The music for this final battle was a track you'd never heard before, and it was very befitting, as you were facing the most powerful god in the game's story, one that even the gods you'd bested before feared. But you were confident on your team and your own abilities, so you began your attack, this was for sure the most epic fight you'd ever had in the game.
Time flew by, and even your most powerful attacks only barely chipped at his health until you figured the way to counter his many shields and barriers, but even then, the Dark Emperor, as he called himself, was extremely powerful, and his raw HP was monstrous, even with his defenses removed, it took a ton of effort to bring his health down, being forced to use the most powerful attacks you possessed in this game, those being called the Ultra Burst Burst and the Dual Limit Burst. The Ultra required the filling of an actual overdrive gauge that applied to all the party, unlike the individual Limit Burst ones, and it was hard to fill, but your player avatar actually had the ability to fill a decent chunk of it thanks to the robe and every 10 turns you'd be able to unleash it.
The Dual Limit Burst was trickier, as it was essentially a double Ultra, requiring 2 units to be bonded together, and that bond to be leveled up to the max, which was expensive in game resources, but with time and patience, even you, a free player, eventually managed to reach it for all of your squad. Originally, the Summoner himself lacked a DLB, but this last update patch granted him the ability to pair up with any unit in the game, and thus you paired him with your squad leader, Reeva, to have the hardest hitting attack in the entire game, with the added plus of having an extra action for 3 turns after casting it.
The Dual Limit Burst also boasted a cool cinematic, showing an animation with the two units featured unleashing a combined combo of their most powerful attacks, before firing an unique attack together that took a large chunk of the boss' health. After the attack was done, all your units could cast their Super Burst Limit again, and since your Overdrive gauge had been filled to the max because of the DLB, you had Reeva use her Ultra Limit Burst, adding yet another extra action to the whole party, albeit only for 1 turn, but this proved extremely useful because the borderline absurd damage boosts they provided meant that everyone in your team was hitting at their absolute hardest.
The Dark Emperor's health dipped below 30%, and his dialogue suggested that he was going to unleash an immensely powerful attack next turn, but as your units hit him two more times with their Super Limit Bursts, it reached 10%, prompting more dialogue, and it seemed that you bypassed what looked to be like a massive nuke. Thankfully, Riddith, who served as your friend lead during this battle, was able to revive fallen teammates, and like your Summoner avatar, she boasted the ability to resist death, guaranteeing that she could revive everyone next turn.
The boss then put up some impenetrable barriers up and you guarded with everyone, knowing that this likely meant he'd unleash a powerful attack next turn. Which he did, with also an awesome cinematic of its own, gathering energy from the whole universe to fire beams of concentrated dark energy that caused massive explosions, changing the stage from an ancient temple deep in a fantasy jungle to a barren, apocalyptic-lookign wasteland, something that'd never happened before in the game.
"Whoah, Umi (the game company) really decided to go out with a bang with this thing..." You said, admiring the beautiful sprites, feeling sadder that this would be the last time you saw this kind of thing, as this was likely the final battle you'd have with your squad.
Even though this was the last stretch, it proved to be way harder than you expected, as the Dark Emperor revealed that he was the creator of the Summoning power, which he had used as a curse on humanity, to corrupt them and to eventually lead into his own revival. Displaying his mastery of the very power that he created, he began summoning all of the bosses you'd fought in the past, giving himself a squad to face your own. Each of these had been an enormous challenge at their time, and now you were facing them all together, and after the first turn, you realized they were even buffed from their original incarnations.
But, not wanting to give up just yet, you pressed on and continued fighting, taking the other bosses down one by one, as they provided a special seal that shielded the Dark Emperor from all damage until they were all gone. Hours flew by as you kept battling, your units managed to slay the last of the summoned bosses, and the Dark Emperor then viciously struck your whole party with an attack that left everyone at 1 HP.
"It's a good thing I'm packing heals" You said, ordering Reeva, your Summoner and Neithhotep to use their Limit Bursts instead of the Super version, as the ordinary ones had the heals, bringing your team back to full strength. Riddith's Super Limit Burst topped them off with health and provided the buff that allowed your squad to resist death, although at a somewhat low chance, if you wanted the guaranteed one you'd need her Ultra Limit Burst, but your Overdrive gauge was empty, so it'd take at least 6 to 8 more turns to refill.
The battle continued, and little by little, the Dark Emperor's HP dwindled down until it reached 0.5%. Reeva's Extra action buff kicked in and you realized your Summoner had one more action, and while his gauge was empty, you decided to hit with a basic attack, which was an underrated, cool little sprite animation, showing your avatar charging up energy from all the elements into his sword and then deliver several mighty slashes at the boss. With that, as anticlimactic as it may have seemed, the boss was finally slain, and the final cutscene ensued.
In the cutscene, your entire squad was wounded and breathing heavily, they'd all clearly reached their limit. All 4 of your summons and Riddith channeled their remaining energy into the Summoner's sword and he charged at the Dark Emperor, dodging his terrifying dark beams until he could get close enough, slashing him 3 times before stabbing him right in the heart. Just then, your fellow Summoners, friends from the game's story, which all had gone off on their own missions as the game advanced, made one more appearance, helping you to strike the mad deity down.
After a spectacular explosion (preceded by a slightly cheesy disbelief speech from the villain himself) the damage he had caused was undone, restoring the lush jungle where the temple that sealed him was in. Your story friends congratulated the Summoner for his prowess, for having become someone who surpassed the gods themselves, and who bravely took on the strongest being in the universe by himself. Your Summoner chuckled, remarking that he wasn't alone, his squad and Riddith came forth, the latter tackling the him with a hug. You were amazed, as normally cutscenes didn't show the squad you'd actually used, leaving it open to the imagination. It looks like the devs bothered to add art for every single unit in the game to give the most authentic feeling ending possible.
Some humor ensued, and the story went on to reveal that the world had been finally been brought to peace from the gods who wanted to exterminate humanity, though some comments from your summoner friends implied that they may still have to keep an eye out for human governments that may try to take advantage, but Riddith, being one of the few goddesses left, vowed to protect the world "as long as her dear Summoner accompanies her", and revealing that, as the Summoner had absorbed the powers of many gods that he had defeated, he'd ended up inadvertently becoming one himself, and as a god, it was also his duty to help her protect the planet.
Realizing that this might be the last time they'd be reunited together, all of the Summoner's friends had a warm farewell in their own way, some congratulating him again, while some expressed slight envy of having become an immortal god, and the fiery lady who'd been the game's official tsundere until the last story arc teased that now you could finally be together with Riddith, and in fact she'd teased that you two were a couple all throughout story since the first chapter, though in-game the Summoner had always denied this, and Riddith herself seemed to ignore the topic, but at the same time she teased the idea herself at times when it was only the two of you.
She even said that after all you'd gone through, you were gonna go on a beach date and it didn't look like she bothered to ask his/your opinion, saying that she knew of an amazing beach from another world, with brilliant stardust for sand, and where she wanted the two of you to rest and relax after all the battles you endured together.
And thus, the game reached its end, with all of the friends the Summoner made waving goodbye at him just as Riddith opened a portal and grabbed the Summoner by the hand, then the two waved goodbye back, making it look like they were also addressing the player, before they walked into the portal and it closed.
"Thank you dear Summoners, for all your love and support these years. This adventure may have reached its conclusion, but remember, a Summoner's quest is never over! It's not a goodbye! It's an until-we-meet-again!"
The message appeared across the final picture, which, without the portal and the characters, just showed the landscape of a beach from the final world where the Dark Emperor's battle took place. The font used was the same that the game used in the beginning, which indicated an old god's speaking to the Summoner for the first time. At that point, you couldn't help but shed a few tears, feeling silly that you were crying over a game. You figured only Cindy would understand, whereas Lillian would probably tease the hell out of you, and you didn't want Jen to see you crying either, so you were glad you were alone at home.