Chapter #44Doubling Darcy by: Seuzz  You're pacing the room, wheels spinning furiously in your head, when your eye falls on Darcy's mask. All the tumblers fall into place. "Joe, you're a fucking genius," you murmur appreciatively to yourself. You snatch up the cell phone and call Darcy. "I'm really sorry," you say in a small, pleading tone after she's answered. "Frank is sorry too."
"I don't know what you're sorry about," she says in a very clipped and cool tone.
"We were just being stupid yesterday," you continue. "I was hoping you wouldn't be mad, but today--" Yes, she had been very frosty toward you in Cussler's class.
"I'm not mad at you, Joe. Or at Frank," she says. "You guys are who you are."
"Well, can we try to prove that we're better than that? I don't like you being mad at us. Can you come over? Just for a little while? I promise, there won't be any fighting or anything. We want to show you we're actually civilized."
"I know that Frank is civilized--"
"Please, Darcy!" You drop to your knees, even though she obviously can't see you. "You don't know how much I hate it when people are mad at me. It's like the worst thing in the world for me! Just come over, for five minutes even, just to show that you really mean it when you say you're not mad at me."
She sighs very heavily, and finally relents. You thank her fervently.
Frank has been watching you from the dining room. "What are you up to?" he guardedly asks.
"We're hijacking her body," you reply as you get back to your feet. He turns a little white. "Patterson is sending over one of his buttboys to help infiltrate Eastman. We have to keep up appearances, at least for a little while, and that means finding him a place. Darcy is available on short notice."
"And how does that fit in with Ursula and her friends?"
"As far as they are to know, Darcy is going to be herself. She'll be the fourth on the team. Oh, and as far Keith Tilley--that's our new friend--is concerned, you're a golem."
"I am a golem," he says in a very even tone.
"Then it shouldn't be hard for you to play the part."
* * * * *
You're a little nervous about the upcoming switch because you don't know who will show up first, and relax when Keith appears. "Hey man," you exclaim as you open the door, letting Joe's natural enthusiasm cover for your rather cooler feelings. "Welcome to Escuela de Guillermo." You shake his hand and punch him in the shoulder.
He's a little pale, but warms at this welcome. "Thanks for saving my ass," he says. "I didn't think I was gonna make it out of Westside alive."
"Hey, I wouldn't let anything happen to my little buddy." You put your arm around his shoulder, then impulsively lean in and give him a big, wet kiss right on the mouth. He recoils. "Oh yeah," you grin, and nod at Frank. "That's my boyfriend over there."
"Really," Keith gasps.
"Sure, they're really open-minded at Eastman." You playfully tweak one of his nipples. "Are, uh, are you open-minded, Keith?"
He swallows hard. "Um--"
You push him away with a laugh. "I'm just jerking your chain. This big goof's name is Joe. You'll get used to me acting like this. That over there is Frank. Big brother. He's a golem. Golem, Keith. Keith, golem."
"Charmed," Frank says mirthlessly.
"Okay, hi," says Keith. He still looks a little uncertain after being so wrong-footed. "So is he for me?"
"No. You can't put his face on. Only I can put his face on. Same with Joe here. If I switch, I'll let you know."
"What about the rest of the family," Keith asks.
"There is none. Yeah, it's complicated. Basically, there's no mom, and the dad is off earning money. So it's just Frank and me with the run of the place."
"That's convenient."
"Sure is." You draw up close to him again. "So, if I put you inside a hot cheerleader, would you come over and have a slumber party with the two of us?"
"Jesus, Will!"
"You're so fucking gullible." You hook your arm around his neck again and yank him down the hall. "Anyway, we gotta new face on her way over, so hide in the bedroom until I come get you." You shove him, and he stumbles through the doorway. "Try out the bed if you want." You wink at him and shut the door.
Frank looks dubious when you return. "He seems a little--"
"Yeah, and first impressions aren't misleading. Patterson likes kids he can push around." You mime punching him in the stomach. He easily blocks you, and it quickly escalates into a fearsome brawl. But as with all such brawls between the brothers, it ends with you on the floor and Frank smiling sourly down at you. "Saved by the bell," he says as the doorbell rings.
"Is that the best you can come up with?" you sigh as you get up and go to the door. "The bell jars. Le salut belle. La belle dame sans merci--" You open the door "--beaucoup zut alors marie antoinette croissant!" You pull Darcy's stiff hand to your lips. "Vous avez la simple pression d'un cobra sexe affame," you murmur in a very low voice, hoping she doesn't speak French or can't catch your words. "Entre nous parlez vous sacrebleu," you add in a louder voice as you draw her inside. "Avec!" you shout as you close the door with your foot, and wrap your arms around her torso. "Rapidement! Le masque de la mort identite!" you call to Frank. "Tout suite, Toots, mon ami est en attente!" Frank rapidly advances with Darcy's mask and puts it to her face. You kiss her cheek and squeeze her torso after she has sagged into your arms. "You're not sexy, Darcy, but I wish Keith were more open to experimentation with these things."
You sweep her up and carry down the hall to the bedroom, and kick at the door. Keith opens it, and you push past, dropping Darcy on the bed. "Well, what do you think?" you ask. "Will she do?"
"That's a cheerleader?" he asks, slightly aghast. Darcy has a rather pinched face, and no real boobs to speak of.
"No, she's actually kind of a brainiac. But I had a mask of her--"
"How come?"
"Shut up, that's how come. She's a spoke in a lot of wheels, so it'll be easy for you to use her to make your quota. Patterson wants five from you, right?" He nods. "You could probably make your quota tonight, if you had five masks. We could have ham, too, if we had ham, and ham and eggs, if we had eggs."
"I brought over one blank," he says, and opens his backpack.
You ignore it and start taking off Darcy's shoes. "Let's get you changed and then we'll see what we can do. Frank and me don't have a lot of money, and I hope Darcy's got credit cards, because we need supplies. Oh, and before I forget, I've got three associates over here already. For them, you're going to be Darcy here. For real. You're not someone pretending to be Darcy, you're the real girl. And you're going to be part of our 'group'. Understand?"
You look at him carefully; he's so dopey. "I'll explain it again after you've changed," you say waspishly, and leave him to finish up.
Ten minutes later you march to the bedroom door and pound on it. "You decent yet?"
"Go away," Darcy's sharp voice comes back. "I'm so pissed at you."
"You told me on the phone I was all forgiven."
"Yeah, this girl's pissed at you too, but it's me who's none too happy."
"How come?" You open the door, then quickly close it again as he flings a shoe at you. "What's going on in there?" You open the door again.
She's in her panties and is buttoning up her shirt, and turns to glare at you. "You coulda gotten me anybody, man." (An odd phraseology and intonation to be coming out of Darcy.) "Ian or Shawn Gregory or-- Hell, Jonathan Straussler, if you want money. If it's a girl, you coulda got me Alyssa or Becky or someone like that. Pfft. Of all the girls, this one. And meanwhile," he adds hotly as he snatches up her jeans, "you're off giving half the girls at Eastman tonsillectomies with your tongue."
"Yeah, it's awesome!" you exclaim. "But look, you got some stray memories in there, right, with me and Eileen Piper and Ursula?" Your friend frowns a moment, then nods. "Those are the guys you're partners with. Eileen, Ursula, and Joshua Cheswick. They already knew I had a mask of Darcy, and this whole thing would look less skeevy to some of those guys if we make it look like Darcy has come in and joined the fun. Okay?"
Keith gives you a guarded look. "So I don't have to stay like this?"
"Put it this way. Back at Westside, we were using masks to get close to victims. Why would I stop you from doing the same thing here? Start getting masks, and you can switch into them in order to get close to the rest of your targets. You'll have to go back to Darcy after using them, but--"
"Why can't I make a permanent switch?"
"Well, where would we put Darcy? She still has to be under our control, and Patterson won't want that--" You point past her at the real Darcy, who is still unconscious on the bed "--as a permanent acquisition."
"So just give me five assignments, and don't count this one!" indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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