“Honey, come on outside, we’ve got a surprise for youuuuu,” the sound of your mother’s sing-song voice caused you to groan as you picked yourself up off of the floor after falling face first onto it from the couch.
How many times do I have to tell her not to kick the side of my apartment? You lamented to yourself. I get like, five complaints from guys living further up the block every time she visits. Hopefully she didn’t break anyone’s stuff this time, I really don’t want to replace another guy’s tv!
Dusting yourself off, you stood up and moved to the door.
Stepping outside and turning around, you found yourself face to face with two sets of sandal-clad feet. You were able to identify the two women based off of their feet alone, an byproduct of living your entire life at foot height. It seemed that your mom and your older sister, Katherine had come to visit.
Glancing upward, you saw that Katherine was dressed in a pair of white short-shorts that came down to around the mid thigh, and a green tube top that wrapped around her whole upper torso, leaving her lean midriff exposed. She was in the process of taking a selfie, likely for her various social media accounts, and so wasn’t looking in your direction.
Deborah was dressed even less conservatively than your sister, wearing a tiny pair of hot pink micro shorts that seemed ill equipped to contain even a fraction of her gargantuan hips, with vast swathes of pale tan flesh spilling out from the top and bottom of them, and a tiny black bikini top that did absolutely nothing to hold her jiggling jugs in place, which only seemed to bounce more violently as she noticed you and leaned forward to talk to you.
“Hi honey!” Your mom beamed, clearly excited about something that your expected she was about to tell you. “So, to show how proud we all are of your new internship, Sarah and I thought that we should go on a little family vacation before it starts!”
You were genuinely touched by the thoughtfulness of your mom and sister’s gesture.
“I had originally thought about renting a cabin near Lake Owen, buuuttt since there is another big event happening as well, I thought that we could roll both celebrations into one! So instead we’re going to the Cerulean Coast Resort instead!”
“What’s the other event?” You asked, confused since you hadn’t heard of anything else going on.
“My Instagram account reached 10 million followers.” Katherine replied flatly, clearly more interested in her social media updates than this conversation.
You couldn’t believe that Katherine had managed to hijack what was supposed to be a celebration of you finally getting a big break into law, and for her part she didn’t even seem very enthusiastic about it!
No doubt you would have to be careful, because she would most likely try to make sure you weren’t around to steal her thunder.
Your gloomy thoughts were interrupted as your mom started speaking again.
“We are all soooo proud of you both, so we’ve decided to make it a big family vacation. Sarah and Vicky should already be on their way to the resort, and Barbara and Brett should be on their way as well!” Your mom giddily exclaimed. “I also sent an invite to your dad and Helena, but I didn’t get a response from them, so I don’t know if they will be coming or not.”
Before you could respond, Deborah reached down and snatched you up in her grasp. Her fingers, which you guessed had aimed to only aimed to lightly grasp your torso, pressed much harder on your than she had likely intended, forcing the air from your lungs and completely preventing you from speaking. This also completely prevented you from protesting to your mom that you would need to pack clothes for yourself.
So you were left to weakly slap your arms against Deborah’s forefinger as she manoeuvred your tiny body over the jiggling chasm of her overspilling cleavage, before plunging her fingers into the centre of it, dragging you screaming down into the depths.
“Sorry honey, this outfit doesn’t have any pockets and I didn’t think carrying you in the back would be a good idea!” Deborah giggled, jostling her massive melons, battering you further in their squishy embrace.
With you secure, Deborah and Katherine made their way to your mom’s car and set of to meet the others at the resort.
Your flattened form was scraped free from the side of Deborah’s boob and pulled into the scorching sunlight of the poolside area of the resort.
Once your eyes adjusted to the sudden change in light levels, you were able to take in that your mom and Katherine seated at a table by the poolside.
“Sorry about that, sweetie. I kinda forgot you were in there for a while,” your mom blushed. “We’re just waiting on the others to arrive, they’re all up in their rooms and will be coming down soon.”
Deborah laid you down on the table between her and your sister. Katherine smirked at you as she saw your body begin to lightly shake from your efforts to reform, which you were thankfully able to do rather quickly.
“Mom, you forgot to let me pack some clothes!” You shouted to your mom as you jumped to your feet. “And now the only ones I have are soaked with your sweat!”
“Oh don’t worry hon, Katherine made sure to grab some of your old stuff that you hadn’t moved out of our house yet,” your mom replied with a smile, seemingly not noticing your exasperation.
“Oh, ok…” you trailed off, placated for now, but still a little sad that you didn’t get the chance to pick out your own clothes, and worried that since they were older clothes that maybe they wouldn’t fit you too well. You guessed based on Katherine’s grin that there was likely something wrong with the clothes she had packed for you.
You couldn’t dwell on worrying about what you would be wearing for long, however, as the table that you were stood on violently shook as another person dropped onto one of the chairs behind you.
Turning, you were met with the massive mammaries of your “aunt” Barb, barely contained in a tiny red bikini that was somehow even more ill equipped to support them than your mom’s, slammed down onto the table a mere four inches in front of you, the impact throwing you backwards onto your ass.
“Oops, sorry Ant!” Barb laughed embarrassedly. “These things seem to have a mind of their own sometimes!”
“Don’t worry Barb, he travelled here between mine, so I don’t think getting buried under yours would be much different!” The three women shared a laugh at your mom’s joke as your face grew beet red with embarrassment.
“Oh, now that you mention carrying Ant here, I just realised!” Barb shot up out of her seat and spun around, revealing her planetary backside clad in a tiny pair of white shorts. She forced one of her hands into the back pocket and, after around a minute of struggling to grasp what was in it, retrieved a small, tan sheet, which she then proceeded to lay flat on the table next to you.
The flattened form of Brett looked like he had been utterly pulverised by his mother’s titanic backside, and may take a little while longer than you did to reform.
“Sorry Brett! Didn’t mean to leave you back there before I sat down,” Barb blushed, clearly embarrassed and a sorry to have forgotten him.
“I’m sure he’s used to it Barb. It feels like half of the time that I see poor Brett he has to get pulled out from under your booty!” Your mom teased her friend, causing Barb’s embarrassed blush to deepen slightly, which only earned another round of laughs from your mom and sister.
“What’s so funny?” The familiar voice of your oldest sister, Sarah, was accompanied by the sounds of two pairs of flip-flop clad feet slapping on the tiled ground. Turning towards the source of the noise, you saw your sister and Vicky approaching the table you were all seated at.
Sarah was wearing a pink and white sundress that, compared to everyone else’s attire should appear modest, but that her immense curves were rapidly attempting to make immodest, her gargantuan hips and colossal buttocks causing the short skirt to ride so far up that you could see the majority of her thick thighs, and the low cut of the dress allowing more and more of her colossal chest to reveal itself with every step she took.
Vicky’s sundress was a very similar style to your sister’s, albeit in a darker black and blue, and looked to be under significantly less stress than your sister’s dress.
“Brett ended up under Aunt Barb’s butt again,” Katherine said nonchalantly, her statement causing your sister and her fiancé to wince as their eyes were directed to Brett’s flattened form.
Now that everyone had arrived, you all began to discuss what everyone wanted to do first.
1) Katherine and Sarah decide that they are content to lounge by the poolside, you decide to stay with them, not figuring that Sarah should be able to shield you from whatever cruel tricks Katherine would inevitably try to play on you. Unable to speak up, you tell everyone that it’s probably a good idea for Brett to stay with you, since he can’t really look after himself while he’s still flattened.
2) Barbara seems eager to try out the various restaurants and buffets that are dotted around the resort. Vicky realises that she’s pretty hungry too and decides to join her.
All of the talk of food makes you realise that you hadn’t eaten yet, so you decide to join them, and Barbara scoops Brett up and deposits him back inside the back pocket of her shorts once again.
3) Everyone is surprised by the arrival of Helena, showing mixed reactions before going back to deciding plans for the day. Deborah announces that she is going to the resort’s spa, and Helena decides to join her, scooping you up as she and your mother walk off in the direction of the spa before anyone can protest her taking you. indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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