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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2241680-A-Shrunken-Intern/cid/3049338-Moms-Mountain-of-Clothing
Rated: GC · Interactive · Erotica · #2241680
A tiny, malleable guy attempts to navigate life and an internship at a law firm
This choice: She heads home immediately and you two start working on the wardrobe.  •  Go Back...
Chapter #4

Mom’s Mountain of Clothing

    by: Alistair
The car journey felt like it took much longer than it actually did, since your mom decided not to take you out of her purse when she reached the car. So instead of passing the time talking to her, you were forced to listen to her tone deaf singing along with whatever song happened to come up on the radio, despite her barely knowing half of the words at best. When you felt the purse swinging back into motion as she lifted it up to take with her into the house, you were just thankful you’d be out soon. You didn’t even mind having to dodge the pack of mints that were knocked loose by the motion.

After a few minutes of the purse swaying gently as she walked, there was a sudden lurch and then your were thrown into the air as your mom roughly dropped the purse. Landing roughly, you looked down to your partially compressed leg and cursed your mom’s carelessness. It wasn’t a bad impact, so your leg was almost fully back in shape within a few seconds.

Light poured in and as your vision adjusted, you were met by Deborah’s smiling face. She didn’t even seem to notice your partially compressed leg as she reached in for you.
“Ok, lazy bones. Now that you’ve had your comfy ride in there it’s time to get to work! There’s a lot of stuff to get through,” you wanted to tell her that riding in her purse wasn’t exactly a picnic for you, but the words caught in your mouth as you were pulled out and saw the sight of the mess that your mom had made of her room.

You were looking at the now empty wardrobe that you used to live on one of the shelves of. Your old “room” was the only thing that still had stuff on it, as it was currently covered in several pairs of discarded underwear, that was laying on top of the stuff you had yet to move out.
You were distracted from your annoyance at your mom dumping her stuff on top of yours by what was in front of the wardrobe.
Piled in front of the now empty wardrobe there was a mountain of clothing of all shapes and sizes; Pants, tops, bras, panties, any kind of clothing that you could think of was probably in there, piled on top of each other to form a pile so large you wondered how your mom had amassed so much clothing. That wasn’t even mentioning all of the shoes strewn around the base of the pile as well.

“I pulled it all out to pick out what I wanted to keep and couldn’t decide, so I just sort of left it there, except for a few of my favourite pairs of underwear” your mom laughed, clearly embarrassed at the mess, while pointing towards the discarded articles on your old room. You meanwhile, were completely intimidated, how the hell were you going to help her get through all this in one day? The pile was so large that you’d probably take over a day to climb out of it if you got stuck in the middle of it. The prospects of you getting stuck to something in this unorganised mass of clothes was very high. This day just went from an annoyance of convincing your mom to throw certain clothes out, to what you assume will be a struggle to not join your mom’s clothes as part of her wardrobe.

“It’s a lot, I know, but I’m sure with your smarts you’ll help me be ruthless and we’ll get through it all in no time!” Deborah’s enthusiasm was unfortunately not reflected in you. Just looking at the sheer amount of clothes, you knew that not only was this most likely going to take more than just today, but you also got a sinking feeling that something would go wrong today.

As the thought of something going wrong crossed your mind, your mom jumped at the sound of the doorbell ringing downstairs.
“Oh shoot, I need to go get that Anthony. Here, you can get started while I’m downstairs, just start looking for what you think I should throw out,” as she said this she dropped you towards the monumental pile of clothes. Before you had even landed she had already turned to rush downstairs, not even looking where you landed. As she reached the door to the hallway she turned without looking at you and called out. “Oh yeah, I also couldn’t find my favourite pair of tan panties, keep an eye out for them because I don’t want to accidentally throw them out.”

You pulled yourself up and dusted yourself off after your fall, looking up just in time to see the gargantuan form of your mother disappear around the corner, at least you hadn’t fallen deep enough in to not be able to see her leave. The ground you were standing on was at least solid and stable, it was a black material that seemed relatively uniform in its consistency, and was quite large. Once you noticed it’s concave shape, it didn’t take you long to piece together that you were standing inside one the cups of one of your mom’s many bras. How Deborah expected you to inspect her clothes from here was beyond you, the idea of even scaling the sides of the bra cup you were in was daunting enough.
With a sigh, you began crawling up the sides of the bra cup, hoping that your mom would at least notice you from the vantage point on the rim of the cup when she came back. It took you several minutes to reach the top of the slope, and even once you reached the top, the bra was barely thick enough for you to sit on the edge of it, you considered moving to a less precarious perch as you glanced below you into the mess of clothes that a slight jolt would send you tumbling down into the midst of, but you thought it better to at least survey your surroundings first.
Glancing around, you noted that you must have been somewhere near the top of the pile, based on the vantage you had to take in the landscape of your mother’s bedroom. You could see your mom’s massive bed off in the distance, seemingly miles away from your perspective. Looking behind you, you saw your old room, the shelf in her wardrobe which was now covered in the underwear she had chosen to keep so far. The stuff you had left, ready to take with you at another time, lost in the pile. You would need to get your mom to help you find your stuff so you could get it out of here before it got lost amongst her things.

Interrupting your thoughts was the steadily growing rhythmic vibrations of your mom walking down the hall to her bedroom. As the monolithic form of Deborah rounded the corner, you started to wave, hoping to catch her attention.

“It was just Mrs Jackson next door, she took in a package for me while I was out. Now we can get started Anthony. Wait, where did I leave you again?”

As Deborah looked around, you began to wave and shout, hoping to get her attention sooner rather than later, since the longer she remained unaware of your location, the worse things would likely go for you.

1) “Oh there you are sweetie!” Your mom spots you relatively quickly. Now you can get started helping her. But what does she want to sort through first?
2) “Oh there are my favourite panties!” As Deborah notices and pulls out her favourite underwear, somewhere lower in the pile than your perch, it destabilises the pile and you are sent tumbling deep into it as it shifts and collapses.
3) “Hmm, maybe I left him downstairs?” Deborah turns to leave and look for you downstairs, leaving you stranded on top of the mountain of clothing. Does anything happen before she comes back? (Reader’s choice)

You have the following choices:

1. Spotted Immediately

2. Into the Depths

3. Stranded at the Peak of Clothing Mountain (Reader’s Choice)

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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