Chapter #3Swapping Places with a Pebble by: Unknown It wasn't long into your relaxing session of lazing about that you felt your stomach groan out. Hopping up from your mini-couch, you headed on over to your equally appropriately sized refrigerator only to pop it open and see nothing but a half empty bottle of ketchup and some sodas left inside. You let out an exasperated sigh, knowing your latent hunger was your own fault for not ordering more groceries earlier.
Not able to put it off any longer, you used your laptop, with an unfortunately low resolution screen as well, to set up an order for all your weeks essentials to be delivered outside. After getting a confirmation that it would arrive in just the next hour, you took the time to get properly dressed and after about fifteen minutes, went out to meet your delivery driver since the walk to the street would take a solid thirty at least.
Making your way outside, the warm sun hit you and you suddenly felt pretty bad for spending most of your day inside. There was a decent breeze, and not a cloud in the sky! You took a deep breath of fresh air as you walked along the sidewalk, approaching a bench that waited right outside your complex.
This bench was sized for "non-tiny" persons, but it was still where you opted to wait for your groceries. You'd ordered like this so many times before, it was mostly just routine at this point. A young woman seated on the other side of the bench did notice you however, and even offered to hoist you up onto the bench if you'd like, but after thinking of the danger standing on a normal sized seat would poise, you opted to stay where you were on the ground.
The woman merely shrugged, not seeing why you'd rather stay on the ground than a bit higher where you might get seen easier, but her ride had just pulled up so she waved you goodbye and was off.
You were a bit early for your delivery, the nice weather clearly putting a bit of perk in your step, so you opted to simply enjoy watching the passing cars as you waited. A few people walked by, but thankfully none approached the bench so you didn't have to awkwardly inform them to watch their step.
That was, until you turned your head from left to right, only to see a girl absolutely barreling down the sidewalk seemingly right towards you. You shouted out for her to stop, only for her to not even glance down as her intimidating form grew nearer and nearer. In just the span of a few seconds, she was already upon you and you braced for impact, squeezing your eyelids shut as you were cast in a monolithic shadow.
You heard the squish of rubber beside you, and felt a whoosh of wind as she stopped right by you. Slowly peering up, your eyes met with cross-stitched walls far taller than you as you noticed the clear as day swoosh on this girl's faded pink sneakers. Dreading looking any further up, you dragged your vision up along smooth and toned calves and thighs until you noticed you were directly under this stopped running girl as the sky was blocked out by her dark-blue spandex-short clad crotch above you.
You didn't have to stay frozen in fear for long though, as she plopped herself onto the bench behind you, leaving just her grungy sneakers beside you as you got a better look at her once she was seated. The mystery runner gal was fanning herself off above you, brown hair, clad in a flashy pink headband and tied in a ponytail, no longer blowing in the breeze as it had a shiny sheen of sweat. She looked quite exhausted, her mouth open and panting thick breaths out of her lush lips surrounded by a light sprinkling of admittedly cute freckles all across her face.
Your eyes followed downward onto a chest strapped in a tight black sports bra, and an exposed midriff marked by a fresh beading of sweat. The rest you'd already seen, vision landing once again on sneakers that you imagined must have been pink and white at one time, but now appeared smeared in gray from months or maybe even years of hitting the pavement, the pink stitching and rubber having seen better days as it held what little color it could.
"God, not another pebble. I was just getting into my stride..." the young girl, probably not much younger than you, grumbled above. Suddenly your surroundings shifted as she pushed her shoes off, not even needing to undue the laces since they fit her so perfectly after being worn for so long. The shoes toppled aside as she lifted her feet free, the off-white fabric of her socks clinging to her soles from being thoroughly drenched in sweat. While the sneakers remained at your side, you now were left trapped sandwiched between two suffocatingly steamy soles as the runner bent down to pick up the shoe supposedly causing discomfort.
You coughed against the new thick atmosphere, the potent stench of mid-run feet now drifting into your lungs, only managing to call out a very meek "excuse me, miss" as the girl bent down to retrieve her shoe. It was only now you noticed why she hadn't heard your screams earlier, wireless headphones. So even if she could have heard your weak excuse for a cry, it never would've reached her past those.
Watching from your helpless sock-encircled prison, the girl reached into her shoe before her eyes lit up as she clearly found the rough disturbance. "Gotcha!" she called, as she unanimously brought her feet together happily, a wet squelching being lost on her as you were pressed into the hot underside of her soles. "Get outta here, ya dumb pebble!" she joked victoriously, tossing the rock freely onto the sidewalk below.
Content her minor issue had been resolved, just as quickly as she'd taken them off she slipped her feet back into her trusty sneakers, hopping up and running right back down the sidewalk. The entire dilemma had taken less than a minute to resolve, but she was eager to make up for that minuscule lost time, picking up her pace as she finished the latter stretch back towards her house.
As the girl ran down the path in the warm sun, the breeze doing wonders at cooling her off as she jogged, a sedan had pulled up right outside Greentower Apartments. A woman poked her head out of the car, confused where the recipient of this bag of groceries had gone off to...
She'd never find out unfortunately, as you were being pulverized under the perky steps of this unknown girl, her pounding feet doing a number on your squishy body and already flattening you into a paper-thin crumple along her insole. Her warm sweat continued to pour free from wet socks, all while conjoining with the musky interior of the humid sneaker, forcing your senses to be totally dominated by this young woman's foot.
The carefree runner's ponytail bobbed lightly behind her, her breathing staying a locked in pattern, as she finished her run back at her house. You could tell just by the change in pressure she was making her way up some stairs, a reluctant talent you'd picked up from years of being trapped in your own mom's and sister's shoes. Feeble attempts at calling out, rubbing, or squirming your way to recognition proved fruitless as the girl stepped into her home, opening a small side closet beside the front door before roughly kicking her sneakers inside...
1) You stay melted onto the bottom of her hot socks as she heads up towards her room, hopefully she tosses you into her hamper so you can get a shot at reforming...
2) You stay stuck to the bottom of her socks, but she's just changing shoes before heading out for another activity.
3) You're left a crumpled mess on the interior of her muggy sneakers.  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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