It was that last week of school and ten year old Blake Johnson was absolutely ecstatic and looking forward for the summer vacation ahead of him. He couldn't wait to go with the family on his very first big road trip to Disneyland in their newly bought state of the art RV. Fidgeting in his seat as the seconds ticked down, ready to bolt for that door to begin his summer vacation. Almost breathing heavy like he just ran a mile he was so excited and just like the bell rang and he was first one to run out of the class room, down the hall just about screaming from excitement because he knew the RV was already ready to go and packed. His parents had even purchased a separate tent for him to sleep in at those camp grounds with enough room to accommodate him nicely along with all his stuff. However, the only drawback being is that he would have to share it with his little brother Kevin because he just knows he'll want to share it.
The ride home was uneventful until he reached home, where gen basically ran inside almost ignoring his family as he ran out into the backyard. Where his tent was set up for him to try out alone this weekend, his dad had helped him set up his new tent in the backyard and added a sleeping bag, air mattress, snacks and for entertainment, an iPad. His mother also gave him an air horn and whistle in case there was an emergency. Which he thought was just silly and ridiculous as he was within shouting distance of his house. Still, the forest on the opposite side of the fence did look a little scary at night, but Blake was a big boy and knew how to handle himself.
Getting situated in his tent for the night alone, he tried to stay up late, watching the stars through his telescope, but couldn't stop himself from yawning and finally had to admit defeat just before eleven p.m. Tucking himself in to his sleeping bag, zipping it up snug around him before rolling over to look out through the mesh screen before his eyes slowly closed as he drifted off into a deep sleep. Just as he was about fall asleep, the last thing he saw was a plane that didn't have the usual lights and seemed to be getting closer to his woods when it disappeared behind the trees. He liked to think that it was actually an alien UFO coming down to Earth to abduct people. He could almost convince himself that was the case when he finally drifted off to sleep.
What felt like hours Blake opened his eyes, still groggy from his deep sleep and began to realize he wasn't in his tent anymore. In something that didn't feel real, like he was dreaming of this. Feeling like he was paralyzed from the neck down, surrounded by tall gangly pale grey men with big heads and large black shiny eyes. He was terrified but unable to say a word or even move a muscle. Panicking dearly as his eyes darted around looking at these strange alien like figures before having a weird thought pass through his mind, I must be dreaming this, I have to be....his can't be some people actually know they're dreaming and call it...ahhh...lucid dreaming or something like that. If I just relax I'll just wake up like usual. he thought.
The aliens didn't talk at all, they just sort of started at each other silently communicating and at some point he could "hear" some of their thoughts. Most of it was gibberish, but one sentence was very clear, Inject him with the virus. After which he then felt a mild prick on his neck, before he just felt even more numb than he already did below his neck. Before feeling something moving below his neck and could see something akin to tentacles moving about. Then out of nowhere and to his surprise his body just seemed to step away from him as he could see disgusting purplish tentacles writhing about where his head should be.
While his head stayed in place, in the clamp that the aliens had put around his neck, from which he was able to watch his headless body, clad in his Avengers themed pajama's continue to breathe on its own. When another surprise occurred as one of the aliens suddenly grabbed its neck and pulled gently causing its head to detach and just like his own neck, he sees the same tentacles from its neck. Where he watches the alien drop its head to floor landing safely in its tentacles before he watches the head scurry over to his headless body. Where he watched in horror as the alien's head clambered up onto the shoulders of his vacated spot of where his head used to be. Watching the alien's tentacles disappear into his body and soon enough Blake's from body is now under the alien's control.
Blake just couldn't believe what he was seeing, shocked beyond disbelief as he watched the body thieving alien walk out of the chamber with his former body before disappearing with his body. While the aliens own headless body just stood there waiting for something while the other aliens began to do something with the controls on a see through computer screen, something that's way more advanced than his iPad and all he could do was just watch. When out of nowhere the strange jumbled mess of words began filling his mind. Which he still couldn't comprehend their gibberish, when out of the blue he did understood one phrase directed at him. Which was Go!!
That's when he suddenly felt his head drop to the floor where he suddenly scurried towards an opening door which led to a ramp. Which he scurries down, not sure if he is the one commanding his tentacles to move, but he was glad to get out of that creepy place. Moving so fast, that he realized he was in a farmers field on the opposite side of the woods where his family lived. He turned around to get a good look at the alien ship that he was forced from, in turn he discovered nothing but an empty field instead. Making him think, Oh right!, it was just all a strange vivid dream before thinking, And this is the part that I could be waking up now.
However, nothing happened. Instead, his head just scurried off without his control away from the woods and over to the nearest road. Think that his tentacles are trying to help him, maybe even making this weird dream last a little longer and maybe make it fun. Where he could see the sun starting rise in the distance and he could see some people coming out of their homes to get the mail, take out the trash and some getting ready to go to work. While other were already on their way as a few cars drove right by his face, a mere inch away from him, but didn't react at all. Instead, his tentacles took across the road, past a few homes until he sees a shirtless man kissing his wife goodbye before going to work.
For some reason or another, in his mind he felt the need, being compelled to move closer to them at all costs but before anything could happen the man drove off while his wife closed the front door. Leaving him with a slight sense of frustration that he couldn't get near them, something he thought was weird to begin with, but he couldn't help it for some reason. They must have seen me, he thought but acted as though they saw nothing out of the ordinary. Leaving him with a want to "touch" them for some reason and he just couldn't figure out why.
Billy continued towards his house, being ignored by all folks along the way, with him getting anxious to make contact with them but missing the chance. Finally the home of his babysitter Debbie came into view. Thinking, maybe she could help me...if I just could ring the doorbell and get her to talk to him. Maybe, just maybe that would wake him up. From this long lasting dream of his,
What happened instead was just a series of crazy things as he got to the door it opens and Debbie's 42 year old mother, Mrs. Patnode walks out and once again he found himself frustrated that he was obviously right in someones line of vision, it was as if he was invisible. "Mrs. Patnode?" he called out, but got no response. He noticed she was clearly dressed for work in a blue jacket and a white knee length skirt on her wide hips yet narrow waist. Her jacket was held in place by a white belt that matched her low cut silk blouse emphasizing her large breasts. She also carried a matching blue purse that paired nicely with her blue open toed 3 inch heels. Her hair seemed to be cut short almost as if to show off her earrings. Again felt compelled to touch her, perhaps to get her attention.
Upon locking the front door Mrs. Patnode turned towards her car parked in the driveway, walking directly towards him, blocking her path. He reached out with a tentacle, which surprisingly froze her in mid stride, surprising himself before he suddenly clambered his way on top of Mrs. Patnode's head with his tentacles working themselves around the base of her neck. Where an even more surprising thing happened as he looked down to see that Mrs. Patnode's head is being pushed down into her body as he found his tentacles wiggling their way into her neck. Until his head attaches to her body and he has a complete human body again, only this one is definitely not his.
The car keys had fallen from his newly acquired manicured hand. He quickly snatched them up, noticing the bizarre sensation of large breasts on his chest hanging in a somewhat tight bra. The heels and tight pencil skirt didn't help that much either. He looked at his new hand, the clear polish on his nails being almost as foreign as the aliens he experienced earlier. He tried to take a step, but wasn't used to the heels and fell on his newly acquired plump ass. Groaning, he removed her uncomfortable heels and stood up in her pantyhosed lined feet. "Why won't this end?" he mumbled to himself while massaging his sore ass.
Before realizing that he's out in the open with Mrs. Patnode's body, feeling her breasts and ass, so he looked around. Trying to figure out what to do about his situation until he came up with three options. Walk home, go into her house and call for help, or driving her car, thinking for a second until...