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Big sister forces little sister to have sex |
Its been a few days since my sister did those horrible things to me but one Saturday we went out shopping.
So there we were in one of the ailes then my sister knocks something for and said "Lilly why did you do that bad girl"
"What I didn't do that"
"Oh so you're saying it just fell over by itself" then she knocked over another thing "LILLY if you knock over one more thing I'm gonna have to punish you"
"But I'm not even doing anything I'm just standing here" then it happened she knocked over a thing and walked over to me and grabbed my ear and dragged me over to a bench and pulled me over her lap and started spanking me in the store
"Okay okay I'll stop knocking things over just stop spanking me" I said loudly "oh look you got some peoples attention now what would you do if I pulled down you're pants" she whisper into my ear "no please dont" me embarrassed cuz I forgot to put on underwear this morning "will to bad little sis" she said pulling down my pants "NOOO" "oh no undies today makes it easier for me to spank you" she said has she continued the spanking
Me now cry begging her to stop she stands me up and tells me no more knocking stuff over okay I nod a wipe my eyes as she pulls me in for a hug and starts rubbing my butt then sticks a finger in my butt causing me to yulp I whisper in her ear "what are you doing" she whispers back "spanking you got me hard so we're gonna go to the bath and I'm gonna stick my penis in you" she then picks me up with my pants still down and runs me to the bathroom and into the stall she then pulls down her pants and panties and said get to work I look away and say "please don't make me do this here" she sighs and forces me to turn around and that's when I knew True pain she shoved it up my butt covering my mouth so my screams were muffled "Damm you're so tight Lilly" she said thrusting in and out of me and me just screaming and crying as she did.
I soon felt her cum and say "I think that's the fastest I've never came in my life" she then pulled out and placed me on my knees and forces it down my throat "good girl clean my cock off" ("wait this was just in my butt ewww") I thought as she thrusts in and out of my mouth. After her penis was clean enough she pulled out of my mouth grabbed her backpack she had pulled out a diaper took away my pants and pull the diaper on me and made me wear the diaper and a shirt only.
When we got out of the bathroom a manger asked her if everything was alright "yea just had a bathroom emergency is all, I'm gonna take this one to the doctors" the manger left after that and she took me home instead of the doctors when we got home she immediately got naked and forced me to as well then force me to jerk her off once she hard she picked me up and before she put it in me "haven't I been punished enough" I said she just responded with no and slammed me down on her penis making me scream we'll making me go up and down on her I thought to myself ("this is my life now isn't") then I feel her cum inside me she drops me on the floor cum dripping out of me and for some reason I say more
"What was that"
"Sorry didn't hear you little sis"
"I want more of your penis sis"
"Oh yea if that's true I want you to say put it in my butt big sis"
"Put it in my butt big sis"
"As you wish little sis" she then picked me up and brought me to her room threw me on the bed and told me to get on my hands and knees then got behind me and shoved it in my ass this time I sounded of pleasure came out of my mouth "see I knew you would like it, so now I'm gonna pound you're little butt till morning" when she said that I gulped and nodded my head then asked her if I could lay down on my stomach instead of being on my hands and knees she nodded her head and then she started thrusting in and out of me we started at five pm and it went on till eight o'clock in the morning my butt was so sore and so full of cum.
When she finally pulled out she said I think that's enough anal for one night don't you think I just nodded my head and got up turn around and put her cock in my mouth "what are you doing sis" I took her cock out of my mouth for a second "cleaning it why" "oh ok" she then let me clean it and once I was done I asked if I could go to bed she nodded and said but two things frist a bath then a spanking she then got up still naked by the way went to her bathroom and started the water once the tab she told me to get in so I did and she got in with me and started to wash me "hey do you think I'll ever have breasts like yours" "when your older probably" when the bath was done she pulled me out of the tab got me dried brushed my hair and brought me to my room then sat down on my bed and padded her leg and I got over her lap and said "please spank my naughty little butt till I learn my lesson "good girl and the lesson we are learning today is that you will do whatever I said from now on without question yes" "yes big sister" she than began the spanking
"Wow you didn't squirm around this time" "is my lesson over sis"
"Have you learn you're lesson little sis" I then think and then "no I haven't please spank me some more" "okay if you haven't learn yet" she then started again
By the 25th spank I start to feel tears down my face "okay okay I've learn my lesson big sis" she the picks me up amd lays me down in my bed then get down beside me and says good night little sis I then feel her cock against my butt and for some reason grab it with my hand and start move it up and down cuasing my sister to moan she then gets on her back and I switch sides and start really jerking her off I then get on top of and insert her cock into my vagina making her moan more "yes keep bouncing little sis" after a little bit she cums inside and with her cock still in me I lay on her chest and fall asleep.  |
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