Akiko's men had been here almost an hour and were only halfway through bringing everything up to my room. Despite his best efforts to avoid them, as I had requested, I knew Dad would eventually run into the delivery guys.
I had just finished showing Akiko where the bathroom was and was about to give all the delivery guys some water when I noticed Dad approaching one of them behind the truck. Even from 15 feet away, I could just barely make out what he was saying, "It must be strange knowing you're delivering all these feminine items to a former man."
"It's not that strange; I've been on the receiving end of these deliveries. I used to be a 17-year-old lesbian; now, I've got a wife and three kids," the guy said as he stacked some empty boxes in the truck.
"God," Dad exclaimed as he looked at the man. "Even you're a better man than my son."
My blood was boiling, but I was too far away to do anything about it. Fortunately, the delivery guy was just as angry as I was. "Hey, it takes strength to do what your daughter and I did. A real father would accept his child, like mine did, both times."
I dashed across the yard, shoving Dad as hard as I could into the side of the truck. "Seriously, Daddy! I asked you to do one thing, and you couldn't do it!"
"I'm just having a conversation, Holly,” Dad said as he stepped away from the truck and rubbed his elbow.
"Why can't you see that I did this for my own good?"
Dad stepped behind the truck for a moment before reappearing with a box containing all of my bras. "You call this good? You're supposed to be taking these things off women, not putting them on yourself!"
I snatched the box containing my bras from Dad's arms and said, "Go inside, Daddy; before you make me say something I'll regret."
Initially, it appeared as if my father was going to fight me, but when he saw the delivery men around him, he understood that he was outnumbered. Without further incident, he returned to the house.
The earlier delivery guy, whose name I still didn't know, approached me and asked, "Are you okay?"
"Absolutely not. If I wasn't so emotional right now, this whole messed up situation with my father would be a lot less stressful." I began shaking and said, "I've never wanted to cry more than I do right now, and I'm doing my best not to vomit all over you."
"I dealt with everything after my procedure, except for what's going on with your father." The guy said, embracing me, "Your body is being flooded with different hormones; it will take a few days for you to adjust. Meanwhile, try to find a healthy way to maintain control."
I was only half-listening to what he was saying because I was more concerned with how I felt in his arms. I paused for a second to collect myself before saying, "Akiko did say something about getting a vibrator; I suppose that's a good form of stress relief."
"As someone who is well-versed in vibrators, I can attest to the accuracy of that statement. In the meantime, I get together with several other Radeon clients once a week just to hang out. If you give me your phone number, I'll gladly send you the address."
"That sounds like a great idea; it'd be nice to be around people who understand what I'm going through." With a smirk, I added, "Just don't drunk text me in the middle of the night, or I might have to involve your wife."
"Deal," the guy said with a smile. "My name is Caleb, by the way."
"Holly," I said as I reached out to shake his hand. "Nice to meet you, Caleb."
"Nice to meet you as well, Holly."
Hearing what I thought was a commotion inside the house, I said, "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to speak with my father. I'll make sure Akiko gives you my phone number, okay?"
"Sounds good."