Dropping silently from the ceiling, Ranma watched the shoji doors for the least movement. Straightening up, she turned to find Kasumi inches behind her. Their faces almost touching, each breathing in one another's scent.
Ranma was powerless to object, as Kasumi put a hand on her shoulder. She wasn't a fighter, Ranma could use force against her. It was unthinkable.
"Ranma-chan, you're being selfish."
The words cut him to the core. Kasumi was the embodiment of kindness, and never had a harsh word for anyone. Ranma's resistance ebbed away, as she was marched to the bedrooms of the Tendo sisters.
"Pick!" Kasumi commanded.
She stood as sternly as she could in the doorway blocking his escape. But, it was the shame rather than anything else that stopped Ranma from pouncing out the window. Reluctantly, she opened drawer after drawer, forced to consider all the clothes.
Ranma tried not to imagine Kasumi wearing any of these things herself. But, the intimates made her blush to the roots of her hair. Her face as crimson as her hair. Kasumi's clothes probably weren't the best place to start. But, she wasn't going to make either of her sisters the first to endure sharing clothes with Ranma.
Feeling the need to pick something, so as not to insult her kind gesture. Ranma found a pastel T-shirt, and a coat, that while tailored for a woman, wasn't frilly and humiliating. Showing them to Kasumi, she hoped they'd be dismissed, or refused. But, Kasumi accepted them with a curt nod of her head.
"Nabiki next..." Her tone was neutral, neither a question nor a demand. But, Ranma nodded her head. She wanted to put off borrowing her fiancées clothes for as long as possible. With a gesture for Kasumi to lead the way, she sheepishly followed the eldest Tendo sister from one bedroom to the next.
- - - - -
Kasumi knocked softly, on the shoji door before sliding it open. Ranma stumbled as she followed Kasumi inside. Not tripping over anything, but her surprise. Nabiki was on the phone, and chatting away.
"Ranma needs some clothes." Kasumi said, neither a command, nor a question. Simply stating a fact. Nabiki shrugged indifferently, an exchanged glance to the plant spray.
"I was never going to catch you..."
"You have a more..." Ranma struggled to find an adjective, that wouldn't insult Nabiki.
"a more professional wardrobe." Nabiki offered, with a shark-like smile.
"I know you've worn all kinds of catsuits, unitards, and swimsuits that'd make me blush." She allowed her words to worm their way into Ranma's memory, eat away at her.
"But, I do have some very smart skirts, blouses, and so forth..."
She gestured unnecessarily to the drawers.
"The top drawer is underwear..." an eyebrow shot up meaningfully. A barbed invitation, or a warning to avoid it.
"There's some racy things there, if you dare..." The final words stinging Ranma who was easily provoked with a challenge.
Ranma swallowed, her tongue licking lips that were suddenly very dry. The trial laid out, Ranma couldn't trust herself to speak.