"ID number?" the policewoman asked in a firm tone.
You answered and continue giving her all your details, while she typed it into the police tinies system computer.
"We have to make sure to delete your details from the normal people data base. You're legally no longer a citizen, no longer a legally human even. When I'm done here, you'll be sent to the Tinies Sorting factory."
These words were like nails in your coffin.
"Enjoy your new being little thing, I hope you'll be tasty and nutritious to whom ever that will eat you!"
She ceremoniously typed "Enter" and officially sealed the deal.
Right after that she grabbed you and carried you into a glass container, with about a dozen more tinies already inside, and closed the lid. Everybody inside were grim and nobody felt like talking. Few minutes later another tiny girl were thrown in. her face looked familiar, she probably participated in the same protest and suffered a similar fate. More tinies in various sizes were added every now and then. Next stop is the sorting factory.
Later that day you have finally arrived. Your container is tilted upside down and you fell into a broad conveyer belt with rolling cylinders together with the rest of the tinies from even more containers. You were slowly rolled into a large shelf were tinies began to pile up. Several employees with gloves grabbed one tiny at a time, stripped them completely out of cloths (if they had any) and moved them forward to the cleaning conveyer belt.
The second belt had a similar structure but had a pool with some kind of liquid in it. The employees at this station grabbed a tiny at a time, and with their latex gloved hands dipped the tinies in the liquid, rubbing their fingers roughly on them. While going through all this, you noticed a nice voice, like a guide walking a visiting group through the production line.
" … second stage we clean the shrunken people thoroughly, as appropriate to any other food item. The third stage is meant to insure the shelf life of the tinies. We inject them with a special formula that will make them numb through the process and also important nutrients so they can stay alive and fresh for at least a weak at the stores. Next you can see the automatic laser sorting machine. It will examine each of the tinies in a split second and will tell the computer where the belt should drop each tiny. We have different stations for different shrinking sizes, plus another one for defects. Some tiny's sizes are more suitable for specific uses. For instance, up to 2 cm tinies are better used as topping or integrated as one of multiple cooking ingredients while 15-20 cm shrunks are better used as pets or gourmet meals. Sometimes we have special orders for specific sex or skin color. The defects station is for tinies with a large visible defect like a missing limb, out of the normal size, injured, or even already dead. Remember those, I'll have a surprise for you at the end of the tour."
All the time while she talks and explained the process to the visiting group, you were experiencing it firsthand. The automatic scanner sent you to one of the middle sized station, to be boxed and shipped onward.
"Ok, now come with me. We have come to the conclusion of our tour, and now is the time for a tiny surprise, no pun intended hehe. As you can see to your right, there is a low shelf with various tinies. These are the very same defects, and we offer them to our guests as free samples. Sometimes they end up delivered to a pet store to be used as a cheap pet food, and sometimes they are sent to a meat grinder to end up as a ground tiny meat to be frozen and shipped overseas. Nevertheless, feel free to help yourselves, we have plenty."
The group of twenty visitors stormed the defect tinies tray like they were possessed. The medium sized severed tinies were quickly snatched. In a matter of seconds, they transformed from a hurting injured tiny human, to a plop of chewed meat and saliva. Some visitors dug out the extra tiny ones, 0.5 cm tall to swallow whole, several at a time in their mouth. one shrunken man with a broken twisted leg was grabbed by two different people at the same time, a young woman's hand grabbed his upper body while some 17 y/o guy grabbed his lower. They both pulled, causing him to rip apart, each one ate their own half. The tinies were still under the influence of the numbing injection so they put no effort, not that it really mattered. One of the shrunken girls was there due to oversize, she was almost 30 cm. A persistent mother grabbed her to share a taste together with her family, a husband and two teenagers. Each one bite off one of her limbs to chew, the mother then bite her head off and the daughter got the torso. "Hmm.. they're a bit chewy when uncooked at this size" commented the husband.
You are being packed into a box with other similar sized shrunken people, your box is sealed and you can hear the employee putting a sticker on it.
Where is your box being sent to?
1. You are a regular food ingredient/snack. You'll be sent to either a restaurant, a fast food place, or a grocery store.
2. Another factory. Some tinies are sent to a special tinies-for-food factory, where they will be altered and augmented. The result products can be anything from a living flavored tiny (flavors can vary from BBQ, to coffee, to spicy, sweet & sour, mint, etc..) packed as a snack or ready for a quick microwave cook, to an even harder alterations that can make you a sort of living chewing gum. In the latter you can see sometimes tinies stuffed with a juicy cream inside, that will spill into the mouth of whoever eats them once they take a bite. Some tinies are being pre added to some other snacks like chocolate or granola bars. Another option, and quite new, is being stuffed with some medical drugs, and being used as a fun to swallow pill with the active medicine substance inside.