Ah Summer break! A time to enjoy a 3-month vacation with the family. You're mother had actually just gotten a week pass for Disney World. Sure it seemed a bit childish, but as long as you got out of the house, it didn't matter! However, that wasn't going to happen until next week, so you're stuck at home. You couldn't wait that long! You might just die of boredom! You hoped that maybe you'd go to the park tomorrow, but that's unlikely since your mom is packing the bags. You hoped tomorrow would be a better, but unbeknownst to you, you'll be getting that adventure.
*The Next Day...*
You slowly woke up, a bit grumpy from an awesome dream. You reached over towards the nightstand to see the time on your watch, but something was off. Your watch looked high tech. Fully white with a blue neon glow. It looked cool, but what happened to your watch? You got out of bed and got dressed. After that you put the watch around your wrist and examined. It seemed pretty normal so far. It showed the time, what day it was, the weather, your heartbeat, and how many steps you've taken so far. There was however an odd looking app after searching. It showed two male silhouettes, the kind you would find in public bathrooms. You select it to see what it actually was.
A blue neon ring activated as soon as you selected. You rotated the outer ring and noticed that the man on the left changed. It was now a boy. You rotated it again and it was a baby, then a fly, a mosquito, a flea, a gnat, and finally what appeared to be a germ. You selected the fly optioned and confirmed your choice. In an instant, your body shrank to the size of an actual fly. You fell on the floor face first. Hurt, but actually ok! You went back to the man option and confirmed it. Like before, your body instantly changed sized back to your normal size.
You knew exactly what you were going to do now! You were going to have a shrunken adventure! Your house would be a entire city, normal objects would become mountains. Even your mother and sisters would become titans! In fact, why not have an adventure on or inside their body's? Since fall from a great height didn't kill you nor break any of your limbs, it's likely that not even their weight could kill you!
Who do you go for?
A: You decided to go find your mom and explore her.
B: You decided to go find your older sister and explore her.
C: You decided to go find your younger sister and explore her.