For a few moments you are woozy, as you become accustomed to controlling your first host body. In less than a minute, you've accessed this bodies memories, finding that you are Josie, the 25 year old blonde bartender at Jack's Tiki Shack, a rundown old place on the outskirts of LA. It's 2:30, and your body was just finishing up the last of the chores before locking up - the other bartender Mia has already left. With the bar being empty, you decide to indulge in some of the food here before leaving, and you pick up the bag of trash and finish the job, maintain appearances for now. Locking the back door, you head for the walk-in freezer, taking a look at all the meats sitting inside hungrily.
Grabbing a pair of boxes of pre-cooked hamburger paddies, you fire up the grill and spread out as many paddies you can fit, before going to grab a tray of lunch meat used for sandwiches. As you stuff handfuls of turkey, ham and chicken into your mouth as fast as you can chew and swallow, you flip the paddies and season them - may as well enjoy them for the short time you're chewing on them. As the minutes pass, your abdomen gurgles ominously as your alien proteins go to work on remaking your host body to produce your first clutch of spawn. By the time you leave, the mess mostly cleared away and the meats in your stomach, you've gained nearly 30 pounds, most of which has distended your previously flat stomach. Hauling your bulging belly into the small Mazda you own, you hit up a couple 24 hour drive through fast food places for even more food, your hunger not sated by the feast at the bar. By the time you get to your apartment, the bulge at your belly has begun to spread out amongst the rest of your body parts, and your jeans are getting tighter and tighter. As you park the car and collapse into your new bed, you feel the first wriggling inside your stolen womb, and you fall asleep as the sun rises and your progeny grow. When you wake up, what will you do?