After thinking it over, Stinky decided to go with her initial gut reaction, and stuck to her choice of what movie to watch.
“Y’know what? I really do wanna see this Butt Blast movie - it sounds great!”
Audrey chuckled. “I thought you might go with that. That's why I picked it off the shelf.”
“I mean, you like it, right?” Stinky asked.
“I do,” Audrey assured with a nod. “Definitely a silly little story - sort of like a superhero origin.”
“Ooooo, I like the sound of that!”
Audrey handed Stinky the tape of Butt Blast Boy, and tucked the other two underneath her arm. “I’ll put these back. Ask Tim if you can stick around and watch the movie in our back room.”
“Ohhh yeah, the store's movie theater! Can I really stay?”
“Of course, Stinks,” Audrey smiled. “Just ask Tim, and if he says yes, let your parents know. I’ll join you in a bit.”
Stinky gave Audrey a great big grin and turned to head towards Tim at the front desk of the store. When she approached him, VHS tape in hand, she was about to ask her question, before Tom interjected.
“I assume you’re going to ask me if ya may use my theater room?”
Stinky harrowed her eyes at Tim. “Using those big ears of yours to listen into me and Audrey, are ya, Tim?”
“No, I could just tell by the film in your hand.”
“Oh,” Stinky said plainly as she looked down at the movie in her hands.
“…And also because I overheard Audrey invitin’ ya ta stay and watch it wit’ her,” Tim added.
Stinky gave Tim a sarcastic smirk. “So, is it alright?”
“Fine by me, but ya have ta OK it wit’ your folks,” Tim reiterated. “Phone’s back here, behind the desk, feel free to use it.”
“Thanks, Tim!”
“Anytime, Lu.”
Stinky then scurried over behind the desk and just past Tim to pick up the phone and push in her home phone number. Her dad was likely on his way to work, and knew that he’d be alright with whatever her mother said.
The line on the other end clicked, and Stinky’s mother responded with, “Hello, this is the Robins residence.”
“Hey mom, it’s me!” Stinky replied.
“Elueze? …What are you doing, calling from the video store?”
“I ran into Audrey while I was looking at movies to rent. She and Tim said they’d be willing to let me watch something with them in their theater room!”
“Tim, too? Isn’t he managing the store?”
“Oh, well, I meant Audrey would watch it with me - Tim just said it’s OK to watch it here. Is that OK?”
“Sure, honey,” Stinky’s mother responded. “Just be sure to come straight home once you’re done. Hope you enjoy the movie, and tell Tim and Audrey I said hi!”
“You got it! Thanks, Mom!”
“You’re welco—!” Stinky hung up before she let her mother finish, and spun around to give Tim two thumbs up, as if to say, “we’re good to go!”
Tim smiled and nodded. “Tell me if you like it.”
“Will do, Tim!” Stinky said as she marched her way towards the room, before stopping in place and asking, “Hey, Tim? Do we still have to keep the farting to a minimum, or—?”
“Ah, knock yourselves out,” Tim answered quickly. “AC works back there, and we got slidin’ windows.”
Stinky gave a satisfied grin. “This day just keeps getting better and better!”
Stinky then stepped through the back of the video store, before she took a turn to enter through the door that would lead into Tim’s at-store theater. Stinky always thought Tim was a genius for coming up with the idea: the store was like the world’s biggest movie shelf, and the theater was the place to watch any of them, whenever Tim wanted. If Tim wanted to stay at the store overnight, he could, and he could occupy his time by watching films. It proved to be practical as well, since it allowed Tim to see if any of his monies had any playback problems that he could spot, to make sure that what he was selling was of proper quality.
The room itself was larger than it appeared, but it only appeared small because it was dense with seats and all sorts of movie paraphernalia decorated across the walls and floor. At the end of the room opposite to where Stinky came in was the projector screen where the movies would be displayed. On the ceiling was the projector itself, with wires running along the roof and down the wall on Stinky’s right, where it was connected to the various media players used to actually play the movies. On Stinky’s left were the only two windows in the room, to let in some natural sunlight and ventilation. Paired with the windows were a large, single curtain to cover one or both of them up, if needs be. The three or four seats were mostly huddled together in the center, with an extra beanbag on the floor for an extra person.
“Man… this place is awesome,” Stinky muttered to herself. The idea of a personal theater really appealed to her, since it was like all the excitement of going to the actual movies, just without all the other people being a bother. Just yourself and some good pals, in Stinky’s mind.
Plus, the added benefit of not feeling bad for farting in public, in a great big closed off box didn’t hurt.
Stinky put the tape down on the counter where the player was, and stepped into the room, going straight for the beanbag, plopping herself right down face first. “I’m calling dibs on this,” she said to herself, voiced muffled by the beanbag.
She then heard the sound of footsteps coming closer to the room, and raised her head up to see Audrey standing at the doorway.
“You want some popcorn and soda, Stinks?” Audrey asked.
“Oh, no soda Audrey, thanks,” Stinky answered. “Soda would make me fart nonstop.”
“Like you don’t do that already?” Audrey joked.
“Hey, I mean it! I still wanna watch the movie! Farts will be strictly when I feel it’s alright to let them rip,” Stinky said, puffing her chest out.
“Alright, if you say so,” Audrey said. “Just be sure to slide the windows open and put the movie in, I’ll get us the food and drinks.”
Stinky gave a thumbs up, then hopped back up from her beanbag. Her first order of business was to head to the side-by-side windows and open them both up. Then, with that done, headed back to the counter with the VHS tape, picked it back up, then inserted the tape into Tim’s DVD/VCR. Then, she scanned the desktop to find the remote for the projector. Once she did, she pointed it towards the projector and turned it on.
She then placed the remote back down, then walked back to the beanbag, getting herself comfortable once again.
“Alright, let’s see what we got here,” Stinky said, watching the previews that were on the tape, while waiting for Audrey to come in with the snacks.
She also let some farts fly all the while.
After a couple minutes, Audrey came in with a bowl full of popcorn, and a couple bottles of water. “Popcorn’s ready!”
“Yeeeeaaah, that’s what I’m talking about!”
Audrey walked up to the seat closest to Stinky’s beanbag, sat down, and placed the water and popcorn at her feet, by Stinky’s side.
“Say, Audrey?” Stinky asked.
“How long is this movie?”
“Not long,” Audrey answered. “Probably only about an hour and a half?”
“Neat! Ooo, looks like it’s starting!”
And with that, the film began with the company logos and opening credits.