"When I was young, I was having fun at the local playground, minding my own business. My mom had to leave me for a few moments just to talk to someone on the phone. Those few moments were enough when the accident occurred."
You heard her and was a little confused.
"Accident?" you asked, "What accident?"
She soon explained to you about that accident. "There was a pick up truck owned by some high end laboratory that studies chemicals that help make everyone's lives better. They were transporting some unstable chemicals to a private lab for study and hoping it can alter human DNA to help them live better lives. The driver lost control and drove right into the park, plowing everything in his path. No one was hurt, thank goodness, but the truck creaned right to the playground and turned over, spilling the chemicals. The truck didn't hit me, but the chemicals did, and I was nearly drowned by it. You can never imagine the pain in and out of my body when the chemicals spread and alter my DNA and genetic makeup. I spent months in the hospital, badly wounded from the chemical burn. When I was fully healed, they didn't see anything in those chemicals that were life threatening. However, the chemicals did something to me as they are within my body, ready to unlock their full potential. As it turned out, those said chemicals are used for genetic alteration, changing the person's body and mind into whatever they could think of. It's sort of a shapeshifting formula use to give people different lives, or something like that."
"And you know this because...?" you kept on asking.
She looked down and traced her foot around the carpet, trying to explain to him about the one incident that she remembered that was the first time she shifted.
"It's difficult to explain, but when my grandmother passed away, mom showed me some old photos or her back when she was young. When she left me alone, I imagined myself in my grandma's young body. Of course, that's when the chemicals in my body heard that and altered me physically and mentally, even changing my own clothes for reasons I cannot explain. Soon enough, I looked like my young grandmother in the picture, clothes, personality, and all. Even obtained her memories at that age as well. It was really bizarre and I had no clue about how that happened. Got scared as well too. But I knew deep down that the chemicals from the accident caused it all."
Hearing your girlfriend's story, you find it hard to believe. But seeing her turn into that substitute teacher and back, that story was proof that she was real. But there was one thing that bothered you and you ask about it.
"What about your family? Do they know that the chemicals turned you into a shapeshifter?"
She had a sheepish grin and rubbed the back of her head, chuckling nervously.