Hannah had always known that she was attracted to fat. Ever since she was a young girl, she had held a curious fascination with turgid bellies, squishy faces, floppy arms, and sagging breasts. Regardless of sex, build, or creed, Hannah Hammond had always been driven by this insatiable need to see people become overweight.
The smaller that they started out, the better. The bigger that they wound up, even moreso.
Hannah had been playing the corruptive aspect to her friends as early as grade school, innocently pushing playmates towards greedy choices that (at least in a few cases) resulted in battling with impulse control later on down the line. All throughout high school and college, Hannah worked tirelessly on these special projects in her spare time, charming everyone with her perfect prep school façade in hopes of hiding the manipulative machinations that she laid out to reap.
Rachel Elvers had been Hannah’s first “serious” project in Buttercombe Academy, where she attended preparatory school, and had forever been the high that Hannah had been chasing.
Once upon a time, the ebony-haired planet holding a purse and bowing the bench seating on the other side of Hannah’s desk had been a slender and downright tiny thing that used to share a room with her. Eager and trusting, Hannah worked to circumvent every notion of restraint and self-control until (quite literally on at least a few occasions) she had the poor thing eating out of the palm of her hand.
Freshman year had been a wild fucking ride.
Unfortunately, the high had peaked. Hannah and Rachel were each given freshmen as a part of Buttercombe’s “big sister program” (spearheaded by that flabulous Ms. Underwood who Hannah would sometimes TA) and they were separated. The two of them cut quite a dissonance between them; Hannah, slender and perfect, and poor Rachel already nearing two hundred pounds even back then. Hannah would attempt to recreate the perfect storm of subterfuge and sabotage that had led to Rachel’s astounding weight gain, to varying amounts of success.
Thankfully Rachel continued to gain weight throughout the years—her actions guided by her trusted friend and literally the most enabling environment available to a bunch of (admittedly) spoiled students in an all-girl’s school.
The fact that they hadn’t had to knock a wall out to take her home after senior year was one of Hannah’s biggest regrets.
“Oh my goddddd Hannah hiiiiiii~!!”
Even before she had stood to full attention (a long and breathy process) Hannah could tell that she had lost weight. Wrapping her arms around the colossal woman was still impossible, pressing herself deep into her chest in one of her signature and motive-laden hugs and nestling between her fat breasts still meant that Hannah couldn’t make her hands meet around her former roommate. But there was no denying that she had gotten much smaller in the years that had passed since they’d both graduated from Buttercombe Academy and gone their separate ways in college…
It had to have at least been a loss of a hundred pounds.
Though, only by Hannah Hammond’s standards would three hundred and fifty pounds of chunky-faced, triple-chinned walrus in a pant suit be considered anything other than enormous.
“It’s so good to see you, Rachel.” Hannah tried not to let her disappointment dampen her best customer service façade, “You look really good!”
“Oh yeah, you think so?” Rachel asked with a happy, contented pat of her stomach as it rolled to spread her black pinstripe skirt taut and the blazer buttons tight, “Is it really that noticeable that I’ve lost some weight?”
“Yes.” Hannah answered too quickly, too curtly, and with her natural disinterest in the topic.
Thankfully, Rachel wasn’t very bright. More, she was tickled that someone had pointed it out, and given her a chance to discuss the issue on her own terms.
“Thank youuuuuuu! It’s so good to hear, I can hardly tell myself.” Rachel’s gut still wobbled slightly as her hands came to rest politely on the outer crest of its mountainous peak, “I know, like consciously, that I’m not nearly as big as I used to be, but I still feel like a big ol’ marshmallow so it’s kind of hard to tell sometimes.”
Squeezing a roll of her stomach, the fold over her belly button cut deep by the no doubt custom tailored blouse, Rachel obliviously gave Hannah new reason to chew on the pink of her lower lip. Her fat face creasing and folding in joy, pleased as punch to be seeing Hannah and for someone so pretty and slim to tell her that she was looking good…
Meanwhile, Hannah could barely help but remember the Rachel that had been.
More than four hundred and fifty hundred pounds of high school senior, struggling to so much as waddle down the hallways. Towards the end, they were literally excusing every absence on medical grounds due to the fact that she had gotten so fat that she could barely fit between the classroom doors, much less into the desks. Greedily gobbling up everything that Hannah could convince her to shovel down, barely thinking twice (if at all) as to the consequences of her size. Growing larger and larger, almost by the day…
If Ms. Underwood had listened and let Hannah volunteer to be Rachel’s roommate instead of placing her on that stupid Student Special Services program (or whatever SSS had stood for), Hannah could have all but guaranteed she would have somehow been even more impossibly huge.
“I’m sorry?” Hannah blinked back to attention, putting on her game face like an old pro, “I mean… say again?”
“Where do you want to go for lunch? I just got a huge settlement from my old job, so it’s on me—I was hoping that we could talk about what we were discussing on the phone, earlier…”
Hannah’s eyes widened and her smile tucked devilishly as the reason behind Rachel Conrad’s sudden reappearance in her life. With so much going on, so many guests to pamper and hoops to jump through, it had been easy for her to forget that she was the one who requested her time here all those weeks ago…
This wasn’t just going to be getting dinner with an old friend—Rachel Elvers was here for a job interview. (1/4)