) answers causing Blake(girl) to look over at him almost glaring at him before he says, “then I’ll just take their body.” He tells him.
“Oh right, we can do that.” Blake(Danny) answers as he forgot that he could just take other peoples bodies for a moment.
“So, what now?” Blake(girl) asks.
“Ahhh….I thought you had something planned.” Blake(Danny) replies.
“I did, but this isn’t exactly what I had in mind.” Blake(girl) answers as she gestures to her practically naked girl body below his neck.
“Ohh…ummm…do you have something else planned?” Blake(Danny) asks.
“Hmmm…not really, but I think I have to pee.” Blake(girl) answers as he feels kind of a familiar feeling between his legs, like when his penis would start to ache a little, but now it’s his vagina that’s aching.
Blake(Danny) looks at Blake(girl)’s crotch, looking confused, “umm…how are you going to do that?” He asks.
“Not sure, but how hard can it be.” Blake(girl) answers as he stands up and walks over to the side of the fence like he was just going to pee like he normally would. However, as he began peeing from his borrowed vagina immediately ran into an issue. His urine began running down his legs and he couldn’t stop the flow. Thinking quickly he squatted which quickly solved the problem as it began flowing out of his vagina onto the ground below. Which made Blake(Danny) begin laughing at Blake(girl), “shut up.” Blake(girl) snaps at him as he pees like girl.
“But its funny.” Blake(Danny) tells him as he continues laughing at him which made Blake(girl) get angrier at him, but he didn’t act on his anger, he just finished up peeing and sat back down in the dirty couch. Where the two just sat there and didn’t say much as they thought about what to do next, Blake(Danny) just twiddling his thumbs as he looks down at Danny’s body while Blake(girl) looks down at his naked girly body below his neck. Both just thinking about what to do when Blake(Danny) starts to get a weird feeling between his legs.
Where he watches as he sees the front of his tan cargo shorts starts tent a little making him feel embarrassed and quickly covered his crotch with his hands. Which was a mistake because Blake(girl) immediately noticed and looked at him with confusion, “what’s wrong? You have to pee?” Blake(girl) asks.
Blake(Danny)’s face gets red as he looks at Blake(girl) now feeling even more embarrassed, “what is it?” Blake(girl) asks.
“Umm…my…ahh penis feels weird.” Blake(Danny) answers.
Making Blake(girl) confused as he looks at him for a moment, “what do you mean?” He asks.
“I don’t know, it felt like a got bigger.” Blake(Danny) replies as he uncovers his crotch to show the tenting.
“Wait…I think I know that means. Yeah I know, you have an erection.” Blake(girl) explains only because his older brother told him about it.
“An erection?” Blake(Danny) questions.
“Yeah it’s when you really like something I think.” Blake(girl) answer before he suddenly realizes something, “wait a minute, you have it because you were looking at me.” He adds and covers up his naked body with his small hands.
“Sorry.” Blake(Danny) apologizes as he covers his crotch again as his face turns beet red.
“Sorry! You got erect because you like me.” Blake(girl) tells him.
“I did tell you not to take off your princess dress.” Blake(Danny) informs him.
“I know you did, but did want to wear it anymore.” Blake(girl) replies.
“I did say I’m sorry.” Blake(Danny) reiterates.
“Hold on a minute buddy, I never said I was mad about it, I’m just surprised.” Blake(girl) answers.
“So you’re not mad that I got erect because of you?” Blake(Danny) questions.
“Oh no, in fact I’m flattered that myself likes me.” Blake(girl) replies as he stands up off the dirty couch, standing in front of Blake(Danny) where he shows off his naked girl body to him. Slowly turning around, showing him his small pale body, his small pale butt and immature vagina. Which made Blake(Danny) groan a little as his borrowed penis twitch between his legs, aching to be released, “am I doing a good job showing off or what.” Blake(girl) teases.
“Yes, it’s making Danny’s penis act up.” Blake(Danny) answers.
Making Blake(girl) smile at him before she walks up between Blake(Danny)’s legs and leans forward, placing his small dainty hands on his thighs, “okay, so let me tell you another thing I learned.” He tells him.
“What is it?” Blake(Danny) asks.
“Well…my brother also told me what adults do in bed together because I walked in on them ‘doing it’ one night...” Blake(girl) began to explain.
Then adds, “…he told me that the man puts his penis in the woman’s vagina and moves it back and forth.” He finishes.
“Ohh, so I have to put my penis inside your…vagina?” Blake(Danny) asks confused.
“He told me that’s you’re suppose to do when you get an erection.” Blake(girl) tells him again.
“Do you know how to do that?” Blake(Danny) asks.
“Ummm….he told me that the man just puts his penis inside the woman, so you have to be naked now.” Blake(girl) answers and helps him off the dirty couch where he helps take off Danny’s clothes off of Blake(Danny)’s body until he’s just standing their with his socks and sneakers on. Just like Blake(girl) his is girly compared to boy clothes, resulting in both Blakes seeing Danny’s small erect 3:inch penis between his legs and just stare at it for a moment until….